Nov 7th,2007

Nov 07, 2007

My where does time go??? It just seems like yesterday that I had this surgery....and now it's 11months later, and I'm getting close to my 1 yr mark.
I weigh in at 190 now, down 110 lbs. It is so hard for me to believe it.
My weight has been coming off really slow now. I really wanted to be at goal at 1 yr, but 110 lbs is not to shabby. I have to remind myself daily that this is a life change not a diet. I have to admit to not always being good, but this is normal, I think. 
Pre-surgery, I seldom looked at packages, read ingredients, had portion control. 
Now I do. And I know that is will be forever. I am so honed into staying healthy, and I love the way I look and feel. 
Do I have loose skin, well yes, but it is a small price to pay for the way I feel.
I am so thankful for this surgery...I've been blessed!

Friday night

Sep 14, 2007

Wow...I can't believe it has been so long. My work has been keeping me busy. And I have been working on this wedding .....which is getting Sat to be exact.
I had a rough losing month last month. I lost a ton of inches though. I fit into my first pair of size 14 pants and am wearing med and large tops.
Plus..... drumroll please ......I finally hit 199 this morning!!!
I thought I was seeing things. I stepped off, and stepped on the scales several times. Onederland....finally....I sigh with relief.
I had sure hoped to be there a few months back.....but guess what? My body had a different plan for me.
I have to continue to remind myself  I am not in a race. 
The last time I weighed 199 was in 1992.....1992!! 15 yrs ago. I have since seen many sizes ....going up and down the scales,  but never seeing the hundred somethings...until now.
I will soon take some updated photos.
I also want to congrat  my new friend Theresa  for taking her first step toward GB..... I'm pulling for you!!
Til later Debe

No Luck

Aug 02, 2007

....finding that dress. Wow there are just no good ones out there right now, at least not in my size. I sure hope I find one soon. I refuse to settle for an old lady looking one.
I have had to settle for too many years, and I shouldn't have to now.
I did get some great bargains at the Dillard's clearance outlet though. I have one within 10 miles of my house, and the prices are unbelievable. I got a beautiful 99.00 blouse for 16.00, and a light weight designer sweater for 18.00. I was like a kid in a candy store. I know this will be my new destination for clothes.
Good news this morning, I am down another lb. I weighed in at 204, making my weight loss at 96.5....come on 200. I still had no appetite yesterday, I didn't eat all day til the evening, when I started feeling a little weird. I was so tied up shopping I forgot. Hmmm, that would have not happened before, in fact, it would have been the main focus, shopping around eating. What a blessing this surgery is!!!
Well I'm off to work now....til later

Hump Day

Jul 31, 2007

.....and I'm off. I plan to spend the best part of it looking for a dress for my son's wedding...ugh.
I wish I could forsee my size in a month, but since I can't, I will find something a little tight, and pray.
I weighed in this morning at 205.2, which brings me down to 95.3 pounds lost.
So far this has been an average losing month. I just hope it continues. My appetite sucks though. I can only get in very small amounts of  food, and yesterday nothing agreed with me. I threw up all day. I do this every month at the beginning, and then toward the middle of the month I stay hungry....I'm weird.
But I can say that if all goes well I will be under 200 by the wedding....not the 180 I wanted, but the 1 somethings sound nice to my ears.

Saturday July 28th

Jul 28, 2007

Well it's been awhile since I last posted. This weight loss thing is surely frusterating. I now weigh in at 208( down 92.5lbs)....need I say I wanted it to be 200....but  I do know that sometimes slower is better. I have noticed a huge difference in my skin tone....I am so flabby now, I just know surgery is on the horizon.
I am still in a size 16 on the bottom, but it is a loose 16 now. And between a medium and large on top...I can wear both depending on the cut.
The comments are so positive at work, it seems everyone notices. Some customers don't even recognize me.....amazing. I was even called skinny skinny? The heavier Debe went into spring mode and said " Oh no I'm still fat". I know I sounded funny to them, because to a size 3x I probably do look skinny, but you know, I guess I will forever still be heavy in my mind.
My husband is also driving me nuts. He wants me to stop with the weight loss. I still have a long way to go to get to my goal weight. He is relentless with the comments.
I just wish I could get a few positive comments out of him.
Seldom do I ever get a " Honey you look nice". He did tell me last week I looked sexy...I liked to have flipped my lid. That was the first compliment 
in 4 or 5 months.
I haved tried so hard to up my appearance, oh I get other men...just not by the one I want it to husband....sigh.
So....I guess I'll keep plugging along....hopefully I'll have some additional weight loss by the first of the month....I hope...til later

FINALLY losing again..

