Can anyone relate their experiences leading to and resulting from a revision?

I'm due to have a revision on March 1st, one day before my 1year anniversary. I've lost 110 pounds and am at goal. I have a great deal of trouble eating any dense foods without pain or vomiting and have been scoped, x-rayed, upper G.I.ed, and so forth, ad nauseum, but the surgeon hasn't found a cause for my problems and believes I'm well on my way to damaging my body through malnutrition. I chew well, eat protein first, don't drink with meals except perhaps for a sip of water to help something very dry go down and try to follow all the rules. Sometimes I can eat without getting sick but it's rare. Those times make me think a revision is unnecessary but.... Can anyone relate?    — debbiecork (posted on February 26, 2005)

February 26, 2005
Have the revision. I have a friend who had WLS twice within a few months of each other. The first surgery went wrong some how and he ended up in Intensive Care and the doctors and his family weren't so sure he was going to survive. The original surgeon didn't know how to handle the situation and turned his back on my friend, so the hospital called in another surgeon. The second surgeon was going to reverse the original surgery, but ended up being able to do a revision instead. My friend has since done very well and is very healthy. The revision saved his life.
   — SnowWhiteDove459

February 27, 2005
dear debbie name is autumn i have the same problem although i still cant do milk ort vitamins i had mine done in nov of 2004 ive lost 85 pounds i had the same tests done they couldnt find anything either so my doctor put me on levsin/sl 0.125mg i take 2 before every meal which is 2 times a day what it does is relaxes your stomach enough to eat its been working great for me tell your doctor to give you some my doctor is dr.colella out of pittsburg
   — emtwifeautumn

February 27, 2005
Hi there...I am so sorry that you have had such a hard time :0( I am still waiting to have my surgery but I did read your profile and have one question for you. Did you ever have your Gallbladder taken out?? I only ask because alot of the symptoms you have sound alot like mine did and it was all due to my gallbladder. Just a thought. I was very ill from it, my liver enzymes were up the whole works. God Bless Chelle
   — Chellesgift

February 27, 2005
Thank you so much for your answers! I, also, suspected the gallbladder but the surgeon tested it and said it was operating at 38%, 37% and above being considered within a normal range. I'm going to mention it to him again when we speak before the revision though. I'll also mention the levsin. And Robin, thanks for the encouragement. I'd appreciate hearing from any of you others with suggestions and/or comments. I'm kinda nervous about having the surgery and hearing from you helps me. Thank you all. Debbie
   — debbiecork

February 27, 2005
Hello... I am 18 months PO and have lost 156lbs. I have open RNY. I can realte with you 100% I would look into having an ultrasound done to check for gallstones. I was unable to eat really anything without becoming sick or nausiated in anyway. I ended up having a gallbladder attack and was in the hospital only to find out that I still had my gallbladder. I guess they thought all gastric patients had theirs removed with the surgery. I have since had my gallbladder removed and can eat more without being sick. THe downside is, I can eat more that in the past.
   — mdecaire1978

February 27, 2005
Hmmm...That is curious that you should be having those problems. I logged on here tonight to see if anyone was having similar problems as I have been experiencing the last couple of months. I've become malnourished. I can hardly eat-meat in particular-as well as other things. Causes the usual symptoms of dumping and such. I am 9 years post op. (or will be in june) It can't be my gall bladder since they removed it when they did the surgery. Iwent out this afternoon and bought a egg based protein shake-no milk (lactose intolerant) and mixed it with lactaid and strawberries. That was a bad idea. I am still searching for a way to eat. I'm hungry. Dr doesn't know what to do either. Can't see the nutritionist until the end of Mar. Any ideas? Cheryl
   — molly1226

March 1, 2005
I just got out the hospital yesterday after being in for 3 days and nothing but tests! All the test you mentioned, I had as well. They found nothing. She prescribed me a med called protonics and also something for nausea. Thank god i haven't had any pain in my lower stomach for 3 days now. i have been sick the past 2 months with the same symptoms. My surgeon turned his back on me. Says to go to my primary cause it has NOTHING to do with HIS surgery! lorie
   — lorie bolden

March 4, 2005
I can relate. I went to see my doc a few days ago and explained it to him this way: When I take a bite or maybe 2 it feels like the esophagus or pouch is spasming and I have to end up vomiting. It is very frustrating. I have had 4 strictures prior and had to have GI doc dilate the stoma. I am only 4 months out. He says now that I may have a partial stricture. I am not going to have it dilated again unless I absolutely can't eat ever. I'm afraid it will open it too far. I have read that some others have been given levisin. That is GREAT. It relaxes your pouch and allows things to flow through more freely. I would try that. AS for the revision, only you can make that decision. I have opted to limp along this way in hopes that it will eventually clear up. I do have to eat several times a day to be able to get my proteins in and I usually don't succeed. Today is a good day. Good luck...
   — debi327

March 8, 2005
Hello everyone! I'm back from having the revision on March 1st., and wanted those of you who were having similar problems to know what happened. The doc took pictures and showed me after the surgery that I did, indeed, have a problem. He promised to scope me first before cutting anything even though he had before and found no problem. This time he found a major problem. A silastic band he places around the pouch to keep it from over-stretching had slipped or simply caused an allergic reaction to my pouch and the opening from the pouch to the intestines was closed off. It's a wonder anything, even liquids, would go down. He then went into my belly laproscopically to see if anything else was wrong and found lots of scar tissue and removed it. I can now eat protein foods such as turkey, chicken; even had a little steak last night and haven't been sick or vomited at all. I was very concerned about being able to eat more now and jeopardizing my weight loss but he insists that won't happen if I use the pouch correctly. He says a little paranoia in that area can be a good thing when it keeps us on track.
   — debbiecork

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