2 Day Pre Surgery

Oct 04, 2009

Saturday I made it to work and made it through the day.  Not easily, but I did.  The Reglan definitely helped the nausea, but I still had to fight the dizziness and weakness.  Today at home is the best I've felt in a week.  Maybe it's because I was just able to kick back and relax.  Today I added low sod v8 to low sod chicken broth and it was actually quite tasty.  The plain chicken broth was just too blah!!!

So one more work day to go.  I'm excited for my Mom to get here tomorrow.  She's going to stay with us for probably a couple of weeks to help out.  I know I'm 40 now, but when I don't feel good I still want my Mommy. 


4 Day Pre Surgery

Oct 02, 2009

Still feeling really nauseaus and diarrhea.  Had to call into work sick again today.  Soooo frustrating.  I called Dr Oh's office to see if this is a normal reaction to the diet and supplements.  The nurse called me back this afternoon and said diarrhea is common with the liquid diet.  She said she was unsure about the nausea but it was certainly possible and to try splitting up the supplements more.  The Dr also told her to call in some Reglan to control the nausea.  I sure hope it helps.  I HAVE to go to work tomorrow.  I sure hope this subsides after surgery. 

5 Days Pre Surgery

Oct 01, 2009

Felt sick again today.  Was unable to choke down a shake until around 5pm.  Had some clear soup around 7pm.  Tummy still upset.  Also the odor of the Stress B Complex vitamins I got from the vitalady make me gag.   To top it off I usually wind up burping them later on and makes me want to gag all over again.  I haven't done much the last 3 1/2 days here at home so I sure hope I have better energy and feel better at work the next two days. 

When I'm not feeling sick I'm craving food big time.  All the frickin' food commercials it's no wonder we're all so fat.  I think they should ban them like they did alcohol and cigarette commercials. 

Still keeping my eye on the prize.  Only 5 more days.  YES!!!!

Pre Surgery

Sep 30, 2009

So here it is 6 days prior to surgery and I'm finally sitting down to write something on here.  Mostly, for myself to look back upon during my journey.

I am at the end of my 9th day of my 14 day clear liquid diet.  OMG has it been tough.  Well at times tough and others kind of easy really.  After a few days in I was feeling good about how it was going, as it had become much easier.  I think it's because I'm a great procrastinator and now I am at the point that I HAVE to stay on this diet in order to have surgery.  I keep reminding myself it's all going to be worth it in the end and it will be easier to handle the liquid diet after the surgery.  This past Monday I was feeling awful though.  Weak and aching muscles and then nausea and vomitting.  I thought "Great I can't afford to be losing what little I've been putting in".  I had to come home early from work and go to bed.  It wasn't any better the next day either and I had to call in sick.  Today I woke up "starving"!!!!  This is the first day I've been this hungry and have wanted FOOD in a bad way.  I haven't of course eating anything, but it sure made me CRANKY!  Good news is I was down 22lbs in the past week which is 30lbs overall from my first appointment with Dr Oh.

Speaking of Dr Oh, I had my two week prior to surgery appointment last Wednesday.  I was about to sign paperwork when I noticed it said "proximal - laproscopic bypass surgery".  Whoa HELLO!!!!  I told them I had wanted the medial gastric bypass, which I was told would need to be done open.  Long story short.....when I was told by Dr Oh's office and my insurance company that I was approved for surgery they both neglected to tell that they only approved the proximal bypass.  I was soooo disappointed!!!!  I really felt like the medial was going to be my better option to lose more weight, since I have so much to lose and I've struggled with losing weight and keeping it off since about 7yrs old.  Dr Oh said that most insurances won't approve medial or distal as they feel it's too drastic.  UGH!!!!  I've come to terms with it now.  I believe everything happens for a reason.  I know with being laproscopic it won't take as long to recover and won't be as painful so there is some advantages. 

All I know is I just can't wait for Tuesday to get here, so I can see the fruits of my labor.  I've been working on this for almost a year now and it's finally going to happen.  This is my 40th birthday present to myself.  I'm hoping my best years are still to come.


About Me
Lacey, WA
Feb 18, 2009
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