What was your weight gain (if any) 3-4 yrs post surgery?

on 2/2/12 12:54 am - Teaneck, NJ
I have put on (quite slowly....) about 10-12lbs and I am not thrilled. I am 4 years out and I did stop food journalling, (I know, I know.....) but I have heard that most people gain a bit from their lowest point and this seems to be their new set-point. Any thoughts?
on 2/2/12 12:57 am
I've been averaging about 160-163 pounds for the majority of my post op life -- however -- when I bounce -- I bounce.  I'm up at about 170 right now -- and it's about once a year...
No Info
on 2/2/12 1:08 am
on 2/2/12 1:49 am - Utica, NY
so I am 4 yrs out and I am 30 pounds heavier than my lowest weight...I would like to lose 20 of that again and am working on it, by going back to the basics and journaling. My tool still works, I just got lazy and stopped using it!!!!
The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step!!!

Queen Koosa
on 2/2/12 2:46 am

Going on 5 years and have not had any weight gain.  I think the most important thing is to eat dense protein first so you fill up fast.


MyLady Heidi
on 2/2/12 3:02 am
At 4 years I found out eating the same things could cause gain, I don't know how  much I gained but I knew I had to start being careful.  I weigh 142+/- right now which is a few lbs over my goal.  I make it so I have to suffer if I gain, I have not one article of clothing over size 6 and I make myself put on my jeans even when I don't want too.  I am the denial queen, if I start that again I will be right back to where I started, so I force myself to face it and do something about it.  Don't think its fun or easy or I like it, I went out for a Dorito's run last night because I like to snack when I am miserable, but I took a handful and put the rest of the bag under the pillow.  Self control SUCKS but so does getting MO again.
on 2/2/12 3:59 am - bridgeport, CT
i have gained about 15lbs since surgery 2008 but i have had 2 kids since surgery as well. i am planiing on getting plastic surgery and wondering if it is at all necessary. i am pretty active exercise wise i want to get to a weight where where i dont have to keep worrying about being big!!!
Sue C
on 2/2/12 6:19 am - Fargo, ND
I am 6+ years out.  Lowest was 162. Most I have ever gone up is 5 lbs and thats easy to get rid of. Goal was 150 and never made it but I am ok with that.  Body likes where it's at.

~ Sue ~


(deactivated member)
on 2/2/12 8:18 am
 Lowest was 123,highest is 145  . at 5'10 "  not so bad...  still a size two  ( straining ) .  I HATE my weight honestly .   As someone who  thrives .lives etc gets PAID to be in FRONT of the camera ..I am TOO FAT    period ...  

yes im going CRAZY    and no .. its VERY real , not BS ... 

on 2/2/12 9:10 am - FL
I'm three-plus years out and have had not any weight gain.  I fluctuate between 133 and 136, depending on whether or not I've pooped before I weighed.  LoL
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