Mary LongIsland native

One year anniversary

Jan 24, 2009

What a year this has been. I am much healthier, and down 68 pounds.  I am not at goal, as I would still like to lose 40 more pounds, but am well on my way.  This is a great tool, but the last few months, it is all me.  I am maintaining and still slowly loosing, but it is not flying off as it was.  For the next year, I hope to be at goal by next January, and be more committed to exercise, as this is the key to long term success.

weekly check in

Dec 07, 2008

Ok.  This week was not great, not terrible, but not great.  Trying to find out the motivation of my self defeating behavior and long plateau.  I know that I must not snack.  I will say that again.  I know that I must not snack.  I will try this week to stick to my 1/2 hour before and 1/2 hour after for drinking and will drink first before I snack.  I hope to break past 198 this week.  But weight loss was again flat - down 0.2, so okay.  I am conscious of what I am doing and that is the first step.  Next step is to break this plateau.  Till next week.

checking in

Nov 29, 2008

Ok.  Here is my weekly check in - I am basically flat this week with weight loss - up 0.4, but that is ok.  I did do a positive thing this week - went to a support meeting.  It was pretty good.  I realize I am not alone in this struggle and the struggle will not go away - ever......  So, now I must go forward and am going to try to go to these meetings to help with support.  Taking it one day at a time.  Still fighting the snack demon who comes out at times of stress and boredom.  But, I feel great and someone told me this week I looked hot!!!  I could not believe it, no one has ever said that and I must admit it felt good!  Till next week.

Keeping my goals - recap

Nov 22, 2008

Okay.  I am here one week after I made my goal to come once a week and post and track my weight.  I did okay this past week, but could have done better.  Night time eating was more controlled, and I am trying to eat more healthy.  I am now down for this week 2.4 pounds, so pretty good, but now I have to continue and not go back to snacking.  So, more goals for this week - no night time eating after dinner or one planned snack at the most and never past 7pm.  That should help me.  I will win this fight with myself and will not defeat myself on my road to wellness.


Nov 15, 2008

November 15, 2008
Okay.  I am struggling.  Since 8/24 I have not lost a thing.  I am up and down about 3 pounds - between 198 and 201.  I am doing this to myself.  I am so sad and upset with myself, I need to regroup.  I see how easy weight gain is and how it can happen.  I am still in my window of opportunity and am so upset I am snacking, hence no weight loss and feeling like crap.  I am going to make some small goals. 
Goal # 1 - Every Sunday will be my weigh in.
Goal # 2 - Absolutely no eating after dinner. Absolutely none - this is what is killing my efforts. I will check in next Sunday and will visit the boards for support more often.  I want to lose 50 more pounds.  I have already lost 65 - I can do this, I will do this.  God, help me and give me strength to deal with stress and boredom in other ways besides eating. 


Aug 23, 2008

Well, I am finally firmly in onederland!  After a month of bouncing up to 203 and down to 199, I have firmly landed in onederland at 198.2 for the past two weeks.  My weight loss has slowed, but I am confident I will still lose with hard work and persistance on my end.  So, now I am down a total of 66.3 pounds!!!!  I am very happy and healthy.  My 6 month labs are perfect, and my hemoglobin A1C is 5.4 - which for diabetics is phenomenal.  I am so happy with my health right now that it empowers me to continue on this journey of health. 

So close to Onderland!

Jul 19, 2008

I am so close to onederland - am now 201.2!  I am working hard to get there this week.  I have been in such a slump for the past 5 weeks, starting in the beginning of June,  and have just started loosing again in the past week and a half.  I am so happy about that.  I still need to watch my portions, and can eat a lot more than I could when I had the band.  It really is weird.  I thought I would be eating less.  But, I am eating all the right foods and the weight loss will come.  I will post again when I am under 200.  I have also made myself a promise that I will buy a new Coach bag when I hit a 75 pound weight loss.  That will be at 189.5.  Not so far away!

Hair loss- yes I have it.  And am not happy about it.  I am upping my protein.  I know that I am getting in about 70 grams of protein, but my body is not absorbing all of it.  They say it slows down at about 6 months, well here I am, and it is still going.  I am seeing my doc next week.  I will see what he says.


Date                                                             +/-             Total +/-
1/19/08 preop 264.5; started clears
1/21/08 surgery day 259                           -5.5                 -5.5
1/28/08    248                                           -11                 -16.5
2/4/08      244                                           -4                    -20.5
2/11/08    243                                          -1                     -21.5
2/17/08    239                                          -4                     -25.5
2/25/08    235                                          -4                     -29.5
3/3/08      232                                          -3                     -32.5
3/9/08      229                                          -3                      -35.5
3/16/08    228.4                                      -0.6                   -36.1
3/23/08    226.2                                       -2.2                  -38.3
3/30/08    223.8                                       -2.4                  -40.5
4/6/08      223.4                                       -0.4                  -40.9
4/13/08    219.4                                       -4                     -45.1
4/20/08   218.4                                       -1                      -46.1
4/27/08   215.8                                      -2.6                   -48.7
5/4/08     212.4                                       -3.4                   -52
6/8/08     207.8                                      -4.6                    -56.7
7/20/08   201.2                                      -6.6                    -63.3
8/22/08   198.2                                      -3                        -66.3
11/16/08  201                                        +2.8                    -63.5
11/23/08   198.6                                     -2.4                    -65.9
11/30/08   199                                        +0.4                   -65.5
12/7/08      198.8                                     -0.2                   -65.7
1/25/09      196.8                                    -2                        -67.7


post op yeah!

Jan 26, 2008

January 26, 2008
Well, I made it through the surgery and have had no problems, except horrible breath, Crazy isnt it?  I brush my teeth several times a day, and still have this bad breath.  I feel sore, but okay - not real pain.  I am not hungry and am down today to 248.1 - that's a loss of 17.4 since the start of my liquid diet.  Pretty amazing.  I am feeling very weak though and know when my caloric incake increases, I will have more energy.  But all else is good!

Pre op liquid diet

Jan 15, 2008

Okay, started my full liquid diet yesterday.  Not too bad so far.  So my starting weight is 264.5, yikes.......But it will only go down.  Less than one week until surgery!

About Me
hicksville, NY
Surgery Date
Oct 14, 2004
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 13
weekly check in
checking in
Keeping my goals - recap
So close to Onderland!
post op yeah!
Pre op liquid diet
