1-Week Pre-Op Update

Oct 21, 2010

So I have been doing this mostly liquid pre-op diet for a week now. The good news is that I have lost around 15# over the last week. The bad news is that I feel pretty crummy right now.

Doc has me on about a 600-cal mostly liquid diet (2 shakes + a Lean Cuisine), starting tomorrow I will be on shakes only (low / no calorie liquids allowed). I have never made so much Jello, Broth, and Crystal Light in my life. I know I will have to do this after surgery, but at least then I will have a tool to help with the hunger.

Physically, I am struggling right now. Not to be gross, but bowel irregularity is a big issue right now and my gut won't shut up - it is constantly complaining. I am glad I work form home and not somewhere where my coworkers would have to witness my noisy gut and very frequent bathroom trips. I have managed to walk the neighborhood twice this week, and run along with my budding bike-riders, but overall energy is low low low.

Mentally, I am doing better than I expected. Not having as many specific food cravings as I thought (other than a craving for food in general). Not nearly as anxious about the surgery as I expected - it's more impatience than anxiety. So far I am sleeping well, possibly due to low energy. Mental clarity is an issue right now. I am having trouble staying focused and feel like I am in a mental fog most of the day. I suspect this is diet-related.

I have picked up all my post-op supplies except the required acid blocker and some protein supplements I want to try, and my hospital packing list is ready. The kids are looking forward to visiting the grandparents for a few days. I have to go in for some pre-op blood work next week, and then I should be set!


About Me
Dallas, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 01, 2010
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