
on 1/24/07 2:23 am - Bellingham, WA
First of all, I want to thank you all for worrying about me! Makes me feel loved! Seriously though, thank you! The doc said that my heart is fine. They did an EKG and he listened to my heart and said it's "rock solid" with no murmurs or anything. What a relief that was to hear! They did a complete blood workup this morning and I am waiting to hear the results. He said that he thinks I may be dehydrated and that is why I am feeling "off". I just feel week and shaky and just kind of sickly. He also said that he thinks I had a mother of a panic attack and that is why it felt like I was going to pass out and why I felt scared. He said I did the right thing by starting back on my Celexa. I have a follow-up appt in 3 weeks to recheck everything. I feel better knowing that I am not having heart issues. That really scared me the most. My mom exerienced severe dehydration about 3 months after her WLS and ended up in the hospital on an IV for 4 days. She had similar symptoms as mine. So for now, I am forcing the fluids. I drank 48 oz of gatorade yesterday and I think it helped. I can drink it with no ill effects. I was surprised that the sugar didn't bother me at all. Today I am drinking herbal caffeine free tea and water. I don't want to feel like that EVER again!!! Scared the crap outta me! I also have started a regular regimine of taking my vitamins. I hadn't taken them for about 2 months regularly. I know, that is BAD! But for the last week and a half, I have been taking them daily. It's really easy to get super comfortable with this surgery and forget that we need to take better care of ourselves. We go back to eating a bit more normal and maybe slack off on the vitamins and water. I know now that I CAN'T do that. I have learned my lesson and PROMISE to take better care of ME!!! Thanks again for your concerns and well wishes. I love you guys! Lori
on 1/24/07 3:42 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Lori, Glad to hear that your heart is good and that this was "just" dehydration. At least that is something that you can work on. We all have to remember to take good care of ourselves. I know that even my hubby is aware of my need for water and when we head out somewhere in the car, he has at least one bottled water available for me if I need it. I have not been as good about always eating the right things, but I have continued to be really good about taking my vitamins and B-12 complex every morning. I do try to get a Vivactiv chew (calcium) every afternoon, but I am not always as good about doing that. Take care of yourself..... and feel better! Eileen
L C.
on 1/24/07 5:35 am - Port St John, FL
Hey Lori, Glad to hear that your heart is fine!!! Keep drinking those fluids's good for you and I'm happy to here that you are back on track with your vitamins!! It's so important. Keep up the good work and you'll be feeling fine soon! Lori
Mrs. G
on 1/24/07 6:09 am - E. City, NC
Glad to hear you got to the doctor and got some tests run! Take care of you! Hugs ~ Connie
Tammy H.
on 1/24/07 9:44 pm - Camden, NY
Hey Girl.... I'm so glad you went to the Dr right away... Very smart thing to do. It'll be interesting to see how your blood work comes out. Did you ask him to check your potassium? Yes it is very easy to fall back into old habits & slack off. That's why we ALL have found ourselves back on here daily. We know it's a struggle & we know that everyone on here knows EXACTLY what we're going through. Remember, together we can continue to be WLS success stories. It's a great thing that you're back on track with your vitamins & liquids.... I"m gonna scold you, though, on drinking Gatorade.... ...... There's soooo many sugar free choices out there.....STAY AWAY FROM SUGAR.IT'S EVIL... (ok, sorry....just had to say it ).... On a good note.......... I'm happy to hear the PROMISE of taking better care of yourself.... WE ALL NEED TO COME TOGETHER & MAKE THAT PROMISE....... Keep up the great work Luv YA ( & ((((HUGS))) Tammy
on 1/25/07 1:01 am - Bellingham, WA
Thanks hun! And just a note, I don't drink gatorade all the time. I just did it to get my electrolytes up and hopefully hydrate me better than water. Smarty pants! I know it's loaded with sugar. But it WAS an emergency! Love ya more! Lori
Tammy H.
on 1/25/07 1:20 am - Camden, NY
Sorry if I offended you. I know you're a good girl... & YES it was an emergency & I fully understand why you did what you did. Tam
on 1/25/07 1:32 am - Bellingham, WA
NO WAY! You did NOT offend me in the least! I just wanted to let you know that I don't make a habit of it. Love ya, Lori
on 1/26/07 3:40 am - pickerington, OH
Im so glad your Ok. I was worried about you! I still dont drink anything bu****er. actually flavored water, sometimes tea. always remember to drink drink drink!!! Ive always been a big water drink er since i have a kidney disease so now i just drink MORE,lol.... Take care! Love ya! kim
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