Day before surgery :-)

Feb 28, 2011

It's the day before the BIG DAY.  I'm feeling good, well...except for the magnesium citrate I had to drink this morning to clean my system out.  NOT FUN.  Taste wasn't bad at all though but it's the after effects that haven't been too much fun.  Other than that--I'm feeling really good.  Not nervous yet.  Probably might have a bit of nervousness later on tonight or tomorrow morning for sure.  I've had quite a few surgeries in the past 3-5 years so I'm almost a pro now.  I have to confess though that this is the most invasive & more serious.  Just hoping everything goes okay tomorrow and I wake up in recovery @ the hospital feeling resonably well considering what my body just endured. 

Right now...just getting it over with and getting back home is all that's on my mind.  Guess most people feel this way.  I don't dread it or anything but it would be nice to fast forward a bit to a more pleasant time.  Can't wait to be on the LOSER'S BENCH.  Summer is fast approaching and it will be nice to be healed up and outdoors doing stuff and SLIMMING DOWN.  :-)


