Revision After 11 months????

on 3/7/04 6:32 pm - Lexington, KY
Hi Everyone, I started out on this journey at 353lbs but the day of surgery I weighed in at 341lbs. I'm 11 months post-op from my Lap RNY WLS but will be one year post-op on 3/27/04. During the last 11 months, I've only lost 78lbs since WLS but an over total of 90lbs. I'm so disappointed because I'm sooooo slow. I do not dump and have no food restrictions at all. I can eat everything that I use to eat as prior to my Lap RNY WLS but only in smaller proportions. I can't go back to my surgeon because he has relocated 3 months post-op to another state and the hospital no longer have a baratric program in to additional no support groups. I do get depressed because of my slow weight loss but I'm happy that I had no complications and have gone from a size 30/32 dress to a 22. I know that I've lost lots of inches but the scale just keeps hovering around 263-263. I'm dieting again and I hate this word. I watch everything what I put in my mouth and log it on I exercise 5-6 days a week. I take my vitamins faithfully every day. I drink over 64ozs of liquids a day and I get in over 80gms of protein. I did go and see a local endocrinologist, family doctor and a nutritionist and they all seem to think that I look and is doing just fine. I don't agree with the results for a WLS patient. If I had lost 78lbs within 11 months normally then yes, this is great but I had the WLS and I know that I should of lost 100lbs by now. I've been thinking about a revision but another local surgeon only does them to a Lap Band and I've heard a lot of negativity about them. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Many Blessings, Marilyn Lexington, KY 341/263/175 3/27/03 (-78lbs)
Lesa B.
on 3/15/04 3:09 am - Portland, OR
Hi Marilyn. I saw your post, and read your profile, and I think I'm going to end up being the same slow loser. I'm just under 2 months post-op, but I've been on a plateau for 4 of the last 8 weeks. I remember doing Optifast back in the beginning of 1989 (if Oprah did it, I did it), and how quickly I lost. Then I did it again later in that year, and it was markedly slower. Gained that back and more. Did Phen-Fen, and it was slow, slow, slow. Gained that back and more. Now I feel that my metabolism is just about shot. I'd love to know what you end up doing. Please keep me posted. I know it's hard to wait, but you have lost 90 pounds that you wouldn't have otherwise lost. It's just not supposed to be so hard. That wasn't the promise of this surgery. You're in my thoughts. Please keep me posted. Lesa, Portland, OR (RNY 1/21/04)
on 3/25/04 1:26 am - Grand Rapids, MI
They say you lose the majority of your weight within the first 18 you may still lose...BUT: I felt the same way a year after surgery and still today: 3 years post-op. I had hunger pains within the first 2 weeks post op. I also seem to have no restrictions and I don't get the "full" feeling I'm supposed to have. I also have to measure my food rather than relying on the "tool" to let me know when I'm full. I have had to do this from the begining. I have lost a total of 85-90 pounds. My starting weight was very close to yours. I also became pregnant Oct. 2002. I had my baby in July. She was healthy and weighed 9lbs 10 oz. I weighed myself at her 4 week check-up and I had lost 20lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I was excited and I thought that maybe I'd start losing again. I had started exercising more and I hadn't made any changes in my diet (hey I'd lost the 20+ pounds, I'm doing something right). Now I can't figure this out...for no apparent reason within a month or two, I had gain back that 20 pounds. I thought it very odd that anyone (especially after surgery) could gain that amount of weight that quickly. I was not eating unhealthily and I had begun to exercise more. How discouraging is that? I realize I had been breastfeeding and I had been doing it less frequently, but it still seems unusual. At this time, I am uninsured. My husband's insurance kicks in probably in a month or so. At that time I'll probably speak with my surgeon. I've kept in contact with him and I know they like to track their patients progress. I feel embarrassed, as if I've been doing something wrong. But I think it's time for me to bite the bullet and let him know what my body's been doing. I would encourage you to possibly contact your surgeon and ask if he can refer you to someone...OR make an appointment with the surgeon who is local to discuss your weightloss. are probably not done losing your weight. You are just 11 months out. It may not be uncommon to hit plateaus. Sometimes changing what you eat can make a difference. I don't know if this applies to you, but it is easy to get into a "rut" with your eating. I will find myself eating the same thing everyday for breakfast, lunch and sometimes even dinner. Mix up your menu and maybe try something different as well for exercise. I will usually go walking, but every now and then I will put in a CD and dance around with my daughters. It's fun and gives me a change. should talk to someone, because it is possible that there may be something not "normal" about your surgery. I waited. I was trying my best and I didn't talk to my doctor because I was embarrassed with my slow weight loss. I sort of feel like maybe I'm destined to be fat. Don't get me wrong...I am pleased I lost 90 pounds. Who knows where I'd be if I didn't have surgery. Sorry this is so long...I felt like I could relate to you and to I wanted you to know that others are struggling and share the feelings you have. Don't stop doing what is right and I really encourage you to talk to your surgeon or the local doctor. Find out what is typical and when you should be concerned. I wish you the best and just keep trying.
Pat Bell
on 4/22/04 3:29 am - Southeast, GA
I read on the MAIN message board yesterday a post to pre-ops. It was from someone who had the RNY surgery but her stoma was too large and allowed food to pass directly to the intestine. This of course resulted in her never knowing she was full. One of the responses said there was a new treatment where they applied something around the stoma which then would allow the patient to get the full sensation. Of course there were a lot of nay sayers who think if it's any different than their experience that it's a lie. I really think she has a problem. Sounds very much like what you are describing. I don't know how far back you can go on the message board but you might try to see if you can find it. I think it might help you to know there might be an explanation for how you feel and the slow weight loss. I'm sure you are happy to have lost the weight you've lost but it wasn't what you went in expecting to happen and you have a right to want more. Best of luck
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