Update on me

Ruth A.
on 7/16/08 6:35 pm - Letchworth Garden City, UK
Hi all I know this board isn't rocking so much, but I'm sure there are people lurking, so I wanted to share my update with those of us still around. It's my Dad's funeral today - weird day as I feel very detached from it all - yet it's been a very stressful time. The family relationships are very strained - long story, those of you with disfunctional families will understand (current relationships, past history etc etc). So anyway, the thing I'm trying to say is that although it's been very stressful and busy, pre wls I would have reached for the comfort food and gained a ton of weight. This time, I did go comfort food shopping, but didn't eat any of it - it was enough to buy nice things for hubbie and daughter, and then throw them away as they didn't eat it. I've been buying loads of cakes and cookies for the reception but have not even been tempted to eat them and have to replace them...come on I know some of you know what I'm talking about - I'm sure I'm not the only one who has done that in the past Well, this time I've actually LOST WEIGHT!!!!!! When I get stressed my stomach churns and I CAN'T EAT!!!!!!!! Amazing. Two pounds - I amost said 'only', but I stopped myself just in time. It is never 'only' when we are talking about weight loss in my opinion. But the bigger achievement is the not turning to food to push down and deal with all the emotions that I'm going through. Other than that, I'm still chugging long trying to eat right and exercise - haven't managed that this week as no time and I'm surprised to say I've missed going to the gym! Thanks for listening. Hugs to all the old timers still around, and to the other people that I haven't met yet Ruth
Cindy O.
on 7/18/08 12:48 pm - Bryan, TX
Gee Ruth, sorry to hear about your dad. My passed away in 2004. Great job on handling the stress instead of eating it, tho. And you are right, this board is kinda drab. I've not been on in about a year... I do wonder what everyone is up to. Most of the time, I'm over on the RNY or Grads board, and I LOVE reading some of the garbage on the R&R. I've been known to stir up some trouble over there myself! LOL Hugs to you, Cindy
Ruth A.
on 7/19/08 1:08 am - Letchworth Garden City, UK
Hi Cindy I like reading the grads board too - tend to lurk mostly. What's the R&R? Sounds like fun if you are stirrung things up a bit!!! LOL hugs back attacha
Cindy O.
on 7/19/08 7:40 am - Bryan, TX
R&R is the Rants and Raves board. WARNING!!! If foul language and fervent opinions offend, then just don't go! It took some time to get used to, but I've realized that most of the posts are childish pleas for attention, so now I just ignore. I really enjoy the political discussions, but try to stay out of the line of fire, so to speak. Most days I can find humor in the sad, pathetic egos!!!!
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