Can we really have Starbucks? When? What?

May 12, 2010

I had an unhealthy addiction to Starbuck prior to surgery. Every single day I would order a Venti iced non-fat caramel sauce (aka butter caramel) latte stirred well.

Now what can I have? I am one week post-op Roux-en-Y. I need high protein, low sugar, and low fat. Hmmmm.

Post Op Pains

May 10, 2010

No one told me how crappy the first few days would be. I am four days post-op. I had my surgery Thursday and came home Saturday afternoon. I was quite a mess from the anesthesia. Then I felt better for a day. But then I woke up Friday night in the worst pain I have ever felt. It was scary, but everything checked out (after a swallow test and chest x-ray). It was probably a combo of muscles spasms, gas, constipation, and bloating. It felt like I was being stabbed in my right side every time I moved or took a breath. Scary, but it did pass within minutes. Thank God for pain meds and ice packs. I think I am clear sailing from here on out. Now I get to wait to melt away.

I just wish someone had told me about the 48 hours following surgery. It seems like everyone wants to talk about what you can and can't eat, instead of how your body will feel. I have given birth twice without any pain meds. I knew what to expect and my body has a high tolerance to pain. I guess that is what is so upsetting about my feelings post-op. I did not expect to feel so exhausted or sore. I also did not expect to feel so anxious. For the first 24 hours, I slept in 20-30 minutes naps. I could not fall asleep and stay asleep. I also did not realize my pain medication "button" could be pushed every seven minutes (I was waiting an hour). It hurts! I can deal with the pain, but no one warned me...

Waiting to wither away...

May 10, 2010

Soooo I am sitting at home, alone for the first time since my Roux-en-Y four days ago. I feel like I am waiting for something. I am waiting for 15 minutes to pass so I can drink an ounce of liquid. I am waiting to feel tired so I can take a nap. I am waiting for it to hurt so I can take some pain medication. I am waiting to weigh myself and see if I have lost another pound. I am waiting for my family to return home from work and school. I am waiting to take another shower. I am waiting for the dryer to buzz. I am waiting for the phone to ring. I am waiting for payday. I am waiting four weeks to return to work. I am waiting two weeks until my next doctor's appointment. I am waiting to look different. I am waiting to feel different.

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 28, 2010
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