no weight loss (depressed)

on 3/10/04 12:01 am - Jasper, GA
well i will be out 10 months the 12 of March and i haven't lost in weight in about 4 weeks but i have lost 137 total, but i have started working out with weights, well i have been 3 times i dont know if that is way or not some body help me. and i got in the tanning bed and got cooked some of my body hasn't seen day light for 20 years. LOL AND I GOT BURNT.but im going back im going to look good come june and july. i need
on 3/10/04 9:00 am - Gobles, MI
Stephanie, I understand your depression. I have lost 149 pounds since my surgery May 23rd. 03 and the scales don't really move anymore. I still have 25 pounds to get to 199. I just keep reminding myself everyday how far I have come and try not to think about how far I have to go. If that doesn't work I go and look at other peoples profiles that were about the same as my starting weight and see where they were at 9/10 months out and see how much farther they have come since. I usually feel better knowing I am doing GOOD. Grace Smith May 23 03 373/224/???
Jodie P.
on 3/13/04 11:05 pm - Irene, SD
Stephanie - Are you sure that you are on a plateau? Sometimes our bodies are losing inches, but not weight. If you are only using the scale, get a tape measure (the paper kind, not the metal kind!) and measure yourself. I did my measurements prior to surgery and have now gotten in the habit of measuring myself on my month anniversaries (which for me is the 2nd of each month). This has helped me considerably, because I also think that the scale isn't moving (well, not moving fast enough), but I will have monthly losses in both pounds and inches. At 10 months + post op (my surgery was May 2, 2003), things are definitely slowing down. Last month I lost 8 lbs and 7 inches, and the month before that, I lost 7 lbs and 8 inches. Overall, I'm down 140 lbs from my highest weight. More importantly I feel better physically. I know that we all focus on the number on that darn scale - it would be better for all of us if we focused on the health of our bodies. Dieting got most of us to being morbidly obese. It doesn't work. Changing our lifestyle does work. I use the good/better/best approach to food and I incorporate both exercise and overall physical activity into each day. I don't do the protein shakes nor do I put sugar free chemicals into my body. I started using to keep me centered and realistic about what I'm putting into my body. I feel that we all have an addiction - to food. Addiction is a very complicated, multi-layered disease and it's effects on us are hard to figure out. When I start feeling depressed and defeated, that is when I 'disengage' and allow myself to eat poor food choices (ie high/no nutrition carbs). I feel that I am out of control - just like before WLS. That is scary and a sure-fire way to being morbidly obese again. I work HARD on staying honest with myself - something I did not do prior to WLS. Denial helped get me morbidly obese. Denial will get me there again. If you are on a plateau, give yourself a break and quit being so critical. Vary the amount of calories that you are consuming, up the protein & water and the activity/exercise. If you are consuming too many simple carbs (i.e. sugar), try to get them out of your house. Be creative with how to satisfy your particular cravings - I experiment with re-creating recipes by cutting the fat and sugar. Take active control over your life and, if honestly you are doing the right things, then continue and know that your weight and health will continue to be a success. Good luck on your lifelong journey. Jodie 335/193/??
Allee Z.
on 3/17/04 12:33 am - Eastern, IA
I think it is the stage we are at ... I'll be ten months out on the 27th of March. My weight loss has slowed way way down. I'm fortunate enough to see my goal on the horizon - now within 10-15 pounds of it. But at the rate I'm going ... that could be MONTHS down the road! *LOL* After all this time leading up to surgery - having surgery - and all the after surgery stuff ... I'm TIRED of thinking about it. I want to be at my 'goal' and then think about maintaining it. I'm sure if we all stick to the things we know ... portion sizes, nutrients, etc. and keep from snacking (my problem) - we'll all keep losing. It's a biological LAW - eat more calories than you burn you GAIN ... eat less calories than you burn you LOSE. *smile* Like everyone - I always anticipate I'll be the one the biological law uses as an exception to the rule! Good luck all!
Amy H.
on 3/17/04 8:04 pm - San Marino, CA
hey, I just passed my ten month mark on the 15th. the only adivce or help i can offer is to just think of you FINAL outcome. In the end it will be worth those four weeks. I went through that last month and i finally decidid that there's nothing much more i can do than what my DR. told me to. I hope you feel beter. and Knock people's socks off in June and July with your new physical self! You can do it
Anastacha B.
on 3/20/04 3:24 pm - Where's the party?, KS
Stephanie You look great! You have come a long way. It is getting harder, but you can do it. I just got over a weight loss drought myself. I hadn't lost any weight since Feb 9th, then like the 16th or 17th of this month I lost a pound. YEAH! Now I'm down another couple. It is great that you are lifting weights now. Anything to mix up your work out. I had been walking a lot on my treadmill and outside when it has been nice. So, in addition I started lifting weights and using my eliptical machine. I think mixing up my work out may have kick started the weight loss again. Like the other poster said, if you aren't measuring you should do that. I haven't been measuring, but wish I had from the beginning. I did last month and will measure again in April, then I'll see if I am down inches. Good Luck to you. You look gorgeous! Carmen Open RNY 5/28/03 398/360/253/125
Your S.
on 4/8/04 6:29 am
You look marvelous baby !!!!!!!! Don't get depressed now, you have come so far....... Your body will loose the weight at a healthy rate for you. Everyone's body is different. Keep your spirits up and hold your head up high. You DERSERVE it! May, GOD BLESS YOU on your journey. Take care and keep smiling.
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