Something different

Feb 17, 2011

So here I am blogging for the first time here.  I dont exactly know why I didnt do it before but I do know why I have decided to start now.  I need a place to vent that isnt the board.  While I enjoy reading and sparsely commenting on others posts on the VSG board, I have become rather disheartened by recent events there and the need for others to be mean ( or as they say...calling it like they see it)  Theres too much meaness in this world now i will not be part of any more just because ...oh I can!

There have been a few times including this morning (after dealing with collection agency on phone about unpaid medical bills) that I have wanted to come to the board and possibly discuss it via a post but i hesitate due the nature of some individuals who frequent the board.  So I  guess here is where I will do it.  Here I can say.....its my blog ...fuck off.....and delete their posts if they are rude.

With that being said....I am two months out this week and down 60 pounds.  I could not be more thrilled with my progress so far but in my usual over achieving personality ways...I want more.  I want to see weight loss every day and I dont.  So that frustrates me.  On top of that the continued lack of support at home really SUCKS.   I find myself not wanting to be home and when I am I hole up in my room, clean, wash and study.  Not that these are bad things to be doing but I refuse to give people my time who cannot support me in my journey.  Now I know some people will say not everyone has to be suportive of your decision it was your decision.  I know that but Im not talking about random people.  I am talking about close family members who I have supported profusely during their times of need.   I guess thru all this I am finding out how selfish people really are...even close family one wants to do anything that they wont have a direct benefit from anymore.j


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 07, 2010
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