I guess I should start out by telling you a bit about myself! I have been overweight since going to college. I was fine in high school...although it didn't bother me, I was a size 7 and bigger than the other girls my age. I thought I was fine though and never worried about my weight. I went away to college and that is where things went bad. I gained 20 pounds. Came back home met my husband...gained more..lost more, got married in 1992, I was 21 he was 22. We have been married for over 12 years now. We have one son who is almost six years old. Over the years I have gained and lost gained and lost and gained some more. I have tried many diets only to lose 20 pounds and then gain it all back and then some. I am at my all time high of 305...My mom had WLS in 1995 at the same weight I am at now. I have researched this quite a bit. I never thought about having the surgery until my husband suggested it last summer. I then got out of "denial" and realized that "trying one more diet" is going to fail again. I know this isn't the easy way out! I have a long road ahead of me!



Yesterday I went for my Psych. Evaluation. I think everything went great. I have to go back in a week for the results. This coming Tuesday I see the dietitian. Then Nola can send my info to the ins. co. for approval. I can't wait. Getting nervous! I had to have 6 months of supervised visits to the PCP before ins. would even think about covering the "medically necessary" surgery.

Went to see the dietitian today. She just went over what I will and will not be doing after the surgery. She gave me a plastic easter egg, the new size of my stomach. Wow, it's small! She also gave me a little measuring cup to start practicing out of. Yummy! We went over what I can eat at different stages after my WLS. It was a nice visit, I knew most of the things she told me already, but it was a nice refresher course and to see what the surgeon says we can/not have.

Saw my psychologist yesterday for my test results. YES, YES, YES! He approved me for surgery. He told me that I seem to put others and their needs in front of my own (That was so true!) He said that I need to be at the same level as I put others. So, I am going to work on that. He said that my emotions are wavy at times. Duh! it's not like I don't ever get angry or something like that! He seems to think that I will tolerate the whole surgery well and the pain that is involved. I had a c-section with my son, so I think I will have a feeling for what I am going to go thru. But yes I am excited! Now the waiting game with ins. But I called the surgeon's office yesterday and they haven't called me back yet. I wanted to know if she had sent my info to the ins. co. yet and what I should be doing next. The psychologist told me yesterday that he had sent the dictation to the surgeon's office a few days ago so I don't know what is going on! I will try to call them today again if I haven't heard from they by lunch time. One step closer. When I went to register at the hospital the other day for my dietitians visit, the lady registering me told me that as of March first, the hospital requres you to pre pay what the ins. won't cover. She then informed me that the hospital costs for the surgery are over 16,000. I think my ins. covers 90 percent. Well, right now I don't have 1600 bucks to give them. I informed her that I wasn't even approved for the surgery yet, so I don't think that I need to be paying for something that I don't know if I am getting yet. Luckily she agreed with me.

Nola called today. She is sending my paperwork to the ins. co. today! She said to call them if I haven't heard anything by the 4th of April. That's over 2 weeks...don't know if I can wait that long! YIKES! She seemed pretty optimistic though! Crossing my fingers!


Well, still no news from Cigna. I am not taking this waiting very well. I know it's been just a few days. But the "not knowing" is killing me. I called Cigna yesterday and they said I wasn't in the system yet and to call back in a couple of days. That's tomorrow. So I hope I can make it through!!!
Wow, found out I was approved today...they just submitted my info less than a week ago! I am totally pumped! I really thought I would be denied the first time around. I can't really believe it still. I will believe it more when I get my letter from Cigna. haha.


I can't believe in 3 days I will be seeing Dr. Hoehn for my consult. Wow, things are flying by now. Trying to get all the things I need to do before surgery done. I think I am pretty covered but still some things to do.

Went for my consult today!!! My surgery date is June 6th. It's later than I wanted but it's an ok date. I had originally wanted to wait until school was out anyway. So I can wait 2 more months. Another good note, my surgeon says I am healthy enough to skip the pulmonary pre-op and the cardio pre-op...I still have to have the xray tests, and something else, but I don't have to do the full visits.



