June 29, 2007

Wow its been awhile.  I managed to avoid further surgery.  I had about 5 more bouts and rode them out rather than going back to UCLA.  I know, I know dumb!  But the proplem has now resolved and I'm able to eat just about anythiong but sugar.  I did have one dumping episode..........I ate a tiny banana nut muffin and dumped like a truck!  My husban always buys sugar free gookies becasue he is diabetic so when he offered me on I took it.  Only to find after the dumping started that it wasn't sugar free.  

I sure figured out quickly why its called dumping, it's like nothing Ive ever experienced before!  And I sure don't want to do that again.  I ate that dang muffing late in the afternoon and was up all night about every 30 to 40 minutes with violent dirreha.  It not normal dirreha either, its amazing how much fluid you have in you body and it all goes to your bowels.............amazing.  I can tell you that one experience will keep me on track for sure!  I didn't get the sweats or dizzy feeling and when I checked the package the muffin was supposed to have only 12 grams of sugar........but boy howedy!  Did it nail me!  Take my advice don't do it lol

As of this morning I made 100 lbs lost, I'm at 267!  I will post that on the main board in a few minutes and hope some kind hearted soul will help me with a Century card.

This is such a trip......I know I'm still fat but people are already starting to treat me different.  I was driving last weekend and stopped at a stop light and glanced over to my right and there was this guy trying to get my attention, waving and mouthing Hi HI! at me lol I just smiled and mouthed Hi back. I think he was in love! lol  I'm 54 for God's sake! lol  Haven't had anything like that happen to me for a long, long time lol...............It was great lol

Men hold doors for me, make eye contact and smile at me now.........so weird, I've been invisible at best, for such a long time and now all the sudden, I appear to be nice to know!

What a trip!  This journey is the coolest!  I hope you enjoy yours!  thanks for reading..........

April 1, 2007

Well this spasm problem seemed to ease up during the next day.  March 29th is My DH's Birthday whe had company all day and I made taco's for party food.  I had some chicken salad for dinner and I spent that night in Hell.  The spasms were very intense and were coming every 3 to 5 minutes all night long.  The next morning I contacted UCLA and they wanted to see me in the ER.  So I went in they did a CT scan and found I had a partial stricutre (obstruction) and the jejunal anastamosis. 

My Dr. was torn, feeling the need to go back in and convert my RNY to and RNW to bypass the obstructed portion.  He dediced to give it some time to resolve on its own, rather than being too agressive and running to surgery.

They put me NPO for the rest of the day and all the next  day up until dinner.  The spasms began to lose intensity and lessen in frequency as I emptied. I'm now on clear liquids and will be for the next week.  I will be seen in the surgical clinic and be given new instructions then. 

If this doesn't resolve on it own then I'm headed back to surgery.....which I really don't want to do.  I'm feeling pretty miserable right now, and having a big time case of "what the hell did I do to myself".  I know this will get etter but while its happening...............................ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 They're thinking that I just moved trough the food phases too quickly and once the surgical swelling goes down it migt resolve.  Again my Dr. says I'm only the second patient he's had that this has happened to....................................I apologized for blowing his outcomes lol

Wish me luck!  me

March 28, 2007

Hi all,

 I'm two weeks out today, I was released to soft foods two days ago.  I've been eating Egg salad and tuna salad with cottage cheese, protein drinks, puddings, water and teas.

It seems like everytime I eat something my gut starts to spasm.  I don't think its my stomach, takes a few minutes and it really feels like my gut reacts when the food hits it.  This cramping comes in waves, I can massage it toward the right side of my body (towards the liver) and get some relief, then it starts again a few minutes later.

My hope is that this is a temporary thing and that once my small bowel gets used to haveing food dropped into it, it will stop.  It sure makes eating very unappealing, of course I continue to eat to keep from having other problems.  Just seems like when the cramping finally stops, its time to eat again!

March 26, 2007

I had my two week follow up with my surgeon today.  I had tried desperately to get below 300 lbs. before surgery, to no avail.  My lowest pre-op weight was 308, I was 311 the day of surgery, all that darn broth..........salty, salty, salty..........I was swelled up like a poisoned pup!

