My name is Danielle, I am a mother of 3 beautiful children  (Mason 7yrs, Dayn 3yrs and Cora Jean 1yr). My mother has had the gastric bypass in 2001 when I was pregnant with my oldest son. She had a lot of complications, I don't know it was because the surgery was new to this area or if it was something that went wrong. I have put off surgery due to this for years. Recently, I just came to the conclusion that I am not getting any better. I want change and I'm tired of failing at diets from the Adkins to the low Calorie diets. I want to be healthy for myself and for my kids. I am so tired of being embarrassed and need a change for the better.
I want to be looked at like I am normal, be able to fit into a lawn chair, ride roller coasters and fit in with all the SKINNY people in the world or even get something off the sales rack, I never knew what it was like to shop at some of the stores in the mall like PacSun, Areopostle, Gap & Victoria Secrets..Most importantly, I want to be healthy, I want to be able to run after my kids and play hard and feel good.  I want to be happy and healthy for myself and for my children's sake's.