I had my final consult with my psychologist today. We went over breathing excercises on how to cope before and after surgery. I asked about my main concern which is that on June 18th my sister is getting married...so I wanted to know what to do during rehersal dinner and the wedding dinner. I know I won't be able to eat much just being a week and a half out, but I also want to be able to get through it without going crazy. Will the breathing that he taught me help? I somehow doubt it! Not when I walk into the resturant and smell all the foods...UGH! I am already dreading it!
But I am down to less than 3 weeks...whoohoo!!!

Well, here it is...2 weeks left of waiting. I had to get my bloodwork done today...I have a hugh bruise on my left arm...oh the joys of giving blood. The time is flying by...I can't believe I am already down to 2 weeks left. Oh my!

Well, what a fun morning I have had. Oh my! This am I was suppose to meet with the anesthesiologist, I did everything but meet with him. I arrived and talked to the presurgical clinic lady, we went over my past history, she tried to get the anesthesiolgist to come but he never answered the page. So she set me up with Linda another nurse that explained the RNY to me. I also had to have an EKG, more blood drawn to check my blood type...make sure I am who I am. I also had to have chest X-rays done. I spent almost 3 hours there. I couldn't believe I was there for that long...Geez! But the good news is that I am done with all pre-op things. Just have to meet with the surgeon on June 1st for my last consult. It's getting so close! 10 days away!

Month Weight Pounds Lost Total LBS Lost BMI
HIGH  312 0 0 53.4
surgery  312 0 0 53.4
1 month  270 42 42 46.3
2 month 260 10 52 44.6
3 month  243 17 69 41.7
4 month  225 18 87 38.6
5 month  210 15 102 36.0
6 month  198 12 114 34.0
7 month  186 12 126 31.9
8 month  178 8 134 134 30.1
9 month  174 4 138 29.9
10 month  168 6 144 28.8
11 month  163 5 149 28.0






OMG...the bowel prep is sooo gross!!! I had to drink it in between 1 and 4. so I chose 2:30, walmart only had the lemon flavor which is what I would have chosen between it and cherry. Anyway the first swig, not too bad...after that...the most nasty thing I have had to drink...so far through all the pain that I have endured...the bowel prep has been the worst about this whole surgery! The stuff didn't start taking affect until 2 hours later. And boy let me tell you, I have never ever seen anything like it. I didn't know that pure liquid could come out of that hole! I had 3 trips that night and 1 more in the am. But I was all cleaned out! that's for sure!!!


Well here it is 5 days post op. I am feeling soo much better than Tuesday night and Wednesday. I will have to fill you in.
I had to be at the hospital at 10 am, surgery at 11:30. So I arrive, we wait for awhile I get called back into the pre-op surgical area. My surgical pre-op nurse I happened to know...I used to nanny for her daughter years ago. So I was very well taken care of! I will spare all the details, but they gave me the calming medicine...I don't think it had any effect on me though. I wasn't scared or nervous...just anxious to get it over with. I remember being wheeled to the OR...they introduced a doctor to me that was going to be helping...then they said in about 30 seconds I would be out. They put the mask over my nose and that's all she wrote. I briefly woke up when then transferred me to the hospital bed off the OR table. I heard a 1,2,3 pull...I looked up and saw them pulling me over and that was it...I was out again. I woke up in recovery at about 1:20. The first thing I asked was what time did I get here...they said about 15 minutes ago. I was freaking out because my surgeon said it would only be about 45 minutes or so. But an hour and a half later is when I was done. So I am taking it that his actual part is 45 minutes and the rest of the time was getting me and everything else ready! Anyway after making sure everything went fine I asked if they were able to do it LAP. Of course they did, but it was a worry of mine. I was in and out after that, because I don't remember being wheeled into my room. But all the nurses were so nice!!! I had a crazy guy next to me...he kept me up all night yelling and screaming...he was addicted to a drug and was trying to come clean, well he was in pain and did a lot of yelling and screaming...he fell out of bed at one time and no one was coming so I buzzed the nurses station. I said the guy fell out of bed, they thought it was me...I said NO, I didn't fall out of bed...the crazy guy did. Anyway, Monday night at about 9pm is when they finally got me up to go walking...I was asking for an earlier time but they said I needed to rest before getting up. The guy on the other side of me had surgery right before me and they didn't get him up until 10 pm. So I spend monday night but decided to go home on Tuesday. I should have stayed another day. oh well. I was in some pain. I tried my pain med. it made me feel sick, so all Tuesday and most of Wednesday I was without pain meds. I decided to try it again on Wed. afternoon and I took the dose and it didn't make me sick...so I must have been still on the morophine and the 2 meds mixed together just didn't work. Thursday was the first day that I felt pretty good, and here it is Friday and I feel a bit better than yesterday. I had started my period before surgery and was still on it...so I had to deal with that mess. My poor DH had to clean me up since we went walking and I didn't have a pad on(my cycle is weird, it starts and stops throughout a weeks time frame)but it started during our walk around the hall...so we got back to my room and it was all over me...I got cleaned up and the guy was waiting for me to take me to get my leak test done. Oh, that was fun. I had to lay down flat on the table for them to then raise me up...drink the goo, which wasn't as bad as I though. They did the x-ray and I was good! But there was a mix up on my chart, they didn't write it down...so I had to wait for ice chips, jello and broth until my nurse talked to the doctor...finally she got ahold of him and he said I had no leaks...oh food. I loved the jello! The broth was not so good. But then I got to go home that afternoon! The drive home wasn't bad either. I had a pillow, but didn't feel the bumps in the road. I thought I was done with my cycle yesterday, but here it is again this day...light but here. I am hoping it will be over with asap!!!