I'll be two weeks out tomorrow and I weighed in at 298 today!  I was so excited lol!  At least its nice to know I'm on my way, also Dr. released me to soft foods and I came home and made a small omlette with cheese and taco sauce...............AMBROSIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just thought I'd share..........me

 March 20, 2007

 They pulled the JP drain last Thur before I went home.  I have been draining copious amounts from the drainage site since then.  

I've been using 6 fluffs and a ABD pad for my dressing and 2" paper tape which is pulling all the hide off my belly.  I then tuck a supermarket plastic bag up under my boob and smooth it over the dressing to try and save my clothing on the next leak.  This dressing only lasts 4 hrs.  Then I'm draining into my clothes, as I am changing everything it runs out and pools on the floor!   I felt sure that by Monday this shouldn't be happening.  So I  called into my surgeon yesterday.  They asked me the same questions and got the same answers that you gave yours.

They had me come in and he checked me out and put two stiches in the drain hole to seal it up.  He says the fluid will be re-absorbed internally.  That the drain tract usualy closes in layers and that I have very thick tissue so mine stayed open.  He said that he hadn't had to close of of these in three years, trust me to be different.

He also gave me instructions to watch for signs of infection i.e., redness, swelling, pain, puss foul odor etc.....

He said that I may have some continued drainage last night but by today It should be gone!  It is, what a relief!  I feel alot better now.  I have a regularly scheduled appt with him for Monday so he will remove those two little stiches then 

March 16, 2007 

Now this drain thing!!!! OMG I can't beleive how much I'm leaking from the drain site.  I've had to resort to tapeing sanitary napkins and Poise pads on my belly to try and sop it all up, totally gross, leaks right through my clothes.  I'll be glad when this drys up some but I must say I'd rather all of that came out like it is than to have it just lay there inside me brewing bugs and what have you. 

I had my first cup of tea this morning, was so good.   The warm felt good to me.  I'm going to take a shower today after I get restocked with dressing supplies.  Note to pre-ops....make sure you ask for more dressing supplies if you have a drain!  You can never have enough!   I took a little walk outside this morning and will do it again later in the day.  I seemed a little less sore after my walk.

I'm still having waves of nausa but it seems to be getting better.  I will try some Chocolate Unjury this morning, got to get that protein in for wound healing etc....


March 15, 2007

Home today!  What a magilla that was.  My surgey time was for 2:30pm but we still had to be at the admissions no later than 8:00am.  UCLA is about 80 miles from my home, but it through some of the gnarllest traffic in Los Angeles.  So we left at 4 in themorning.  Wouldn't you know we were at UVLA at about 5:30am.  We slept in the lobby in the crulest chairs known to the human form fro most of the day!   

They took me back to pre-op around 12:00 to get me ready and to meet the Anestheseologist.  I like him, he was funny.  He did a good job too.  I'd had a problem when they put em to sleep for my lap chole....I wok up after I was intubated, I was paralized and they wee trying to pass a NG tube and I could feel it hanging up on he Endo Trac tube.   That was the longest 30 seconds of my life, being an old OR tech I knew at once where we were in the procdure and that I was not supposed to be awake at that point.  I was hoping they would notice before they started the operation!  They did but still....................

 My Surgeon normally does this procedure in 1 1/2 to 2 hrs.  It took them 4 for me.  Apparenly I have a "male abdomen"!  Narrow and thetop of the stomach and everything is pushed way up at the top under the omentum.  He said they finally had to split the omentum to get at the top of my stomach.  Quite a wrestling match from what I hear.  I was very groggy after this one.  Took me quite a while to wake up, I am still very fatigued, I suppose that will last awhile.

I was not prepared for the level of pain nor the amount of nausaa I've experienced.  Perhaps it was worse for me because I was such a difficult case.  I know it only gets better from here on out and beleive me I can use some "Better".  I had supbstantial leakage from around my drain, didn't care for the removal of that at all.  It felt like a major abcominal cramp, thankfully it only lasted a second. 

I gained a tremendous amount of water weight between the broths preop during clear stage and the IV's at UCLA.  Will be glad when some of that comes off.

