Is It Possible to make Sluprees at home? Crystal Light?

   — Laura W. (posted on June 16, 2003)

June 16, 2003
What I like to do is make a batch of Crystal Light and then pour it into Popsicle molds. It makes a great alternative to always having to drink my daily water. The only thing I do recommend is making it a bit stronger than how you would normally drink it because once frozen the flavor loses a bit of it's intensity. To make the slurpee effect you could make an ice cube version and then blend it up in the blender with more Crystal Light.
   — mlovesh

June 16, 2003
In my area, atleast, you can buy slurpees at 7-11 ...they are made from crystal light....there are a few flavors..they are great!!
   — Mandybub

June 16, 2003
How about getting a snow cone machine or hawaiin ice shaver and use crystal light as the flavoring. Should be very similiar to the slurpee.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 16, 2003
Yes it is possible to make your own slurpee from home. I invested in a sno cone maker. I just eat the plain ice though. Because I am so anemic. I crave ice all the time. It taste wonderful.
   — Sharon T.

June 16, 2003
I prefer the Hawaiian Ice shaver to a snow cone maker any day - it shaves the ice rather than chunking it. I got ours at a local discount chain called Bi-Mart, but I'm sure they have them everywhere - paid about $10.
   — bethybb

June 16, 2003
oh my goodness- this is right up my alley! i am addicted to my snow cone maker. while in the hospital i ate their crushed ice- non stop (after i was given it) and when i got home i made dh go on the look for a maker. wal-mart, $19.95 and it works awesome!!! also they have sf cherry syurp! and it doesn't taste bad at all- my 5 year old enjoys it (true test)! but yeah i do the chrystal light too and sf tang! yummy so yummy (i was on clear liquids for 4 weeks, i lived on this stuff)...
   — heather S.

June 17, 2003
The Slurpees at 7-11 have about 4 calories per ounce, although they don't have any sugar. I emailed the company and asked and that's what they told me. I got a snow cone maker (Rival brand for about $20). Vitalady has a bunch of different sugar free syrups. Also the World Market stores have quite a few different sugar free syrups too. I've been using my snow cone maker a lot. It's a great way to get in some water and have different flavors than you can get in Crystal Light, which is what I usually drink.
   — garw

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