Still Fat...Still Sick...Working on a different avenue...

May 02, 2010

On May 2, 2010
Well, to whom seems to care...i have been gone a long time now, no posts, no emails, just haven't talk to anyone, no by my choice for sure. I guess i just haven't made any friends on here who really care what's been going on with me. So, i am just gonna write what;s been up to date.
Okay, lost my court battle, bottom line was i didnt qualify to their requirements only because i wasnt diebetic or have this degenerate bone disease. crazy but that's their rules, and it took over a year and 4 court hearings for them to tell me that. horrible, just plain horrible to put a person through all that, when they could have told me that from the beginning.
so, now i am 30lbs heavier, still very sick and a lot of other major problems going on and we are now looking at the Lap Band to see if i meet the requirements there and God willing, i will be blessed with this surgery and not have to go through a bunch of crap to get there. please just pray for me, i really want to be where you are if you have had surgery already and loose the pounds like you all have,. love ya and thanks for coming by to see what's up with tiff. bye and God bless


About Me
Vancouver, WA
Sep 23, 2008
Member Since

Friends 56

Latest Blog 15
In the Morning...
November 19th 2008 It's gonna be years before I get there...
"November Quote"
