I'm back!!

on 12/27/06 8:41 am - Columbus, OH
Hey Everybody My laptop has been down for awhile, but my sister just got it back up and running for me. I have missed you all terribly!! I have gained a few holiday pounds, but I am confident that I will get them all off and more as I begin to train for a 1/2 marathon. - Thanks for the inspiration Kerri! - I'm going to try and run it, but will not be disappointed if I have to walk some, 1/2, or even most of it. Hope you all are doing well!! Sharyn
on 12/27/06 9:23 pm - Ridge, NY
OH sharyn im so glad your back and computer issues fixed. GOOD luck on that up comeing marathon! TOO cool
on 12/28/06 2:13 am - canton, GA
Sharyn, Glad to have you back. I am glad that your computer is fixed. Bravo on training for the half marathon. My knee has been bothering me so I am not doing so well on the exercise front. But I hope to get back to it soon. Lynn
Wendy Kipp
on 12/28/06 7:05 am - MI
Glad to see you back Sharyn! Good luck on your marathon. I hope to be back up and running this spring. Well, walking at least LOL! I am having my plastics on Feb. 6th. The tt and butt lift. Hope I do as well as you and Lucy! Wendy
on 12/28/06 5:53 pm - Columbus, OH
Look at you - hot momma!!! Good luck with the TT and butt lift - I know you'll enjoy the results. I need a little tweak, but am happy not to have to wear a girdle - especially since I still had a big ball. Sharyn
Scrappin Gal
on 12/29/06 6:52 am - Corona, CA
Hey, hey there Sharyn! I was wondering where you had gone to! Too exciting that you're doing your first half marathon~ when is it? I'm just now starting to train again for my second~ on Feb. 4th. I've been doing 6 mi. pretty consistently, but more than that, not so much with the holidays. Fortunately, all of the fam. just left today, so it's back to being a good girl again~ Hope you had a great Christmas! hugs, Kerri
on 12/29/06 7:53 am - Columbus, OH
Hi Kerri The 1/2 marathon is April 14th. I'm hoping to be able to run it, but will be happy to just fini**** WOW - I can't believe you're doing another one so soon. Way to stay in shape. I'm hoping to drop about 11 lbs during my training. I had a great Christmas and hope you did too. Happy New Year!! Sharyn
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