
on 7/24/07 9:07 pm - Garrett, PA
I was wondering if any of my September Family can help me. I notice certain things I eat make my stomach hurt....I want to list them so you all can see what they are and maybe find a connection: Wheatthins - all kinds Chetos Diritos cheese curls corn chips stax chips (ones in a can...not pringles though) funjis..(onion rings) I cant think of anymore.....heres somethings that dont hurt chezits regular of those.. plain crackers plain tortilla chips what do you all think the ingredient is that does that to me?? I've tried to look it up online to see the connections but no luck. anyhow I hope everyone is doing good. 248/154
*DownsouthGAgirl *
on 7/27/07 2:46 am - GA
I have the same problem sometimes like sometimes when i eat pasta it hurts the top part of my stomach.The other day I was eating some and I could only eat like 2-3 bites and I had to stop eating it but other times I can eat it.
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