Here's what happened...at 8 days out, I started having the foamies, my water wasn't sitting right. I then laid down that afternoon thinking I was just a little off. It got worse, I sat up and then threw up about a tsp. of blood in my sink. Then I called the doctors office. had to leave a message for the nurse. I wasn't happy with that so I called right back acting like I was going to make an appt. That way I knew I would get a live person. I asked for a nurse, they got one on and she said that I needed to go to the ER, as I was on the phone with her I got really dizzy and clammy...I called 911 and then started throwing up blood...liquid and clots all over myself. The EMT guys got there and ended up getting me to the hospital. Where I sat for 4 days because my hemoglobin was declining...I was 7.9 yesterday and this am I was 8.0, still really low since anything under 8 they give you blood for. They didn't give me blood last night, they wanted to see how I was this am, since they didn't think I was bleeding...they thought it was the IV fluids messing with the number. But finally I got to go home today! I feel fine, not weak or anything like that. So we will see how it goes!

Well, I am doing pretty good I think. I am still pretty weak and tired. Yesterday was a taxing day on my body. My little sister got married last night. Saturday morning I had all this running around to do. I had to buy shoes, get my son a game, buy my DH a father's day present. I had to get my son's tux jacket(it was to small at the fitting) so we get to the mall and it's still too small. They guy had to move the buttons over some more. After getting the jacket we had to hurry to the wedding to get pictures taken...we were there almost 3 hours early and the photographer said he wasn't going to take pic's of the kids. What 5 year old can stay in a Tux for 3 hours before the wedding? He actually did great! But the Groom's niece, she's 3 I think, decided to taste test the groom's cake before the wedding. My mom and sister weren't too happy about it. Luckily the photographer had already taken pics of the cakes. I pretty much was ordered to sit down since everyone thought I looked pale and was going to faint or something. Oh, I also had to get my hair done too, another errand I forgot to mention. But the wedding was awesome! My sister looked so pretty! And all the kids did a great job walking down the isle! I was really worried about dinner, but they had grilled chicken and some bowtie pasta with salmon, so I tried a bit of the salmon, and I grabed a piece of chicken. It was really good! The chicken went down well! I was impressed! I did drink with my meal though...I was worried about it not going down and getting stuck so I thought the extra liquid would help...I have heard the horror stories from chicken. It was really good though!

