Welcome to my story Enjoy your Day as:  
                       Today is the first day in the rest of your life.....

My family although is a small group of people, but we a loving bunch of wonderful human beings.
My mom is still with us thank god...she is a strong woman, who is a cancer surviver.. I love her with everything in me... I am the oldest of three children.. I reside in Simcoe County, I am 51 and want to change my life for the better..
My brother resides in Sudbury, well I think it is Garason, On. with his wife, they have been married seems like forever 19 years or maybe even 20. I wish we were closer in our relationship..
My sister resides here in the same city as I. We as closer in a sisterly relationship now than we have ever been... She too has been married for 25 years, I have two nieces and one nephew with her they are very dear too me and hold a special place in my heart. My sister a beautiful caring person.
I have 3 grown children and one step son, they range in age from 32 years to 15 yrs. My oldiest son is getting married this year, he as fathered my two beautiful grandchildren. My grandson is 8 years old and my grandaughter is 6. They are absolutely special to me... I wish I could see them more...
My second son, we have never been close so that is the end of that story..
My Daughter is a strong fighter...Every day for her is a struggle, as she has cp, and she is deaf. God love her. She lives with me and my new husband of 5.3 years. She is 27 years old and looks like she is 13 or 14. Lucky her. I have given her my will or backbone
to achieve all she can. Sometimes I took a little back.. But my daughter is my life..I will do anything for her and protect her. When the day comes and she wants to move then that will be the day I will begin empty nest syndrome...She is my angel..
My step son likes to push the rules but we win in the end...He and I have developed a repore...I just say what I have to and then drop it.

On Apr. 11 I went to Ypsilanti Mi for my consult.. What a wonderful experience that was!!!!!

I felt not as a dollar but as a human being who was in need of help...

It was the most pleasant experience I have ever had meeting a Dr.
Dr Schram came down to meet with me in between surgeries and spent about 45 minutes with me, answering my questions also talking to me on an even ground.. Not over my head... I will require to loose 60 to 70 lbs to have a laperscopic instead of open RNY.. So South Beach Diet here I come with a pedometer to measure how much walking I am doing in a day....
You see I arrived around 9:45 in the Clinic.. I was welcomed, treated with respect, and friendly staff. Thresa came too meet me as well.. I was in Total Ah.. I would recommend this Clinic most highly...

I have already applied to Ohip and to date no response...

My hobbies are Karoke, bingo, kniting, reading.. Daniel Steele and John Chrisim

Love to look old homes built in the 1900 and guess which house was built first..and read them from afar...

I started my diet and I am down too 330 from 353 thankyou Dr Schram... See you soon

The Scales were fibbers here at home...I was up 10 lbs instead...
now that was disturbing...

I have a date horray....

I had my surgery on July 31, 06. The nurses were wonderful and I felt very good. I weight in at 350 and by the time the surgery was done I had gained another 13 lbs with fluids and stuff.
My surgery went as planned. I was fine. I ended up having open RNY. 10 inch incession. WOW I was released on Aug 3 and finally arrived home on the 4th of Aug. Well, I got home and it was a right off, my spouse got crap and well the step son was no where to be found. At 2:15 am his friend arrived at the door and said oh I sent Ray to Hospital because he was so drunk. I responded so and what do you want me to do about it.
I called the hosp at 9 am to find out how he was and they told me I had to come and sign him out. No Way
he was to go to DETOX or the 4th floor for councelling, he is 15.5
years old. But they wouldn't listen to me they called my sisters place 6 times. She refused to take him in because of the booze.
I stopped by to see him for a moment, I refused to sign him out as did his father. Tough love. It was hard to walk away from him but he was warned on many occassions. enough was enough.
Time for him to get help. He was sent to cas and they sent him to the kids shelter where the kids he had been drinking with lived.
So long story short he is now a carnie.
he is working with the carnival..
he hopefully will grove up and realize that really will have to work with no education.
I visited my mom in RVH that same day, and then just went home.
Since then My mom Passed on Aug 25, 06 God love her. I am really going to miss her. She isn't suffering anymore.
On Aug 26,06 my Son Married his long time girlfriend, I welcomed her into our family, and sang Breathe to my Son and his new wife.
It was a beautiful wedding.
On the Monday Aug 28 was my mom's wake and the service was Tues Aug 29. 06
It was a very sad day for me...

On August 24,06 I had my first offical weigh in at Barrie Community Health Center. I weight in at 330 I was down 33 lbs from my surgery. I went back to work on the 17 as I was very bored at home. I couldn't imagine staying home another week. Too much resting for me.

It is now 2007 time for a new leaf: So here goes leaving all the 2006 crap behind:
1: The evil Step Son, who has a good side just never see it anymore with all his drinking and mayham, fighting with me.
2. Mom's illness and the guilt I was feeling. May she now have a pain free, and rest she so deserved...God I miss her!!
3. My spouses gambling and fighting over money.
4. The Death of my first husband, may he find peace and no more illness.
5. The saving of my apt. on Dec 21. That was a Christmas Present.
6. The Separation between me and my spouse, and my step son.
there is no more arguing in my home. Thank you

December 28, Wha hoo:::: 80lbs gone now there was a cause to celebrate, the turn stils easier, it is like I am finding all kinds of things better. Walking eaiser, clothes fitting better, easier to get out of the tub, it feels like I am jumping out now. Too many to write all. I feel good, and will feel a lot better next spring too. Those expensive nighties, you know the ones I mean... Holly crap they fit. it is like OMG
So, as of yesterday I am looking for a part time job, in sales. I now have two jkts, one black and the other red.
I dress better when I go out. because I have clothes that fit.
and that alone makes me feel better.