I'm not at all hungry, working steadly on my water and fixed a little bit of cream of celery soup, that I pureed and added un flavored unjury to.  Now that were home were on full liquids.  Only got a few tablespoons down in total I thik.  Will work on more tomorrow.   I will ad mor as I tink of it real tired right now.  Oh and I managed a little BM after I ate so at least all that is working again!  No gas!  Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Once I woke up I had quite a few scarey moments with OMG!  What the hell did I do to myself?  They didn't last long as I remembered the OH Credo "It does get better"  It really helped to have all the experiences from all the OH members I've read.  If I hadn't had all of you I would have really paniced and been totally depressed.  So far I'm keeping the Depression Demon at bay quite well. 

March 11, 2007 

 Started the Pre-op bowel cleans at 9:00 this morning. at 9:15 the phone rang and I started to laugh, I knew it was Michelle........................sure enough it was, she was cussing ablue streak about the taste of the Mag citrate lol.  Its nasty alright!  Now were on clear liquids and the Potty lol for the next two days. 

February 17, 2007

 Well I've been sick all week with the flu.  I'm so congested that I have lost all hearing my my Left ear and some on the right.  I went in for a Echocardiogram this week and found that I now weigh 308 lbs!   I may make my goal of being below 300 before surgey afterall.  I managed to sweet talk the gals at Kaiser into setting up my appointment for the stress test (it hadn't been ordered, good thing I'm proactive!), so I do that thursday next week.  I'm off work Monday for President's day and the at UCLA most of the day Tuesday for the four hour class.  Back to UCLA on Thrusday evening for the mandatory support group meeting.  Then if all goes well on to the pre-op appointment on March 1.

I tested positive for H Pylori so I've been on Antibiotics and previcid for ten days.  My PCP asked me if I had a alot of heartburn?  I said no, but then I've substantially changed my eating habits over the last year.  I get it once in awhile.....apparently this is one of the symptoms of H Pylori.  I have found tho that the bloating I've been experiencing for a couple of years everytime I eat is resolving.  I hope its bee the H Pylori all this time and that it will go away, wonder why PCP didn't test me for this when I started complaining about the bloating in the first place.

February 8, 2007

Well, I got the long awaited call today, I have a date!  Can't believeit, did a little happy dance when I hung up the phone.  I have my pre-ops on March 1.  Still need the stress test, have left a couple of messages with Kaiser to see if they can help me expedite this appointment.  So we will see.   I'm so excited! 


January 30, 2007

I met my Surgeon, Dr. Mehran and his team, yesterday.  I liked him, he seems busy but personable.  He seems very happy with my 50 lb loss I'm 314 lbs) and all my lab work as well.  He said he very rarley has patients as helathy as me, so that's a good thing!  He told me he would fast track me, I'm to expect a call with a date sometime in the next week and a half!  I was so excited, I felt like a racehorse when I walked out of there.  UCLA requires one 4 hr class and attendance at one of their support meetings prior to surgery.  The next class is scheduled for Februrary 20 and the suppport groups meets February 22.  So I can be scheduled anytime after Feb 22.  I'm so excited! 

The UCLA nut was not happy that Kaiser had us all on 900 calories a day since before Christmas.  She bumped us all back up to 1200 calories a day.  What a relief that was.  We've all had problems losing since we were put on the 900 and she says we wern't getting enough calories.  So I'm hoping that I will still make my personal goal of being under 300 lbs before my surgery. 

UCLA has been working on thier process, trying to expedite these visits.  I was there about an hour early, I rode down with my friend Michelle, she and I took the Options classes together and hit it off pretty well.  I think we will end up being each other's angels.  They take you in and do TPR's, Height and Weight then send you back to the waiting room.  Then (my appointment was for 1:00 pm) at about 12:48 they brought me back in to an exam room where I met the Dr., a Fellow/Resident, their Nut and the Bariatric Surgery Program Manager.  I liked them all, no nonsense, well practiced, made sure they gave us their contact info and told us not to hesitate if we need them or have questions.  I was in and out in 40 mins.  It was quick but through, I don't think I could have absorbed much more info anyway.  I was floating on pink clouds as I left there lol!

I'm looking forward to the 4 hr. class.  I have to bring my Mookie (husband) with me.  Its mandatory to bring your main support person with you so they are on the same page with all the information.

