
Missy N.
on 1/13/10 10:04 pm, edited 1/13/10 10:05 pm - Kalkaska
So is everyone getting excited about next week! I am and I can't wait!!!!!!  I want to get a move on my new life, and get through this first couple of months fast.

So what is everyones goal over the next year? I am planning a 5K with my sister in July.  Anyone taking any trips, or doing anything with family to celebrate this new life. My reward for my hard work over the next six month is going to be a trip to Flordia to see my best friend. Let me know, I like to hear what people have planned to bring in this NEW year! 

Missy       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
HW 260 SW 249 (1/20/10)  CW 134
1st GW 150 (reached 8/29/10) 
2nd GW 135 (reached 12/1/10)
I really don't have another goal weight. :)

Christopher B.
on 1/13/10 10:27 pm - Vergas, MN
I have always wanted to do the "Average Jo Triathalon" here in town - so that is one of my goals for this year. Other than that, I have lots of little mini goals and plans that being healthier and thinner are going to be a huge (oh that was funny - huge) blessing! One is in July I will take a group of kids to New Orleans for a youth gathering - just to be thinner on the plain, and then for all the walking we will do - I am looking forward to the changes and how it will help me in my job, my family, and life in general!
Blessings to you and everyone in the new year!
on 1/14/10 2:34 am
I am UBER excited Missy! I am definitely going to travel somewhere tropical. I want to run on 'somebody's beach' LOL.... Maui would be nice or a cruise.. Not sure yet.  I DO want to sign up for the boot camp at my local gym (not for amatuers). I also see myself running behind one of those 3-wheel strollers with my 2-year old twins inside. I'll be wearing a 'WHITE' (NOT 'BLACK')Juicy Couture tracksuit, you know the ones with the short little hoody..LOL ! CAN'T WAIT TO START LIVING!
Missy N.
on 1/14/10 2:53 am - Kalkaska
Lacey- Those are some great goals to have! I would love to have one of those tracksuits too, and look good in it! I would love to ride my bike with my kids in one of those 3-wheel strollers!

Chris- you sound like you will have a good year ahead of you.  I wish I could go to New Orleans! I have never been there.  Enjoy!

As soon as you can, let me know how your surgeries went! Good luck!

Missy       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
HW 260 SW 249 (1/20/10)  CW 134
1st GW 150 (reached 8/29/10) 
2nd GW 135 (reached 12/1/10)
I really don't have another goal weight. :)

on 1/14/10 5:50 am - La Verne, CA
wow, I never thought of setting a goal other than weight loss?  I guess I should!  I was thinking of more simple things, fitting in to the rides at Disneyland and putting my socks on with my pants buckled, lol.

I really need to brainstorm, maybe I will save my pennies for Paris!
on 1/14/10 2:19 pm - Austell, GA
This is a Great One!
I promised to do the Annual Peach Race here in GA on the 4th of July, PRAY FOR ME!
I am planning a trip to Jamaica and I so can't wait for my ex who lives there to see me...lol.. I have a date with my nephew in 2 years we are going to Disney World "Tia, when I turn 7, I am gonna take you to Disney World and we are gonna ride the horror something or the other...lol" OH, I can't wait to go shopping! and take a trip to VEGAS baby, so I can WALK, WALK and WALK in all of that HEAT!

HW: 410 PLD: 401 SW: 388.8 CW: 240 GW: 180                   

  Use Code: TouchstoneGA12 to get your OH conference tickets for $49.00
on 1/16/10 5:10 am
RNY on 01/25/10 with

It's so interesting how trapped Ive felt with the extra weight.  My surgery is next Monday, and Im already planning things that to most people would sound silly.  But I can not wait to go to a water park, an amusement park, fly on an airplane comfortably and go to a baseball game.  I am going to also plan a cruise for my one year anniversary ...Im so excited for everyone!!  Its going to be a great new life for all of us!

Missy N.
on 1/16/10 10:25 am - Kalkaska
I here you Jay! I never realized how sore and acky I am with this weight on me! I am tired, no motivation (because it is to much effort some days).  I just can't wait to feel confortable in jeans again.  Good luck with your surgery, it is 5 days after mine!

Missy       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
HW 260 SW 249 (1/20/10)  CW 134
1st GW 150 (reached 8/29/10) 
2nd GW 135 (reached 12/1/10)
I really don't have another goal weight. :)

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