Ok, I know that I am not to weigh in everyday, but I do it anyway. So far I like what I see. I am 2 weeks and 2 days post op and I am down 31 pounds!!! I can't believe it! I know one day soon, that the weightloss is going to slow..I am ok with that, but it's so exciting to see the numbers go down like this. It's been over a year since I have been down to this weight. I am looking forward to the future!!!
I am feeling much better from all the complications that I have had too. I found out that I have to take my ulcer meds for a total of 2 months. I can't believe it takes that long and sometimes longer...to clear up. I have an appt. on August 1st for my follow up visit with the GI doctor. Oh the joys of being scoped!! fun fun!

Today is my 3 week anniversary. I am down a total of 32.5 pounds. I had lost 33 but gained 2 back. I hadn't had a BM in several days so I posted a message on the boards and everyone told me that it's because of not having the BM's. I have been at a stand still for several days now. I figured it would happen. It usually does around 3 weeks out. So, I will wait it out and soon be losing again.

Hello guys! Well, here it is 3 days later of barely eating! I got ahold of the doctors office and they want me to come in tomorrow for a scope and dialation. They seem to think that I do have a stricture. Since water barely goes down now. UGH! So wish me luck tomorrow! Atleast I am getting this all done before my DH has to go into the hospital himself. On the 5th of July he has to go in to get a fistula placed in his arm...also a cathater...he has to go on dialysis, his kidneys have failed. So then he will eventually have a kidney transplant. He is Type 1 diabetic and this is taking a toll on his body.





Well, I sure did start July with a bang...I had a stricture! I hadn't been eating or drinking well this past week so I decided to go in for a scope. Last time I barely remembered any of this since I was admitted to the ER and had an emergency scope. Today I arrived, we went over my history again...they started an IV, I waited in the hallway for about half an hour. Finally my turn to go in. The nurses were so nice, they gave me the knockout meds before I had to get the throat numbing med. I barely remember it this time, it was so much better than the time before. Anyway, I did end up waking up in the middle of the scope...I started gagging. They kept telling me that I was ok and they would be done soon. Which they were, I can't believe I actually woke up in the middle. I heard the Dr. say something like I didn't realize you were that awake. Gee! But it was all good. Not a problem. I have to go back in 2 weeks for a follow up, so I get to do this all over again! Don't you wish you were me? haha!

Happy Fourth of July today!!! Also happy 4 weeks anniversary to me too!!! In two days will actually be my 1 month anniversary. You are never going to guess what I am down....? I am down a total of 44.5 pounds! I lost 5 pounds over night! Amazing since I have only lost 3 pound the whole last week! I cannot believe I have lost 45.5 pounds! Where did it go? OMG! I am sooo excited!

Happy 1 month anniversarty to me! Ok, I gained a few pounds back the other day...Only thing I can figure out is that there had been no BM's...and I was PMSing(didn't know it at the time) but today I started my period! right on time I might add. So for the offical 1 month weight I am down a total of 42 pounds even! I was down a total of 44.5 the other day. But I figure since being on my period it's going to cause me to gain...usually I gain about 6 pounds, seems only 3.5 this time. But what really is going to suck...I will always be on my period during my monthy anniversaries...isn't that fun! haha.
Anyway, I am NOT going to weight anymore. I am having someone hide the scale and only bring it out on my monthly anniversaries now. Because this past month I drove myself crazy with weighing everyday. So, maybe I will do weekly...I don't know! I am hooked to the scales...and you know what? I told myself that I wouldn't be...

Ok guys...I had my first "milestone" last night...come to think of it, it's my second, no wait...my third...ok first was the complications that put me back in the hospital for 4 days...second was the stricture...so, I suppose this would be the third! Anyway, I had my first vomiting after eating last night! Even with my stricture I never threw up...I was too scared to after vomiting all that blood. So, last night since we can't have beef, I made a meatloaf out of ground turkey instead. I had about half a piece, it was great going down...Then after I finished I was sitting there thinking that it really didn't sit well with me. I was uncomfortable but it wasn't really bad. Then I started gagging a few times, ok, still no vomit. Wow, all of a sudden I was standing up puking into a cup! And since this was my first vomit with food, I didn't know what to expect. OH MY...Gross! The stuff came up really thick, it was chewed really well, but so thick, which is why I think I threw up...too thick to go into the stoma! Anyway, it smelled just like it did going down, but I tell you, the smell while eating it was great...the smell while upchucking was nasty! The whole thought of throwing up might have that effect huh? Anyway, I survived! I really don't want to do that again though. It wasn't any fun!

