OK, I'm Here!

Lucy M.
on 11/20/07 3:37 am - Conway, SC
We are all into our own lifestyles now. It's been a long time for me. This girl has been not on track since her 2 year anniversary and I have had some regain. I'm ashamed to admit it but here I am. I am also going to have my 3rd round of plastic surgery this Saturday. A face lift, lipo to get rid of some of my regain and removal of my breast implants. It's been bad for me since June and I have no one else to blame but myself. I've fallen into the bad habits of eating the wrong foods, too much, in between meals and drinking with my meals. I am taking control of it as I write this message. I've been cleaning my house getting ready for plastic surgery. It has been just the thing I needed to get myself to be me again. I guess it is like purging all the bad stuff from my house or things I don't need. If anyone is here, please send me a message! I need my Junebug friends so much! Wishing you all a Very Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs, Lucy
Wendy Kipp
on 11/20/07 4:26 am - MI
Hey girl! Glad to hear from you! I have had some rough spots too. Just keep plugging. I am still struggling with the bulemic stuff on and off, so although I haven't gained any weight I am not following the program all the time either. I have a girlfriend with Roux n y that has gained most of her weight back so it is a good thing that you are aware and getting hold of it. I find it helpful to weigh myself everyday so I am aware when the weight starts to creep up. Love you lots and I will be thinking of you this week with your surgery! Wendy
Lucy M.
on 11/21/07 8:30 pm - Conway, SC
Hi Wendy. Happy Thanksgiving. Once I get through my plastic surgery and the swelling, I will be weighing myself more frequently to keep a check on it. It's so true that it is easier to lose a 2 pound gain than 10, 20, etc. pounds. I'll let you know how I am doing after the surgery. Love ya too. Maybe I can come up to Michigan in the summer and see you! Lucy
Scrappin Gal
on 12/2/07 3:33 pm - Corona, CA
Hi Lucy~ It's been waaaaay too long!! I've been struggling, too, to keep all of my weight off. To date, I've been dealing with those nasty 10 lb. "bounce back" weight. Don't feel alone!! I think it's very normal for us to still be dealing with issues~ life hasn't changed all of the time. I've had some personal issues to contend with, too, during the last 6 weeks or so~ it's hard not to go back to the old ways. Thank goodness for exercise, which I haven't been doing much of lately, either. I still do my 5K's, 10K's, and did a 1/2 marathon in Oct. How did your surgery go? What complications have you had, if any form ps? I'm considering getting my arms and breasts done this summer. Did you say you were having yours removed? Hope all has gone smoothly this time around!! Hugs, Kerri
Lucy M.
on 12/10/07 10:22 pm - Conway, SC
Hi Kerri. Thanks for your message. Boy, have I been in the dumps for the past 6 months. I finally got myself back on track yesterday. I am taking it one day at a time. It's really hard with the holidays but I got through them the past 2 years, so I will now as well. My surgery went very well. My facelift is dramatic. No more turkey waddle. I have a nice, small face. Nice and tight. My implants were removed and that is what I wanted. He still needs to do some reconstructive work on my right breast because it is sagging low. I have another 2 rounds of plastics to go. The next one will be the reconstructive work on my breast, removal of a mole on my foot and face.. then the final one, a butt lift and revision of my thighplasty. I am so broke from all the surgery. I am going to ask my WLS doc for an antidepressant. I've been depressed for over 6 months now and need some help. How are you doing?? Hugs, Lucy
Just Me
on 1/1/08 2:32 pm - Happy Place, TN
Wishing you the very best!!!
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