Is Coral Calcium Okay To Use?

i just bought the liquid coral calcium from GNC. it was $19.99 for one month supply. it has magnesium & vitamin D &C in it as well. mg are as follows: vit C 60mg, vit D 400IU, calcium 600mg, magnesium 200mg, coral calcium 1600mg. please if someone out there knows, let me know if this is the right one... thanks.    — heather S. (posted on July 25, 2003)

July 25, 2003
To use for what? To get or maintain bones? I would not rely on any form of calcium carbonate, no matter the marketing. I risked my bones on carbonate and lost them. For me, only calcium citrate.
   — vitalady

July 26, 2003
Sadly, coral calcium is a rip-off -- it's over-priced calcium carbonate. I'm sorry to hear GNC is selling it (but not surprised). Check the AMOS Library for more threads on this -- you need calcium citrate, and coral calcium is merely calcium carbonate.
   — Suzy C.

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