Eric Acheson

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 3 ratings

Eric Acheson Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

Eric  Acheson Bariatric Surgeon Picture

6 yr Experience

2 yr in Bariatrics

6 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

3 Reviews for Eric Acheson
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Dr. Eric Acheson performed a bariatric sleeve surgery on me 5 days ago. I can't believe how well I am doing! I was very afraid of having surgery, but after going in to see Dr. Acheson the first time my fears melted because I felt like he is a doctor who is very intelligent, kind, and cares about his patients. I felt relieved to have found a doctor like him. He has proved that I was right from the start. I feel like he has given me some extra years of being healthier and happier to be able to enjoy my family. I highly recommend Dr. Acheson for your doctor!

1 person found this helpful


Dr Acheson made me feel welcome and that he could really help me. He is very enthusiastic about what he does and alleviated the fears and doubts that I was experiencing.
My gastric bypass surgery was May 5, 2014. I did not have any problems with the surgery and I attribute that to his expertise. I highly recommend Dr. Acheson.

1 person found this helpful


Dr. Acheson was friendly and welcoming, he made me feel important. His office staff were kind and professional, quick to return phone calls and patiently explain my status to me even if it hadn't changed. I think the integrated care I received between his office and the hospital made a huge improvement on an otherwise very scary decision, I felt completely at ease the day of my surgery. I never once felt out of the loop and I think I received every tool and bit of information possible to help me. I would, without a doubt, recommend Dr. Acheson and his team.

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