So far, so good, I'm thinking I should be scheduled within 5 or 6 weeks.  I do have to get a stress test done and its been ordered, they tell me this is for Anethesia, due to my age, waiting for an appointment on that.  Went in for CXR, UA and Blood work this morning....................they took 12 vacutainers of blood!  If I pass all those I should be certified heathy!!!

I will update as events occur! 

 January 17, 2007

I got a call today from UCLA, I have my initial consult with the surgeon on January 29, 2007!  Can't beleive it, I'm on my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My Options classmate, Michelle also got her appointment same day, just after me, we are going down together!

 Its so nice to have someone to share all this with that really gets it!  Michelle is great, we are hoping to have our surgery on the same day!  We can cheer each other on around the walking circuit of the nurses station!

January 15, 2007

Well I finnished the Options program tonight.  Weighed in with Dr. Alskaf at 310 lbs around noon and with empty stomach lol.

We are supposed to get our calls from UCLA sometime this week for an appointment for the last of the classes I will have to attend.  I guess there they will book us with the surgeon.  After any tests, extra required weightloss etc..........next step is the surgery.

 Several of my Options classmates have decided to opt out for surgery.  The few I spoke to about it had valid reasons and everyone has to walk their own path.  My path leads to surgery. 

 My mother today said if you can lose 57lbs without surgery maybe you don't need surgery.  I told her I'm unreliable.  I'm 54 years old and she has seen me lose and gain on the neverending seesaw, of most of my life. 

 I really think I will do well.  From my research and the last year of classes, I beleive I am one who will do well with this surgery.  I beleive I will be able to work this tool to my advantage. 

I saw Dr. Aslskaf today, he told me he was proud of me for doing so well.  That made me feel good!  I discussed Kaiser's support groups and my disappointment with them.  I'm not going to persue the support gorups with Kaiser because they charge $50.00 a month to participate and its a 100 mile round trip for me every week. 

If you join their group you will continue to be followed by the Physician or Nurse Practioner.  Dr alskaf said I would not be seeing him again as he would be considered a consultant, I told him I really liked him and he said I love you! lol made me feel good.  He did book me for one more visit with him next month.  As I got up to leave he extended his hand and pulled me in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek and I kissed his ear lol, misplaced was going for cheek (outta practice I guess) lol.

I will miss him, he took very good care of me, and dispite is rather stoic personna for most of our visits over the last 6 mos, I really liked him.  No nonsense but a big teddy bear on the inside I think! 

I will take a look at local support groups and stay with OH. 

I got a call from the psych department at UCLA today asking if I had had my psych eval with Kaiser or if I still needed it.  I told them I'd had it and they were happy with that.  So it seems I'm on my way!  At least I now know they know about me lol

 I will miss many of the people I met there, fortunately several that I got closest to are locak to me.  I'm having dinner with one of my friends next Monday nite, will give us something to do besides driving 100 milse for our classes lol

Will post again soon, and keep u updated.  me 




August 8, 2005

Hello Friends,

I am a 52 year old lady, I am 5"7". Married to my sweet Mookie who loves me just the way I am. He is willing to support me in this journey because I feel strongly that if I don't do something big real soon, my health will take a decided turn for the worse.

I have a very hard time on a daily basis, walking, working and just about everything. I do aerobics by getting up and going to the bathroom!

I was very under weight as a very young child, I have pictures of me standing in my little panties against a growth chart on the wall of my pediatrician's office.

I was always encouraged and such a good girl when I ate, I think those old tapes still play somewhere in my subconscious. I started to gain weight early on and was definately chubby at 7 years old. I did nothing but gain from that time on.

I remember at around 13 my pediatrician told me that being 30 lbs over weight was like having to carry two 15lb buckets of sand with me wherever I went. If he could only see me now!

I was like many, the fat girl, always teased, chosen last for teams and last at dances etc....................the hurts go deep but what can ya do? If you let them, they will cripple you, so I choose to move on.

I have also tried endless diets and have found that most diets and exercise programs will work if you behave yourself but I'm never able to sustain the loss. I always gain back what I lost plus more...for many years now I've been afraid to diet because I can't afford to gain any more........

I looked into WLS surgery Last year, I am a Kaiser patient and was refered to the nutritionalist.........met with her once and didn't go back for the classes. I had worked with the Dietician that ran these classes and didn't care for her. She had been the director of our dietary department in the hospital where I worked. I would come through the lunch line and she would single me out and say "Chris, you don't need that!"