This morning I am heading to the hospital for my follow up scope. I had some shrimp last night and I almost didn't keep them down...don't know what is wrong. I surely don't have another stricture...I guess I will find out in a few hours. Anyway! I am NOT stuck anymore. I have been stuck at the same weight for about 3 weeks now. Today I got on the scales and I am down 1.5 pounds...for a total of 42.5, I will take that! I am so glad that I am finally out of the rut...I think I figured out why too...besides the usually stuck phase. I have been eating alot of refried beans. Well in the last 2 days I haven't had any. I don't know if they were the cause, but I am thinking they might have been! Come to find out, I was not off my stall, just going up and down in the weight....when will this end?

I did have the beginnings of another stricture. So the Dr. ballooned me back up. He also said I had heartburn...my lining of my pouch was red and streaky. I didn't know that could happen...so I am back in the meds. and was told to get Prilosec after my Previcid is gone. Fun! I am doing laundry and cleaning the house a bit before I get out to the Farmers Market, and go to get my Harry Potter Book! I am so excited to read it! I didn't want to mess with the crowds last night plus I wanted to sleep...I knew that if I got my book last night I would be reading it and then today I would be a mess!

Today I start back at my part time job. I have mixed emotions about this. I love my part time job, love getting out of the house. I also think while I am gone that it's a great time for my husband and son to have some time together. But now that I have been off since the beginning of June the thought of going back doesn't sound so appealing now. There have been many things happen since my time off. My surgery of course, my husband getting so sick that he needs dialysis now. He is feeling much better, but I am not so sure I want to take this extra time away from my family now. Plus, my husband doesn't want me to work. He's been bugging me for 2 years to stop now. But I do like getting out and it's extra money so why not? I guess I will see how it goes and if I can get back into the groove. If not, I will quit. I am quite excited this morning though, seems that I have indeed this time broken my stall. I have been at the same weight for 3 weeks now and finally the scales are moving again. I am down a total of 44.5 pounds! whoohoo!

I am down a total of 46 pounds today...so far the lowest weight since surgery! whooohooo!!!





This morning I am starting my 9th week out from surgery. I am down a total of 49 pounds! Not too back for being 8 weeks out. wow! I can't believe it! It's amazing this journey I have been on. I also am going in for another scope. This appt. was actually made back when I had to call 911 and go to the ER. I called on Friday to see if I should come in or not....I threw up again...2nd time now. My food hasn't been going down well, and it feels like there is a burning sensation after I eat. So I wanted things to be checked out one last time...make sure I don't have another stricture...since I have had 2 already! I go in next Mondy for my 2 month check up! Pretty excited about that!

So, I ended up having another stricture yesterday...I also still have hearburn in my pouch...so it seems like prilosec I still need to be taking! I am getting excited for my 2 month check up...hard to believe that I have already been a post-op for 2 months now...wow!!! I am still losing...slowly...about half a pound to a pound a day! I am so happy with that! After being on that stall for 3 weeks, this is very nice!

Guess what today is???? my 2 month anniversary!!! whoohoo! And I am down a total of....52 pounds!!! I will get pics up as soon as I have them taken...DH has to do it and he's off at dialysis now. I am so excited! what a life changing thing! I never imagined that I would be losing weight like this! I thank God everyday for this surgery!

Today was my 2 month post op visit...Pretty uneventful! I went and got weighed...down 52 pounds. Doc said I was where I should be...I asked him about excercising and going to Worlds of Fun and he told me that I could do anything I wanted to do...I am healed so I should be fine! So next month we are going to WOF and I am hoping to be down a few more pounds by then...I want to be able to ride all the rides there! I am excited!!! whoohoo!!! I go back in 2 months...

