Glad to be doing so well.

Dec 28, 2008

I can't believe it has been over a month since my surgery.  I am feeling good.  Lost 27lbs so far. I don't feel any different.  I don't see any changes either but my pants are starting to get very loose and my wedding bands too so I know something is happening.  I have a lot of energy.  I go to bed at a decent hour and get up early.  I get more done in my day than I ever got done before.  I can't wait to start feeling and seeing a difference though.  I went to my personal physician last week and she took me off of my htn meds.  My bp was very low.  I was pretty happy about that.  

It is not easy though.  This is one of the hardest things that I have ever done.  Christmas day we had fish, broccoli and a pasta dish.  I didn't over eat.  I had a couple of bites of fish and a little broccoli.  I felt sick to my stomach and had the dreaded "foamies"  My husband said he thinks that I ate too fast.  I don't know but I will never do it again.  I didn't like that feeling.  It really sucked.

I miss the foods that I used to beable to have.  Especially around the holidays.  But I know this is a better life-style for me.  I know I will succeed. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 20, 2008
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 6
Over another hurlde.
