3 months out

Jun 08, 2009

Hello everyone... Tommorrow will be 3 months since surgery for me.  I can't believe the time has passed so fast.  I am 23lbs down.  I am happy with that, I would be more happy with some more but what can I say I didn't gain all this weight over night.  I went for my follow up appointment a few days ago and got my second fill.  This fill wasn't as easy as the last one, I mean he did it in less than 3 minutes but when he was about to go into my port it kept pinching really bad but I'm guessing that is just the scar tissue that is growing back.  I now have 6cc's in my band.  I do feel more restriction, I even got a piece of chicken struck.. .and OMG I will try my hardest never to let that happen again it was like the worst pain I ever felt and I was like I am going to jam my finger down my throat because I just can't wait for this food to keep trying to pass through so that's what I did I ran to the bathroom and fixed the problem.  I guess I am very lucky to have had the food come right up.  Tell me that doesn't ruin a meal LoL.  This time I was at his office I talked to the nutritionist there.  She helped me realize I might have been eatting too little and that's why my body isn't loosing... strarvation mode.  She set me up with a good plan with little to no carbs...ahhh... and wants me to email her about once a week with my food journal so she can keep me on check.  She said I can loose all my weight by March if I keep up with it.  She also said I should try and burn like 3500 cals a week in cardio that's 500 cals a day.  So I'm going to be very busy.  She set me with a goal weight of 150 lbs.  I don't know how I will look at 150 becasue I have never seen it.  Haha I went from like 100 lbs to like 200 lbs overnight and skipping everything in between.  Ohh well I hope this works I will keep you posted. 

Have a great week !!!
<3 Nicole


About Me
Toms River, NJ
Surgery Date
Jan 18, 2009
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