Are there any exercises that will make my pubis shrink?

I had WLS 6 months ago. My starting weight was 324 and I'm down to around 210 right now. I'm surprised that so far, I haven't been having any problems with excess skin. I'm pretty satisfied with how much everything on my is shrinking, including my stomach. However, my pubic area is just as fat as it was before! It's extremely puffy and even sags a bit. I really don't think I'll need a tummy tuck, and I know I won't qualify for one, so how in the world can I get rid of the fat on my pubis??? Are there any exercises that will help me with this??    — R. P. (posted on November 11, 2002)

November 10, 2002
great question! looking forward to hearing answers that i dont have. although a sensitive issue, i too have wondered whats going to happen to that area. it seems like everything else is shrinking but that!patsy in las vegas
   — PATSY N.

November 11, 2002
I too have wondered the same thing.I saw a lady's after picswhile I was very happy for her weight loss I couldn't help notice how very huge and disproportioned her pubis was in relation to the rest of her body.If there is an exercise that will correct this PLEASE somebody let me know.
   — Sylvia F.

November 11, 2002
Sad to say I have the problem too. Although I haven't had the procedure yet it is a problem I encounter every time I lose any amount of weight. It's embarassing! I don't believe there are any exercises, but I have read that wearing 'pressure garments' like those required after plastic surgery helps to make this problem less noticable.
   — AWatchfulMoon B.

November 11, 2002
Hi. I had a hernia repair and tummy tuck 4 weeks ago. I had 2 JP drains in the pubic area. My pubis area has extra fat there and is quite puffy. I'm hoping that some of this is just swelling from the surgery, but I doubt it. I mentioned this to my plastic surgeon on my follow up visit. He said that we could do liposuction on that area if I wanted. I didn't ask about the cost or anything, but he did say that he could do it right in the clinic - no hospitalization would be needed. I'm going to wait and see what happens in the next few months to see if it shrinks any. Great question!!
   — Paulette W.

November 11, 2002
Many doctors do liposuction in the pubis area. It's my understading that you can specifically request that it be done when you have a tummy tuck.
   — LLinderman

November 11, 2002
My plastic surgeon mentioned vaginal reconstruction surgery to me. He told me it would take about an hour and his cost would be about $1400. Even if they would do liposuction, your still going to have excess skin hanging down and you don't want that. The way he showed me how it would look is to basically fold the skin flaps from each side over and it would have a flatter, smoother appearance. I might consider having this done when I have my arms finished.
   — Patty H.

November 11, 2002
Yes!!! :) The Pubis can be liposuctioned and/or reconstructed. I had an abdominoplasty last May, and my surgeon lipo'd and tucked the Pubis during the procedure for nothing extra. I'm extremely happy with the results I had. <BR>INSURANCE TIPS: In order to have your insurance pay for just a pubis lipo/lift, tell your doctor over and over if the pubis is starting to interfere with urination, or is having proplems with yeast infections or a rash. I know it is an icky thought, but TAKE PICTURES of it at its absolute worst, every time you have an infestion/rash there and date the pics. This will establish medical necessity, and make it difficult for an insurance to deny reconstructive surgery. This also applies for any other area on the body with skin fold rashes/infections. (FYI: NEVER call it "cosmetic" or "plastic" when communicating with your insurance.)
   — Jenn B.

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