
Aug 25, 2009

Everyone has dreams I know I have my share.  I am learning to use my dreams and nightmares to guide me.  Some may agree with this practice and others may not; and that is ok.   Dreams and nightmares are defined by each of us differently.  I know that dreams are a way of our brain helping us learn more about ourselves and our innner voice shouting when we don't listen in our waking hours.  I had a dream over the week end and it was one where I was waking  up every half hour or so and each time I went back to sleep I would start where it left off and I was able to take the sequence from begining to end.

Last night I had a wonderful dream. I dreamed Zell and I were walking along a road someplace and I was dressed in a pair of jeans but the jeans kept getting larger and larger and eventually they fell to the ground because I didn't have enough body to hold them up any longer.  Thats always a good thing. lol
I hope that this dream is an indication that I am going to get what I need. ie the wls. 

My worst nightmare is like that of others on the board, not to get the results they need/want.

Does anyone care to share thier dreams or nighmares?


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Essex, MD
Jul 17, 2008
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