So needless to say, taking classes from her was not on my "A" list. Also no one had told me that by taking these classes for 6 months I would then be refered to the Bariatric Surgery program. I thought I was only being given another weight loss program that I could fail at.

I finally found the OH website and felt for the first time in a long time that I had found kindred spirits, who would understand who I was and relate to me on a very intimate level.

In July 2005 I again tried with a new PCP at Kaiser to get a referal for WLS. So now I've taken the first step by starting my 6 mo monitored classes August 18, 2005. I weighed in at 356lbs last night. But at least my journey begins........

I have recently noticed as I look back on pictures of me at 160 or 170 lbs and 20 or 30 years younger, I felt as fat then as I am in reality now. There was never a time when I felt like I just needed to drop a few lbs to be within normal limits. In my mind I've just always been SMO. With the WLS my goal is some where around 160 or 170 and I'd be very very happy with that..........I was there all those years ago...and didn't realize I was really pretty much ok

I'm trying to figure out how that happened.......how did I get the idea I was so horrifically fat that I might as well throw in the towel???? Amazing, I guess everything is realative.

I will try to post often and more frequently as things progress, thank you for taking an interst in me and reading my profile.

September 15, 2005

Hi Friends, I am so down tonight....I've just come back from my healthy eating class and found that I have not lost any weight for the second week in a row. I lost 3 lbs the first week and no more. I am really trying to apply the the information I'm learning there. I'm just so frustrated and beaten again.........still........... as ever. I wanted to go and buy and eat something really really "good" tonight but I didn't.......I did maintain control....so far.

Oh well................thanks for listening.

Site Meter

February 20, 2006

Well its been awhile since I last posted. Happy New Year!

My Freedom From Fat Classes, (6 mos manditory) took a hiatus over the holidays and resumed near the end of January so I'm back on track. I gained a few pounds over the holidays, big surprize but overall not as bad as I thought I would. Some of the principles I've been learning there have begun to stick so maybe there's hope for me afterall.

My beautiful grandaughter is 5 months today, she has two new teeth and can sit up by herself now. One reason to lose all this weight is so I can spend more time with her. She is so precious...

Amy made a post today about goal setting and recommended we set up a list that we can check off. So here goes mine:

1. Ride Horse
2. Go to amusement park with Husband
3. Walk into a restaurant and not have to worry about the dang booth seating.
4. Start Curves
5. Start a real Gym with weight training etc....
6. Buy and wear a white bikini and not be taken for a walking billboard
7. Buy Bras and undies from Victoria's Secret
8. Shop from and actually buy somthing in a regular size store
9. Comfortably wear high heels again
10. Buy a pair of Levis's 501's and get into them, oh and breathe
11. Take a flight and not have to ask for an extension
12. Take a flight and not see "that' look from the poor guy who realizes he has to sit next to me.
13. Buy somthing wonderful from Chico's to wear!

I will be adding more to this list as I make my journey.

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April 6, 2006

Well I finished my Freedom From Fat classes last week, this was the manditory 6 mo. course required by Kaiser. They sure make u jump thorugh the hoops. I made an appointment with my pcp to get a referral to the Bariatric program, where I will be required to take another 6 mo. course called Options. She gave me the referral, so now I wait to hear from them for an orientation date.

If I stay on track I should be looking at surgery sometime around the first of the year.

I learned a lot from these last classes, I make better choices, learned how to do a quick and dirty read of a nutrition labels for product comparisons, acquired a few cooking techniques that will help reduce fats etc....the problem I had was that the classes were not focused on WLS just general weight reduction info, I assume the Options classes will be more focused.

I'll post agian when I get more info on the Options program.

April 24, 2006

Well, lets see, last week I went to the Orientation program for the Options program. This was strictly informational. They stress that WLS was irreversable and forever. Kaiser only provides the Gastric Bypass Roux en Y. Primarily they do the Lap procedure. We filled out some forms relating to our mental state, our feelings about food and the people around us. We were told we would need approval to get into the program. We met Dr. Alaskaf the program director.

