Your posts really help

on 6/1/07 4:40 am - Houston, TX
Thank you for all your posts. It has been far too long since I've been checking these boards regularly. Reading about your struggles and success reminds me I'm not alone, and I can get back on track. (Despite the Resese PB cup filled chocolate drawer at my office.) Since I developed anemia, a direct result of the surgery, I've been in a funk. I've felt guilt for not loosing on my own. Now I have to remind myself, the anemia should be an even better reason for keeping the weight off and continuing to lose. I've gained 10lbs since my lowest. 7lbs in the last two months or so. Again, all your posts are really helping me remember why I did this and the need to stay on track. Torrey (281/186/160)
Dawn B.
on 6/10/07 5:40 am - Anderson, CA
Hey Torrey! What part of those almost 100 lbs you lost didn't you do on your own??? If we follow WW, Atkins, Jenny Craig - do we give them the credit or ourselves? Why do we allow ourselves to fall into society's issue of 'we took the easy way out"? YOU followed the plan, you exercised, you asked for the help. YOU!! Not a doctor, not your spouse, etc. Congrats on what YOU'VE accomplished and do your best sweetie to get over the anemia hump... it's got to be hard to overcome the lack of energy that gives you, but even a slow walk for an hour is better than an hour on the couch (as I sit here on my computer LOL) Dawn
on 6/18/07 5:33 am - Houston, TX
Thanks for the great response. I actual went to the gym today. We have one in the office building now, so now excuses. Well, I always have an excuse .... I've lost 4 of those added pounds and am back to considering plastic surgery. Cheers, Torrey
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