Somebody help - what's going on?????

Carrie N.
on 5/30/07 12:50 pm - Pigeon Forge, TN
Post Date: 5/28/07 4:52 pm OK....I had surgery August 2005 at 386 pounds. I lost about 150 in the first year, and pretty nothing since then (although I still get people asking me if I have lost weight in the last few months). Right now I am about 230. No matter what I do, I don't lose. I was eating 1,000 calories for months, no loss. The nutritionist said it wasn't enough, and I should go to 2,000. I did and lost like 11 pounds in 4 days, then it came right back plus a few. I exercise, don't lose weight. I don't exercise, don't lose weight. I go to 6 Flags and eat fried dough and onion rings all day and lose 6 pounds. Then I eat salad and grilled chicken and Lean Cuisine meals for a week and play raquetball every day for a week and gain 8 pounds. I go out for Chinese food and waaaaaaay too many ****tails and lose 4 pounds overnight. I have no idea what I should be doing. Is it possible I am supposed to be 230-240 lbs? I am still huge!!! My arms are disgusting. My belly is gross. I had considered going to a water park this summer, but I can't find a long-sleeved bathing suit. I am still a size 16. I am 6' tall. My BMI is still 32, so I am still obese. I had my body fat tested, and it is 26%, which is normal, they say. What am I doing wrong? I can't see that 230 pounds can be normal and reasonable for a woman. we had a dieting contest at work (of course, I did not join because it involved weigh-ins), and almost everyone was around 140-150. How depressing is that? I am 100 pounds bigger than everyone at work after all of this. Why am I just stuck for almost a year?? Arrrrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!! I give up! By the way, I cannot figure out how to add picture, but here are my most recent photos, last week at brother's wedding. I am totally disgusted!!! Last summer, I was the same size and I felt awesome. This summer, I feel like a big, fat, slimy, horrible greasy pig and even worse than before surgery. I feel like I don't even want to go in public sometimes. Like I go and have surgery, which is pretty much a guarantee to lose weight and I still can't do it right. Any ideas? Carrie
on 5/31/07 4:05 am - Richmond, VA
Hi Carrie, I'm sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. I suggest meeting with your nutritionist again and also getting a second opinion from another bariatric surgeon's office. Another nutritionist or bariatric nurse can give you other advise. Don't be dismayed. You had a lot of weight to lose and your body has a mind of it's own sometimes during the plateau times. Just be patient and kind to yourself. Be proud of your achievements and take it one day at a time. We're all here for you and hope you have a great day! Gina
Dawn B.
on 6/10/07 5:29 am - Anderson, CA
Hi Carrie, First, sorry you're so frustrated. I know I hate when I start exercising regulary because the first thing that happens is that I gain weight due to the muscles retaining water to offset the new stuff I'm expecting of them. If I give a couple of weeks they get with the program and off it comes. Second, STOP comparing yourself to anyone else!!! Cheeze girl, you're 6' tall. You're not going to weigh 150, unless of course you're looking to be anorexic or something. A friend that is 5'8" is at about 160 and wearing size 10's - she looks AMAZING! Based on the numbers you got from the doctor's office (assuming that's where you got your body fat tested) you're doing better than I am - and I'm at goal, so give yourself kudos for converting that fat to muscle - hence why folks are asking if you're still losing weight - muscle takes up less room. You also can say you've basically kept the weight off for a year. When was the last time you said that? Third, get consistant. We all know the yo-yo thing is the hardest on our body and your body is telling you that by not being consistant it doesn't know what to do. Were you given good guidelines from your doctor for post-op eating? If so, go back to the meal plan you were given for the about 7 weeks post-op to goal timeframe. Stick to it, keep the exercise regular, and if after 6 weeks you're still yo-yoing or not moving, then go back to the doctor. If you weren't given great guidelines, feel free to try my doctors - 8 glasses of water (no drinking for an hour after eating) minimum, 3 meals a day - 75% protein, 25% everything else. Once you reach maintainance - add a protein snack if needed to stop weight loss. Finally, you may not be able to do anything about your arms, stomach, etc., even if you lose another 100 lbs - they may actually get worse. Depending on your skin's elasticity, you may have saggy skin for the rest of your life (THANK GOD for clothes) unless you can afford plastic surgery. The swimsuit thing is obviously an issue, but think of how much better you look than 150 lbs ago! Find the joy again in your successes. We have been given such a great tool and a chance to change our lives for the better. You can do it - just don't give up on yourself. Dawn
on 6/29/07 12:29 pm - Staten Island, NY
RNY on 08/10/05 with
Carrie, I used to see you post often on the Main Board, but I have not been on there in a long time. I have not been to this board in more than a year. Funny thing is, today in my car, I was thinking about YOU! I often checked your profile because your pictures, your spirit, and your attitude and self confidence were always an inspiration to me. I did not even realize that you and I had surgery in the same month.... I looked at your recent pictures, and I think you still look great! I really don't know waht to say to you regarding continuing to lose weight. I just made arrangements to go back to my nutritionist to set me up with a healthy eating plan. If I get any good tips, I will pass them on to you. SH
Carrie N.
on 7/12/07 12:05 pm - Pigeon Forge, TN
Thank you so much! That is so sweet of you to say! I am feeling a little better these days. I have lost 11 pounds in last 2 weeks (and first week was on vacation diet of fried dough, hot dogs, fries, etc) so I am feeling a little better. In fact, I discovered my home scale was 9 pounds off so it feels like 20. Thanks again!! You made my day!
Joni Just Joni
on 7/22/07 10:45 am - Sheffield, AL
I just read most of your profile. AND I QUOTE: "Well, still at about 230, which is fine with me. If I lose more, OK, if not, cool, too. I have a lot more confidence and a lot of dates, and nice clothes and shoes I would hate to have to replace. Haha. Nutritionally, everything is great, all my levels are fine, I can eat whatever I want and I can drink my beloved Grey Goose on occasion with no problem. If I want fried dough at the beach, no problems with that either. I was playing badmitton for a good hour last weekend in high heels. Now how's that for stamina!" You go girl! I too am/was almost 6' tall. I am older, 46, so have "shrunk" down to 5'10". I went from 365 lbs. down to 215 and then back up to 220 and while I wish I could lose the rest of it, I am happy as can be. As long as I don't gain, I will be happy. I haven't had a date in years, but oh well. I don't have to use a walking cane or wheelchair anymore so that, to me, is phenomenal and I think I am just awesome for doing what I have done. I may lose the rest of it, I may not, but I am much happier than when I weighed 365. I was at the beach a few weeks ago and I wore my bathing suit with pride, saggy skin and all! Nobody looked at me like I was a freak, like they used to do when I weighed 365 and was in a wheelchair. I need to put some new photos up and will do that eventually, but for the moment, I am happy. You have accomplished so much and have such a great attitude! To go through all the rough times and come out smiling is incredible. Bravo for you! I am applauding you as we speak! Love, Joni
on 7/27/07 11:11 am - Saint Paul, MN
Dont beat yourself up you lost and I know you must feel better than what you did before the weight lost. You know there is this protien diet that someone gave me and I have asked about this and know one has responed it was for people who had a stand still and this diet does work I will post it on this page as well.
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