2 months Out

Jun 09, 2010

I'm 2 months and a few days out and Have lost about 60lbs so far.
But I have to tell you, This is HARD WORK. If ANYONE tells you or says that you took the EASY way out by
having Gastric Bypass.. Their CRAZY.. This is NOT EASY..  I'm still unable to drink 48oz of fluid a day, I'm barely eating
and when I do its hard for me to eat more then a tablespoon at one sitting. 
BUT I would do it again in a Heartbeat..

About 2 weeks ago, I vomited up blood after eating. I had steak and cut it up very small. I ate about 2 tiny pieces and ran to the bathroom.  The steak didn't come up but something tan came up wtih about a handful of blood. I was scared.  I called the dr right away and he told me to go to the hospital but I didn't go. I didn't feel sick. I wasn't sick. So Why did I have to go to the hospital?  Well I didn't and so far everythings been Ok.. No more blood.  But My Dr still wanted me to have an endoscopy done and so tomorrow,, June 10th, I'm going for one.   I'm SURE nothing will show up but better safe then sorry..

SO I hope everyone is doing well and I hope you're all losing the weight. you want to lose..

Till next Blog.. Have a Happy Life..


About Me
Toms River, NJ
Surgery Date
Jun 23, 2007
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 7
My First Blog - 1/23/2008
