Tammy H.
on 7/10/07 1:22 am - Camden, NY
Soooooo here we are 23 months post - op & our little board is dwindling away. I'm soooo very guilty of not posting or even checking in. Life, here, has been hectic as usual. Still working 60+ hrs a week plus running the girls to soccer games for their summer soccer league. Our house is great, except the fact that a tree fell on it on the 20th of June. The contractor is here, as I type this, putting on a new roof. Thank God for insurance Weight wise............still hovering between 178 & 185 for the most part. Been here for over a year. Just started a 6 week program with my girls to help them prepare for soccer tryouts which begin on August 20th & I really would like to lose about 15 lbs by my birthday in September. So doing Slim In 6 by Beach Body then I ride my bike while the girls run for 3 miles. Very sore today. Definate indication that my butt has been planted on my office chair ALOT lately. But at least I started moving again. How's everyone else doing? Eating has been ok...Always room for improvement when it comes to that lately. Bought a bunch of fruit & have been focusing on that. Loveing the watermelon & strawberries. I am guilty of munching on carbs .... chips ...bread & at that time of the month even something sweet. Although, I have to say my body is still in control when it comes to refined sugars because I really still can't tolerate alot of sugar. Which is a Great thing.... I hope everyone is doing well & you're enjoying your summer as much as we are.... ABSOLUTELY LOVING OUR POOL!!!!! Take Care & let me know how things are going. Tammy 291/185 & holding/170
Kelli S
on 7/14/07 5:51 pm - Houston, TX
Hey Tammy. I just posted to Jackie's message about how I was doing but wanted to post to you too. As I said in my other post, I have never been much of a poster more of a lurker but I do come back and read the board especially when I am not doing great. I wanted to thank you for being so faithful about posting and sharing your experiences. It really does help others! Congrats on your success and thanks again! Kelli
Dawn B.
on 7/20/07 12:10 pm - Anderson, CA
Well HELLO stranger! I thought you had permanently left us. Sorry to hear about the tree and house, but glad it's getting repaired. I'm doing fine. Exercise hasn't been consistent and snacking has been more than less, but weight is holding fairly steady. I decided to go up to 140, vs 135 as I just could maintain that weight. I kept losing and gaining up to 5 lbs w/i a week - body just didn't like it. It has been much, much more stable and folks say I look healthier. Hope to hear from you more! Dawn
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