Oh yes I used to hate grilled cheese. Now I like one once in a while.

My Weight Record as recorded on my pcp new scales...

July 31, 06 at the Baric Centre Ypsi, Mi 363
August 24, 06 at my pcp 330
September 15, 06 at my pcp 316.5
October 16, 06 at my pcp 311.
November 01,2006 305
November 12,2006 295                                                        
November 16,2006 291
December 28,2006 283
Sept 30 2007  251                                       
Nov  03 2007 251   Plateau

It has been almost 9 months,  I am 100 lbs lighter and to be very honest I think I am looking great.  I still have a ways to go but I am happier and lighter and that is the most important.  The big one is I have family that love me for who I am and for that I thank the man upstairs.I am content with my lose so far and can't wait to see what the next months bring for me.  I am going to North Bay for Mothers dayto lay flowers on my mom's grave.  I might go to the value village later to see what I can get for cheap prices lol
I am totally awed with my lose so far.  100 lbs is a lot never thought I would be down that much,  so I am pleased with myself.

It is October 24, and here is the scoop for the day... oyes it is 2007.

I am well, just wish this stomach or panni as most call it would just go away.

Well today I weigh 252 which means I am down 111 rah rah for me.

The surgeon will not do the panni until I am under 200 lbs.  by then I should really be hanging low. ha ha

I am still on the shift with the weight slowly but surely.   I feel really bad I haven't been going back to Michigan as I should but my funds are so tight that I can't breathe right now.  I also need to join a gym.  But the funds again.
I need to find a job, but I am waiting to see if I accepted into the Medical Administration program.
should know in a couple of weeks.  EI lady says to breathe.  
I am in a shitty marriage,  but I love the little bald jerk.  At least he doesn't drink or abusive in the physical way.
All my life I have made shitty choices but that will change in the new year can't say right now what I am going to do as I don't know who will be reading this.  

Well let me see it was my moms birthday on 22 of Oct.  I miss her so much sometimes I cry for no reason all I have to do is think about her.  I will see her again I hope.  Who knows?
I really need to watch that movie again the secret.  This movie did alot for me in a lot of ways.
Here I sit crying the blues over a cup of java and my mushroom omlet.  not bad ah.
I think I'd better get my butt in gear and go for a long walk that will inlighten me.
My dvd's were stolen again sometime after thanksgiving  Don't know exactly what I did to deserve all this crap.
Well this is why I have to remove myself from this delema I have gotten my self into.  
Sometime in the New Year My little family and I will move away.  Hopefuly in the same city but who knows.
I wana wait until the course is finished.

So ta for now.  hen Ihh:HH was younger. Never paid much attention to my weight...I started really dieting when I was 17 years old, joined Tops in 1978 lost and regained all the time


at my heaviest   

100 lbs lighter

33 lbs lighter at my sons wedding with my spouse and daughter Amanda

When I was married Dec. 29,2001 this what I looked like



Hospital Reviews

  • (Ypsilanti, MI) - Forest Hill
    Surgeon Info:
    Surgeon: Jon L. Schram, M.D., F.A.C.S.
    I first met Dr Schram on April 11 of this year. Being 3+ hours earily for my consult...The staff at Baritic clinic were welcoming, treating me with respect... What amazed me the most is the people there for the same reason. They shared their lives with me. Dr Schram's staff came to get me talked to me answered some questions, with Dr Schram coming down to see me about 10 minutes later. Was I in shock.. Between surgeries. WOW still Just recieved letter from OHIP I was approved after 3 weeks.... Can't wait to see myself i that sun dress slimmer and healthier
    Insurer Info:
    It wasn't difficult I did out of country forms, faxed them to Ohip, they responded in 3 business days, requesting proof of health. I had xrays, blood work, and echo cardio gram all on the Monday of May 1 and on May 5, I was approved..

    .. Can't say how many companies got my pay cheque and when, but tops was the cheapest. I have never known what it is like to be a petite size always been big but never this large. So as of Apr. 11, 2006 I started to change my life I went to Ypsilanti for my consult, with the evil twin telling me in my head you don't need this, you can smarten up and do it on yooOOwant to be able to shop in normal stores, go sking, swiming in the lake with out the verbage. All taken into consideration, I want to live lighter....
    Something about me younger: I started to gain weight around age 12. I was on the local swim team and recieved a silver medal for front crawl..I was 4'11 and and 178. I just seemed to gain weight every time I turned around.
    Up until last year every one useto say I have a bad attitude and a really bad temper, I was like a stick of dinamyte ready to be lite.ve panic attacks regularly, Last Sept. 2005 I went to the hospital because I couldn't breath and I was dizzy...The doc told me to calm down, I didn't realize I was upset.. They did an ecg which came out normal..340 lbs
    The dock told me I need to speak to my gp..So off I went to the Doctors the day before my 51st birthday the 29th. Areplacement femdoctor came in as spoke to me, she asked me what was wrong I was shaking, sweating, breathing irratic. I told her I was forgetting stuff, my brain was running panic, no patience, just a mess. I didn't have to tell her, she had a report from the Hospital too. Well she put me on som222ind of med and I feel wonderful, full of life, my family says I am a changed woman.. Pleasant to be around. So for my 51st BD... I became medicated. So now if anyone asks me I just tell themam 51 and medicated lol
    But to be honest I feel great... 350 lbs or not, I sleet now, no more dizzy spells, sweating, no menoposal stuff either.  am oy lady
    ting Ohip to approve the final cha life.

  • About Me
    Barrie, ON
    Surgery Date
    Apr 08, 2006
    Member Since

    Friends 62

    Latest Blog 1
    Feeling fine