Ok, kinda been on the same pound or so for the last few days...I got on the scales today and it said I was down 4 pounds! WOW is all I can say!!! I can't remember the last time I was this small! Right after having my son I believe...over 6 years ago!
I am so pumped!!! whoohoo! I haven't had a drop like that since the beginning when I first had the surgery...




Well, Tuesday was my 3 month anniversary...I was down 69 pounds. Today I weighed in and I am down a total of 72 pounds. Another 3 pounds in 3 days! wow! I am feeling so much better! I have more energy and sadly...I have no clothes! haha, not really a sad thing! I just have to go shopping! Now if I just had the money to buy what I wanted! Seems that this winter will be the problem...I can still swing my shorts even though they are all falling down, but I have NO winter clothes! I will have to see what I can find, I really don't want to buy too much since they will be falling off by Christmas. It looks like I might be wearing sweat pants for awhile. I am doing great and feeling great but I am having these feelings of man...I wish I could eat normally again! Not that I am wanting bad foods, but man it would be nice to be able to take a bite of something without wondering if it's going to make me sick or not. I have only had one bad food experience so I don't know why I am freaking out...but I am having to remind myself that I need to chew and chew my foods...not that I don't now, but I can see how the farther out you are the less you concentrate on how much you are chewing! Oh to be able to take a hugh bite and not worry! But I tell myself that eating the bad stuff and eating the way I use to is what got me into this hugh body of mine. I wouldn't change anything for the world! Just sometimes wish I could be normal again. I have never "dumped" either. I am very careful with my foods and haven't tested the whole sugar thing yet. Do I want to? sometimes I would love to just eat a piece of chocolate...but have I??? NO WAY! The most I have done is eaten a no sugar added starbucks frap. bar, which are very good by the way...and now I am addicted to them! Yummy!

We are in Chicago for some pre-op testing for my husband. We have been here almost all week long and are leaving today. I have been keeping in touch with a lady that had WLS the same day as I. She lives relatively close and we met last night. She's the first person from OH that I have met. She picked us up at our hotel and we went shopping and out to dinner. She has 2 beautiful girls and a very nice husband...oh, she's pretty nice herself! LOL
We went to the water tower for shopping, didn't buy much though. We were going to go on a carrige ride, but we ran out of time. We had to get to the House of Blues to watch her husband play in the band! He plays in a jazz band and they are terrific! My only regret is that we didn't get to spend very much time with each other. Next time we come we are going to go shopping for us!!! It was great meeting the whole family! I will add some pics once I get home!

Not much has changed just yet, but I wanted to write about a few of my WOW moments. This past weekend we went to a wedding, I wore the same dress that I wore to my sisters wedding. The difference is amazing. My mom's first words when she saw me...That dress looks different from the last time you had it on! Then at the wedding I realized I was crossing my legs and also crossing my arms in my lap! And my arms weren't resting on the big ole belly! I sat there and was amazed that I could actually cross my arms and be comfortable. I put on a shirt last night that I haven't been able to wear even when I bought it. It fits! I think I am finally noticing that I am actually getting smaller. I am so grateful for this surgery it's a life saving deal!

Hi there! Here it is my 4 month post op anniversary. I am feeling wonderful! Doing awesome! I am down a total of 87 pounds! This is the smallest I have been in 7 years!

Well, today I hopped on the scales and after a 2 week stall I have lost 5 pounds overnight. It still amazes me that I can lose like that. I am so excited though...I am 1 pounds away from losing 100 pounds and I am 15 pounds away from being in Onderland. For those that don't know what Onderland is...it's when you are under 200 pounds...in the One hundreds!
No one is going to recognize me at Thanksgiving...or Xmas for that matter...haha! It feels good! I know I keep saying this, but I am so very happy that I had this surgery and I thank the Lord everyday! I haven't had a problem with eating any kinds of foods Thank goodness! I feel so bad when people post that they can't eat. It scares me. will update on my 5 month anniversary!



