New pics,,

on 6/8/07 3:29 pm - Danville, IN
in case anyone is interested. Im doing the "Time Out" regimen they are talking about on the main board..all liquids , for awhile. I want to get to goal once and for all,,ive played around with this last 20 pounds now for months. How is everyone else doing? Blessings Betsy
on 6/9/07 2:10 am - OH
RNY on 09/21/05 with
Betsy, What I did was really a big help to my protein and i have started losing again. I add a scoop of protein in my optimia slim fast, And that keeps my plumbing working and keeps me full most of the day. I so glad i started doing that a again. people say you stop losing after 18 months. Thats our choice if we stick with the program we will continue to lose unttil we are done. You are very beautiful and look so happy. Those 20 pounds are going to leave you. Bye Hugs barb
on 6/11/07 2:54 am - Medical Lake, WA
What is the time out regimine??
Stacy H.
on 6/12/07 12:17 pm - Cumberland, IN
Good luck! Please don't do anything too drastic. You look great the way you are and if you keep at it you'll reach your goal eventually. Make sure you are still getting enough calories
on 6/13/07 1:09 am - Danville, IN
The Time Out regimen is liquids only. Or pretty much. 3 Protein drinks per day, vitamins, 2 snacks of broth or something liquid, and water water water. Ya lose your cravings and appetite after a couple days, and the weight drops. It seems to shrink the size of the pouch again, dont know if that really happens, but ya dont want as much food! If ya go to the main Forum, there is a lot of stuff on it there. Blessings Betsy
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