Kaiser uses UCLA and Pacific Bariatric for their surgeries. I know that Pacific Bariatric is a center of excellance for WLS so as of now, I'm leaning toward them.

I have 6 months of the Options program to do but my classes don't start until July 17th, so there is plenty of time to decide which facility to go with. The staff at Kaiser seems really nice, I like them very much.

Today I went for my physical with Dr. Alskaf, he was great. Not too much non-sense, he was firm but empathetic. I think I'm going to be happy with my care there. He did approve me for the Options program so I feel I'm finally on my way. He ordered a EKG and some blood work and he wants to see me in 4 weeks. I have to lose 30 to 40 lbs during the next 6 months.

I preparation for this visit with him I wrote out a medical history of sorts becasue I didn't want to forget anything really relavent. I will post most of it here following this post.

I am so ready to get this show on the road..........I learned more than I thought I would in the Freedom from Fat classses so I'm trying to stay positive about this mandatory 6 month Options program. At this point I really feel I've learned so much from everyone here at OH that I will be surprized if they come up with somthing new. Kaiser feels the Options classes will give each of us a better chance at success, so I bow to their knowedge...having no choice helps with this.....so since I have no choice....I choose to make the best of it.

Anyway I'm on my way and Intend to enjoy the journey as much as possilbe, doesn't hurt to stay positive.....I can always cry later! lol

Problems related to weight: Co-Morbidities

1. Sleep Apnea – Undiagnosed, but I haven’t been able to sleep flat in a bed for approx 5 yrs without experiencing apenic episodes which either wake me up gasping for air or from a dream of being caught and trapped where I can’t breathe.
2. Gout – diagnosed, part of my medical Record
3. Shortness of Breath – upon short periods of activity, my physician did grant me temporary handicapped status for preferential parking with DMV, documented in my medical record.
4. Back Pain - Chronic, severe back spasms Lumbar area, upon standing and walking for short distances and durations.
5. Knee, Hip and foot pain upon standing and walking
6. Inability to perform many “normal” hygiene tasks
7. Poor circulation in my lower legs, resulting in chronic edema, discoloration and cold spots in my calves and lower legs. Chronic deep pain, suspected Varicose Veins.
8. Frequent yeast infections – documented in my medical record, dermatology visit.
9. Chronic abdominal gas with periodic severe colic to flanks – documented in my medical record.
10. Frequent heartburn and gird
11. High Blood Pressure – Diagnosed, on medication, resulting in chronic dizzy spells after sitting for one hour, I have fainted on several occasions and once hit my head rather badly, documented in my medical record from Urgent Care visit post event. My medication dosage was halved after that episode. Current Medications: (I removed the Meds and dosages) I am compliant with this medication, B/P under control with meds and dietary changes I’ve made.

12. High cholesterol – Medication: I am compliant with this medication, Last Lipids panel showed improvement due to medications and dietary changes I’ve made.
13. IBS Diagnosed, part of my medical record.
14. Urinary incontinence, I must use absorbant pads now on a daily basis

Surgical history:
1. Abdominal Hysterectomy – Phanensteal at 22 years of age, Dx: Endometriosis
2. Lap Chole, approx 10 years ago, Dx: Cholelithiasis
3. T&A at 4 yrs of age
4. Multiple basal cell CA face

Medical History:
History of Phlebitis, LL leg, related to birth control pill use.

Previous dieting attempts:
Dr. Prescribed – Bi-phetnomine as a teenager and again as young adult – I do not tolerate this drug well.
OA, 9 mos.
Diets: many, many low calorie attempts, Cabbage, High protein, low carb, fat free, sugar free, fasting on alternate days of the week, did this for almost a year.

Oh almost forgot, I weighed in at 347 today!

June 19, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!!! My dad passed away October 1, 1986, I miss the old fart!

I saw Dr. Alskaf today for my 4 week visit. I was so disapointed, when I got on the wicked scale I had gained 3 lbs. I just started crying. I have been trying so hard this last month to make good choices. I quit smoking the Monday after Mother's day. I'm sooooooooooo frustrated right now, I can't smoke, I'm not eating what I want, I'm not eating the portions I want, and my big fat ass is gaining wieght. I'm using fit day to journal my food and have managed per Dr's orders, to stay at 2000 cals a day as a monthly average

I was reassignend last month at work and now walk alot more than I did, so I've been moving more.........I just want to throw in the towel here...I need to lose 30 to 40 lbs over the next 6 months and so far I'm only failing again....