Today I am 5 months post op. I broke the 100 pound mark last week and the OH people got my century card on my profile! Nice!
I am 11 pounds away from being in the 100's! leaving the dreaded 200's behind! I went to my sister's Birthday party last night and everyone kept saying how good I looked! It was very nice! I can't imagine what they will say once I am down to my goal weight! wow!!! I will probably get the "you are too skinny" statement! Oh well...I will accept it! Will be getting some new pictures up sometime...my husband is at the Chiefs Game and I don't have anyone to take my picture just yet. So, until then...you will have to wait. LOL!

My sister Courtney and her husband went to Will Shields' party for his charity this past Monday night. She sent some pictures and even though I am not in them, I figured since they were Chiefs players they deserved to be on my profile! They are under my before and after pictures. All of these guys are cute, cute cute!!!

I had to mention what happened this weekend. My hugh WOW moment! My son had his pinewood derby this weekend and a friend of mine, her son was there to race his car too. Well, her husband also came and when they said my son's name over the intercom he said to his wife, well where is Bambi? I haven't seen her around. So my friend points me out and he flat out tells her that I am NOT me. She says yes, that's her. He couldn't believe it and he said Oh my goodness, she looks so good! So, my friend had to come over and tell me....I told her to tell him that he had just made my day! haha! How exciting is that!!! TOTALLY!

It just amazes me this surgery! I made it to Onederland today...wow I can't believe it. Yesterday I was at 201 and today the scales read 199...and believe me I checked about 5 or 6 times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke or something! I made it through Thanksgiving without any problems either. I ate what I wanted, just a smaller amount than I normally would. I made a sugar free pumpkin cheesecake that was to die for! No one could believe it was sugar free. Oh it was soooo good. I will have to make that again for Xmas. I am just so excited that I have finally made it to the 100's...I can't even remember the last time I was here...1996 I believe. Way to long!



Today is my 6th month anniversary. Hard to believe it's been 6 months already! I have lost a total of 113 pounds! I can't believe it! I still have over 50 to go, but man! What a ride! I am so happy and all the things I can do now...wonderful!

I am totally excited!!! A big wow moment for me tonight. I went to get some dinner for the family and before I did so I stopped in at the Avenue...I had a coupon that expires the end of this month...so I had to use it you know! Anyway, tried on some jeans...drum roll..........size 14's! They weren't even tight! I can't believe it...can't even remember the last time I was in 14's...back in the early 90's I think. Oh my! So, I am very excited!!! I get home and my son says" mom, we were just about to call you." I guess he was wanting dinner!



Today I am 7 months post op. I can't believe the time has gone by so fast! I have had several WOW moments...people not recognizing me...getting the compliments..I feel terrific! I am down 126 pounds! It's amazing how I have changed so much in the last 7 months. I have another 40 pounds to lose until I get to my goal. If I lose 10 pounds a month I will reach goal when I am 10 months out. We will see.





Wow, here it is 8 months since my surgery! I am still very glad I had this surgery! I can do so many things now, without all the body pains I used to have. I was pretty active before losing weight, I have been super active lately. I have energy that I can't even remember having before gaining all this weight! I am roller skating again??? Me? haha!
I am having a bit of some pain in my pouch so I am going to go in for a scope soon, I have to make the appt. but I did talk with my surgeon's nurse today and she said I should make an appt. I will call in the morning. This so far has been the slowest weightloss for me. I keep losing and gaining the same 4 pounds. Need to get off that! I know it's slowing down, as it should be since I only have another 30 something pounds to lose.

I had to have a scope done last week, was having pain in my pouch after drinking coffee and eating certain foods. I have esophagitis...irritation to the lining of my esophagus...fun! So I am taking Pepcid Complete chewables...mint flavor...yummy! Not really!
I am getting ready to visit my friend from Chicago. She had surgery the same day as I and we have become friends...I can't wait. My husband got me a plane ticket for my birthday...in 3 days. So I leave Friday and come home Sunday night. I can't wait! What a sweet husband I have. It's a great birthday present from him!
I am going to miss my boys though!








