I have a date May 18th

on 4/13/06 1:39 am - Hopewell Jct, NY
Well I have a date of May 18th as long as my insurance approves the surgery. I don't think it will be a problem at least I hope it is not a problem. The doctors office said I should find out next week.
on 4/13/06 4:41 am - Sacramento, CA
Dont worry things will work out just fine. Lorraine
on 4/13/06 6:22 am - Hopewell Jct, NY
Thanks for the support it does help. I also got called earlier from my insurance and they told me that I was approved and my doctors confirmed the date of May 18th. So I am set just pre-op testing and I am ready to go.
on 4/13/06 10:06 am - Sacramento, CA
Well thats even better. Look like we will both be loser really soon 25 days and counting. Lorraine
brenda F.
on 4/14/06 7:09 am - whitney, TX
i'm so happy for ya'll god bless and good luck to all of the 18th wls babys ..
on 4/15/06 12:48 am - NY
Hi Robert! If you are going to be at Westchester Medical Center I'm having the surgery the same day you are! I'm the one in the blue sneakers, meet ya in the hallway for walking!!!! Good Luck to you and I'll meet you there, ANDI
on 4/15/06 4:26 am - Hopewell Jct, NY
Cool I will be the big (shrinking) LOL bald guy. Talk to you more soon and we can throw a party after both our surgeries.
on 4/15/06 4:28 am - NY
I'll be the blonde or red head depending on my mood who's cruising the hall way at warp speed... I've made up signs that say before you touch me i need to see that you've washed your hands....we germ-o-phobes will rule the world i tell ya!
(deactivated member)
on 4/16/06 6:51 am - Sacramento, CA
Good luck Robert ... same date for me out in California. Let's all join hands across the US! Kate
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