Dr. Alskaf says its because I quit smoking, it apparently messes with your metabolisim and makes it harder to lose weight. My blood pressure was very low today, 106/60....I'm on BP meds for hypertension but I think quitting smoking has now lowered my BP so he cut my meds in half again.

Dr. Alskaf has prescribed Xenical for me to take with my lunch and my dinner. This is a fat blocker and he says should help me with my loss. I really like this guy....I've been in the medical field for about 30 yrs now, I've seen alot of docs over the years and I can tell you he is great.

We got a stationary bike yesterday, I did one mile on it and got up this morning and did 1.5 miles....so I guess I'm off and running or riding as the case may be............not too bad for an old fat lady....

God I hope I lose some weight for my next visit.........I just feel like such a loser and not the good kind.

August 5, 2006

Well lets see, a lot has happened since my last notes. The Xenical has worked! The next month I had lost 11 lbs! I was grinning from ear to ear! Dr. Alskaf renewed my perscription. It does tend to motivate you to watch your fat intake!

I feel like it is esier to maintain healthier eating habits because I finally see some progress on the scale.

I have started my Options program, the first class was July 17th. The classes are every Monday night at 6:30 for an hour. I have to drive about 100 miles round trip to get to them, they are not offered up here in our area. The people who run the meetings don't seem to know very much. They seem to know you won't be able to use a straw but don't know why......I find it very frustrating......I wish there was a test I could challenge to see if I had the knowledge they are so desperatly trying to give me.

Many of the others in the class don't seem to have a clue about wls, they haven't done much homework. I have mentioned OH to them all several times and a few have heard of it but still, many others haven't. I was interested to note that they did pass out some OH info as handouts.

I started water aerobics this week, and I gotta tell you those old ladies are kicking my ass lol It's much tougher than you would think. The instructor said doing these movements under water is 12 times the resistance as on land. I know that its quite a workout for me. I noticed this morning that my ankles were the thinest I've seen them in about 15 years. By the end of the day they still swell up but not as much and my legs feel so much better with this exercise! I go to Kaiser classes every Monday night and have the water aerobices Tue, Wed, Thur evenings and also Sat morning.

The aerobics classes leave me physically exhausted and I've found I don't want to eat so much from boredom as I used to. I like to have a snack around 8 or 9 oclock at night and I'm now satisfied with some cottage cheese and melon or just the fruit. I don't seem to want as many carbs as I used to so that's a good thing.

The instructors for the Options classes told us they would have us all at 900 calories a day by the time we finished the classes! Now that does scare the hell outta me. I don't see how I can get that low unless I use a protien replacement for at least one meal a day. So this should be interesting.

Dr. Alskaf has me on 2000 a day and I generally come in well under that. I've been using fitday to journal and for the last month I've averaged around 1630 a day. I know I can do better than that so that's not a problem but 900????? That's gonna be a stretch.

Oh well, all things in their own time, I'll get there.

Hi all, Just wanted to share,

I posted last week that I'd lost 20 lbs on the Kaiser Options manditory 6 mos of classes. And that I'd started water aerobices three times a week, after not moving for the last 20 years or so. Today I managed to drag my buns out to Target, I didn't realize it but this time I really managed to shop some, not just get my stuff and head for the check stand before my back gave out on me.

Acutally I usually get dh to go with me, drop me off at the front door, push the cart and then God love him, he stands in line while I go look for a place to sit and wait for him.

So I "shopped" at Target all by myself! Just like a big girl! lol Then as I was on the way home, I thought I'd stop at the market and pick up some stuff for dinner. As I was turning into the market parking lot I realized it has been literally years since I'd gone out and done two things in a row like this.

dh has been doing the shopping, under my guidance of course lol

I can't beleive it, I was so Jazzed! I know its a little thing but it is a sample of what my life will be like post op! I'm so excited.

I figured you guys would be the only ones who would really get this one.....and what it represents and means to me!

Thanks for listening. Tina

About Me
Lancaster, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 31, 2005
Member Since

Friends 24
