Gas & Bruises...

T. Orient
on 4/18/07 10:48 am - Redford, MI
Hi, Ok... besides the obvious foods... I've noticed a lot of gas in the last couple months and can't figure out what is causing it. It has been almost 2 yrs, down 130 lbs, one 10 month old baby girl, a separation/divorce and I'm now having gas issues! I'm glad for the divorce and was surprised by the pregnancy but all has worked out well and I'm happy (we both are). The only catch (besides looking into plastic surgery) is the bruising and gas. Could it be that I'm lacking something in my diet? Protein? I definitely get enough water in but maybe I need to relook at my eating habits? Does anyone else have any problems? I don't really have any cramping or anything but the gas is on the 'silent but deadly' side here. I definitely do not want to even think of being with a guy with this issue. Can anyone relate?
on 4/19/07 6:04 am - Columbia, MD
You know someone had to say this -- better check with your doctor. Probably your PCP. If you still have your gall bladder, it could be causing your problems. Gall bladder is often a problem 1) after massive weight loss and 2) after child birth. And you've got both. If you did lose that little appendage with your WLS, culprit might be very well be diet. In the meantime, I know some folks have had success with GasX and with adding probiotics to their diets. Good luck!
Wendy Kipp
on 4/23/07 7:00 am - MI
I don't have this problem although I am frequently constipated. However, alot of wls people have said that this is part and parcel of this surgery. Are you getting enough fiber? Sometimes this is an issue for us, as it is bulky and hard to fit into our diet. Wendy
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