Where has the time gone??? I am 9 months post op as of today. I am down 138 pounds and feeling terrific!!! I am doing great! feeling great! I really need to start exercising...I haven't done that much yet. Don't get me wrong, I am a very active person, just not doing what I should be. But the weather is getting nice and we will be walking to the park alot! Pretty soon we will be walking to the pool too! How exciting it is to think of walking when before I would be like heck no! We are driving! Not this summer!!!
So, I am about 25 to 35 pounds to goal...the weight is starting to slow down alot! I only lost 4 pounds this past month. But I will take what I get. I have lost so much that I am happy where I am, but if I can get the last 35 pounds off it will be great!

My DH brought home a new addition to our family last night...my son was so thrilled...Mom was not. After a total lack of sleep I am dreading tonight. We still have yet to name him...another thing that is driving me crazy! He sure is cute though. He's a boxer. We have a boxer that is almost 5 years old. Here are some pictures.




I have been sick for the last 3 days...hardly eating a thing...so I thought I would weigh myself to see if I have stayed the same or actually lost something. I lost alright...7 pounds...wouldn't recommend getting sick to lose the weight...but now the question will be if I keep it off....time will tell.




Where has the time gone? Here I am 10 months post op today...I can't believe 10 months have gone by! I have lost a total of 144 pounds! I am sitting at 168 right now. It's so amazing how far I have come! I am very proud of myself! And very proud of all my OH family for their support and how far they have come in their own journeys!





Here it is...May, one month away from my one year anniversary from weightloss...and I won't be losing much more...or I hope not anyway. I am 15 to 25 pounds from my goal...so why do you ask that I not lose any more weight right now? Well I found out that I am pregnant!!!! Not totally planned right now...wanted to start trying sometime this summer, but I am very happy! I was worried at first since we are suppose to wait a year to 18 months after surgery. But I think I will be ok and the baby too since all my weight was almost lost! Baby is due December 31st!!!






I totally passed by my one year anniversary! It was on the sixth of June...oops! Today is the 22nd? wow! where does the time fly? I have been so busy and I didn't even weigh myself this month. But being pregnant I didn't even bother with it! I haven't gained any weight yet with this pregnancy but I am sure in time I will!





Wow, time sure flies! Haven't updated in over a month. Nothing has changed except my belly getting bigger...and my weight. Yes, I have gained 8 pounds as of today. I will get my official weight later on as I have an OB appt. this afternoon. I am half way there. And in 2 weeks I should be finding out what we are having! Can't wait for that. I am so excited to know the sex of this baby, I can't stand it. I will have to update some pictures of the belly bump soon!




Today I am 14 months post op. And 20 weeks along now. I clearly have a hugh belly now...oh, can't wait for the second half of this pregnancy! I have gained 10 pounds so far. Seems I am right on track with what I should be doing. I have a sonogram tomorrow and I am hoping we find out the sex of the baby! I will post then!

No news on the sex of the baby yet!!!

Went for the sonogram today to make sure the fibroids aren't getting bigger and to find out the sex of the baby!

"she" had her legs crossed! I am hoping it's a she! but legs were crossed and no room to see any parts. So the lady said let me do my paperwork and we will try again...the legs were still crossed...but she did say that she thinks that she saw some girl parts but the angle was weird so she couldn't say for sure.

I am still hoping for a girl!!! She did say that when I go in for my next OB appt. that maybe they can fit me in for another peek. If not, then I will have to wait another month before getting another scan! Bummer!!!

Found out it's a girl! After not being able to find out the sex at my last sonogram due to her legs being crossed...I had a quickie sonogram today after my OB appt. They worked me in to find out the sex and to check the heartbeat since the doctor couldn't find it with the doplar. I have fibroids that are growing and they were in the way. Today there was a clear shot of girl parts!!! whoohoo! We are so excited!

Update on me...since it's been forever! Sorry about that. I had a baby girl the day after Christmas...Delaney Grace. She was 8 pounds 11 oz. and 19 and a half inches long. She is too cute...if I say so myself. I gained a total of 45 pounds and lost 30 within the first week. I have lost another 5 since then...so I am still 10 pounds away from my starting weight. A total of 25 to 30 pounds from my goal weight now...hopefully I will get there soon!


About Me
Kansas City, MO
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2004
Member Since

Friends 30