Jul 08, 2007

I must say I really hate losing only once a month....simply hate it!
I know my body is weird, and on top of that, it has decided to slow down...way down.
so far I have lost 3.5 lbs since last month. I am praying for more but, it will do what it likes.
On a positive side. I had my 6 month follow-up last Tues. My Doc only sees patients on Tuesays, and was booked for weeks. All went great. My labs were good, he was EXTREMELY pleased with my weight loss, and told me I was ahead of the game. He did warn me that from this point on it would slow tremdously, but not to get discouraged. Just to watch what I am eating.
And get plenty of exercise.....He did ask about the exercise.
I have done some, but in all honesty, not enough.
I told my husband, I am going to sign up for 24 hr fitness....we both could use it.
He is so negative....but I am not going to be discouraged about it. He thinks just because I have not been dedicated in the past, it is going to be the same.
Well I have turned over a new leaf.
I intend to show him. Plus, I think part of it could be the jealousy thing.
He is not getting any better. I'm not sure how to handle him sometimes, long as I continue to stay true to my marriage, I guess he can think anything he wants. I have exhausted myself on trying to convince him I'm not going to roam.
Well, that is all for now.....til' later,

Back on track

Jun 10, 2007

I weighed in this morning at 215, down 2.6 lbs from yesterday. I knew once I got  back on track I would lose.....whew, what a sigh of relief. That puts me at 85.5 lbs lost.
I sure wanted to hit the 100 lb mark by July, but it looks like August. I wanted to get as low as I could before I have to buy the dress for my son's wedding.
I have just started looking, but I am not sure what size to even look at. I was really hoping to be at 180 by Sept. His wedding is on the 22nd. I am in a solid 16 on the bottom now, and still a size large on top.
That's another 35 lbs. I think I'm being optimistic. But I need a goal to reach for.
Last night we went to see the ending of the Soprano's at my husband's niece's sucked! What a waste of an hour. We were so dissapointed.
But his family couldn't believe how much weight I've lost. I haven't seen them since last summer, so what a shock for them.
They didn't even know I had surgery......I have tried to keep it hush hush with his side.. Some of them are very judgemental. Besides there are about 500 on his side alone. And I just don't like the drama.
Til later,

Sunday morning

Jun 09, 2007

Good moring all,
Well I am on the last stretch of my vacation. My husband and I just came back from LA, and I'm tired. I was so excited to go and see the kids, but I guess I'm getting old, because nothing feels like home. When we touched down in Dallas, it felt so good. Enough said. 
I did not fair so well on vacation though. I did try to eat the best I could, and counteracted it with tons of walking, but I did eat alot of things I shouldn't have. But life goes on, and I am back to my routine.
The upside is I didn't gain any weight, and actually lost a lb. So today's weigh-in puts me at 217.6. For a loss of 83 lbs.
I had sure hoped to be close to the 90lb loss mark by now, but, it's all my fault, and it was a true test of how I would fair out of my element.

Time of the month

May 31, 2007

It is finally my time of the month to lose......finally.
I hate it when I don't lose weight. I get to thinking that this is it. But then my body jumps in and doesn't dissapoint. I am at 218.8 this morning, for a total of 82 lbs, and hopefully continue losing through the weekend. I been in a cycle now for the last 4 months, where I lose at the beginning of the month then stall. 
These last 3 days I have been eating like a a hog. I have been staying hungry.
I guess it is true about the honeymoon and the first 6 months, cause next Monday I will hit it. Yesterday I ate some peanut M&M's and did TO WELL with them...I'm scared. I am giving into temptation.
I still count my calories like crazy, get in all of my protein now, and have been craving water, most days getting in 80+ ounces, so this is good, but I'm trying to stay focused on eating right, but of course I am not perfect.
I have to remind myself that this is forever not just a diet. And that I will slip a time or two.
I have to tell you, the m&m's sure tasted good. I ate 270 calories of them, and had to give up last nights meal for them.
I leave for California in the morning with my husband. We have not had a vacation in 9 years, so this will be good for us to get away. We are going to LA, to see my stepson, and of course shop!
Well I will write when I get back....
Take care,

Once again...

May 16, 2007

I am in losing mode. I am now  weighing 221.8, as of this morning, for a total loss of 79 lbs.
It's weird , but it seems that when I eat more I lose more....figure that one. I was so hungry yesterday, I chewed all day  long, on any and everything. I think I ended up with 1300 calories in the end. I know that doesn't sound like a whole lot...heck before surgery, that was breakfast, but now I usually stay under a 1000, so an increase for sure.
So far this month, I am down equal to all of last month in weight loss, and we still have 2 more weeks, so I am excited.
I finally told my husband how much I weigh. Of course not until I weighed less than him...tehe.
He even said the same thing. I would not let him know,refusing to tell him what I weighed. He is all male, thinking a woman should weigh 150. But I was pleasantly surprised, he was very nice and complimented me. He actually told me I looked great, and if I didn't want to lose anymore I looked good where I am.
Of course, I am going to finish my  journey, but it's nice to know he thinks I look good.
Last night, I got really sick on Vanilla soy milk. I ate a small bowl of bran cereal. Within 10 minutes, my heart started pounding like crazy, and I felt nauseous. I ended up in the bathroom, trying to purge, but very little came up, so I went and lied down. I think I got in to much sugar. I won't do that again. You know one day you eat something, everything is great, the next time you try it again, this happens.
It's just a reminder, our bodies dictate.
Well, I am off today,and going shopping. I love to shop once again.
I have been buying size large in my tops now, and bought a pair of size 16 capri's yesterday. They are a little tight, but I go to LA in 2 weeks, so I'm hoping they will fit by then.
Have a great day!

About Me
Grand Prairie, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2006
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 48
Nov 7th,2007
Friday night
No Luck
Hump Day
Saturday July 28th
FINALLY losing again..
Back on track
Sunday morning
Time of the month
Once again...
