Week 1 of Liquid Diet

Dec 09, 2015

Today marks 1 week that I've been on the Optifast 900 liquid diet. I have 6 days left of this diet and 7 days until surgery, I can't believe that I'm at this point. Since I've been home the temptations are on high alert. I guess when I was on contract, I was doing night shifts, so I wasn't feeling the pull and I was on my own so I had control over my environment ie: no food in the appartment. However, now that I'm home, my DH has all these delicious stuff hanging around and when I say that I'm talking marinated meat, soups etc. ( My Husband cleaned out the house of all processed, junk foods, everything is healthy, but I can't eat anything, well steamed veggies that's it)... I had a moment yesterday, where I contemplated licking the marinated pork in the fridge, I literally paused for a sec, true story. I closed the fridge door and walked away. I'm going to fight this ....ahhhh.... Since the jet lag is wearing off, I think my boredom is being replaced by the food monster, time to fill those bored moments.....

I haven't exercised in 2 weeks, so starting today, I'm going to do some elliptical trainer and I know the right music to get me in the mood, time for some soca. I also opened one of my clothes storage bins and began hanging the clothes that recently did not fit me. As of today I'm 268.8lbs! I was in awe on all the beautiful clothes that I own. Imagine I have 2 more storage bins!!! My goal is to open one as my current clothes get to big ( I stored them by sizes). So instead of buying new clothes, I'm hitting the storage bin.... I wish I had thought about this a year ago, but I'm sure there is someone out there who needed the clothes more than me. I don't think I mentioned this, but, I am a Travel nurse and originally I was going to self-pay for this surgery so I saved my dollars to have the surgery at the end of this year. However, my PCP referral was accepted last year and the surgery is being covered by the Québec Health Care System, so instead of taking 6 weeks off, I decided to use some of my savings and take 12 weeks off. I may never have this opportunity again and I decided I wanted to build a solid foundation,DH is okay with it. The person who had the most difficulty with this decision was me, a true workaholic, I kept trying to justify why this was a bad idea, until I looked at some pics of myself especially at my sister's funeral and I'm reminded, why I came to this decision.... So we will see if I stick to it.... Here's to developing a routine


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Surgery Date
Nov 12, 2014
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