Tommorrow is the big day :)

Tommorrow is my big day! I am so excited so nervous and so ready! My question is... is there anything specific that you think I should have for post op care? Food items? Protein items? Miscell. items? What has been some of your favorite things and most of all any last minute do or don't advice would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks!    — KimY (posted on October 31, 2005)

October 31, 2005
I had my surgery 6/2/05 and the main thing I enjoyed was sugar-free popcicles and sips of ice cold water. I quickly became tired of chicken and beef broth and tried to season it as much as possible. Remember, to get as much rest as possible and get plenty of books and magazines to keep you occupied. I was on clear liquids for one week, then moved to full liquids for 2 or 3 weeks. I hope you recover quickly, I was up and walking around about 3 hours after surgery. For me, the most painful part was the drainage tube in my side, other than that it was very smooth sailing. Take Care and Many Blessings. Mattie
   — mrscarr76

October 31, 2005
Bottled water and crystal light singles. A good book. A book of logic puzzles (those were hard on morphine). A project.
   — bettya

October 31, 2005
Oh.. I forgot to say congrats. Just wait, in six months you won't believe the change. I also bought Gnc whey iso burst protien powder, ice, frozen fruit and a good blender!!!
   — bettya

October 31, 2005
Hi, I hope you aren't going into this blind. I hope you have a set schedule of what stages you should follow with regards to foods. I am a little nervous about your post. Just remember to take your vitamins, drink your water and protein first. Oh, and eat slow and chew chew chew when you get to solid foods. As far as favorite things, it is all individual. You just have to try things and see how your body likes them. Some foods you like now, you won't like later and visa versa. Sometimes you end up liking everything.
   — shoutjoy

October 31, 2005
Going in 2 this blind??? No way :) I have done some much reading and preparing... I am 100% ready! I was just looking 4 some tips from the pro's... we all learn from one another! Some people swear by different protein products.. different sugarfree items... stuff like that... drink water warm .. drink it cold... put ice in a glass let it melt. I just love 2 hear how people differ in suggestions!
   — KimY

October 31, 2005
Take some chapstick with you to the hospital. My lips were so dry after surgery. When I got home I liked having sugar free pops, crystal light, & bottled water.
   — Angel

October 31, 2005
CONGRATES FIRST OF ALL.. my big thing I wanted Bananna Pops Sugar free and Propel. just make sure you Drink LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER and stay away from any food Dr said not to have ... and Happy Losing.. :D in my wishes and prayers Dionna
   — Dionna_Dupuis

October 31, 2005
Congrats first of all!!! For me the best thing was anything warm it felt soooo good going down after the surgery. But basically everything everyone else mentioned you'll need. This is the very beginning to your new life--enjoy it to the fullest. I had my surgery 8/23/05 and I tell you I feel fantastic!! If you open the dictionary up to the word fantastic it will be a 8x10 glossy photo of me smiling my butt off-*smile*. And don't forget to say your prayers and ask for "Peace that passes all understanding". Stephanie
   — mischief85

October 31, 2005
Congrats!! First off you sound like you know what you are doing. I also did a lot of reading before my surgery (for about a year). I remember having to drink lots of water or crystal light; my favorite was Grapefruit and make sure you measure your food. You wil be surprised on how little you will be able to eat and the fact that an ounce of food fill you up. lol. So enjoy your new adventure and be sure to walk, walk, walk. Good luck! God Bless!! BS - 313 DS - 292 PW - 229 GW - 135
   — Laural D.

October 31, 2005 matter what happens it is truly worth it. A pair of slippers,chapstick,liquid soap, to wash, without any scents. I tried to read but because of the morphine couldn't focus so I spent my time sleeping glad I didn't bring alot with me LOL. Comfortable clothes to wear home.At home have plenty of liquids and milk. If you are unable to tolerate items just drink decaf tea,herbal tea,diluted juice,broth and milk. I had a hard time finding a protein powder to drink so when I could drink regular fluids I subsituted with milk cold, mixed with sugar free hot chocolate and fat free cool whip you name it and remember everyone is different, not all things will work with each person. So if you can't tolerate something try something different to get to the goal. Don't feel bad if you don't accomplish as much as you think your are capable of........ I took naps and walked on my treadmill for most of my recovery and it was the best thing I did for myself. I was concerned that walking might be an issue but the nurse stated it would be the best thing for me since it would cause my blood to circulate to the areas that needed it the most.
   — 1968 Loser

October 31, 2005
I just wanted to say congratulations. Big smiles and hugs!!!
   — kizie23

October 31, 2005
That first sip of chicken broth will be heaven! Sugar free fudgesicles and hot cocoa will also be helpful if you get sick of jello (which you will). Good luck! Bridget RNY 9/23/05 314lbs 11/1/05 278 lbs.
   — gidget

October 31, 2005
Keep hydrated and don't worry. Congratulations.
   — Linda G.

October 31, 2005
I made sure I had a baby spoon for those first few weeks of eating solid foods. The little spoon kept me from taking bites that were to big. It also helps spread your 1 oz meal out just a little bit... Carol
   — Carol C.

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