has anyone had bariatric surgery at uc stanford? that is where my ins is sending me

   — Kenneth C. (posted on August 2, 2001)

August 14, 2001
Hi Ken, I was told I am having my surgery at Stanford too. The surgeon is Dr. Marco Patti at UCSF, and before you see him, you will have to see to gastro doc, Dr. Ostroff. Dr. Ostroff & Patti work together in the bariatric program at UCSF. Feel free to e-mail me if you have anymore questions, [email protected]
   — Tiffany M.

September 6, 2003
I think the last poster might be confused. UCSF isn't Stanford, it's UC San Francisco. Stanford Hospital is located in Palo Alto, about 30 minutes south of San Francisco, which is where UCSF is located. Dr. Patti operates at UCSF. There are a number of surgeons at Stanford. I've been assigned to Dr. Baptista.
   — Jennifer J.

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