Magnesium citrate how long before it works after you drink it.

I took it 2 hours ago and nothig yet. We need to start out for Madison in a couple hours.    — paige (posted on August 26, 2003)

August 26, 2003
It was about 4 hours in my case...JR
   — John Rushton

August 26, 2003
I had to give my daughter mag citrate one time and it didn't take as long as you have already waited to begin working. For her, it was within one half hour. She produced 5 bm's and then was done.
   — Angela T.

August 26, 2003
My Dr. says it differs for everyone. I havent taken it yet but i will next wednesday.
   — Debi Rouilliard

August 26, 2003
It took just 45 minutes to start working for me. It worked all evening, into the night, and even the morning of my surgery.
   — Rachel T.

August 26, 2003
I took mine at noon and it did not start working till midnight. Worked all night long and was still going an hour before surgery. I wish I had taken it earlier in the day.
   — Charlene W.

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