4 year anniversary!

Jan 10, 2009

Wow how time flies! It is now year 4 and I am proud to say that I am doing great! I still have the low WBC count but it has not effected anything and I passed all my tests for cancer, etc with flying colors, no worries be happy! My oncologist accounts it to my WL surgery as my system no longer absorbs nutrients correctly, therefore I get low on essential nutrients that can affect the WBC count. As a result I am taking all liquid multi vitamins, extra b complex and minerals as well as my bi-monthly b-12 shots.

As for the cyst in my nose, it still resides there, uphappily. I have been passed around from doctor to doctor. They all concur that yes something is there but we don't do that type of surgery or I am afraid of collapsing your nose or some other excuse. i will move on with the next doc sometime soon.

I have been maintaining my weight within a 7 pound range up or down, ranging from 132 to 138. I am happy with it just wish all the skin would firm up. Fat chance! It still amazes me that I went from a size 22 to a 2/4. WOW ~ who would have thought that would ever happen. I cannot remember ever being that small but I account that to sizes being different when I was younger.

I no longer freeze all of the time only some of the time. in fact, I have been welcomed back to hesterectomy and menopause-ville with mild hot flashes and early morning night sweats. Gotta love it, I rather have the occassional warm up than being fat and hot all the time!

All in all I am happy, I do more with my family and the surgery is a great success! Thank you Dr. Chungfat!!


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Surgery Date
Sep 10, 2003
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