Its been awhile....1 yr out from surgery!!!

Oct 22, 2010

140 lbs down. I have to get my gal bladder out now but, i have no pain. I am now in size 12-14 which i dont even remember being that small in school. Its been a great journey and i would do it again in a heartbeat!!!!

2 months post op on the 21st

Dec 16, 2009

I have been doing great, I am now down 53lbs. I feel great :) I just recently joined the gym at work which is keeping me motivated. I have went down 2 dress sizes already and continue to go down. I feel like I hit spots where I dont loose anything for about 2 wks then all the sudden I loose 10lbs in one week. I cant figure it out yet. Last night was my 1st puking expierence. It wasnt as bad as I thought. Weirdly it came up 1st as only foam then the food came up. Its still nothing you want to do more than once....LOL

3wks almost Post op!!!

Nov 08, 2009

I am still on my soft diet, I am craving meat sooo bad it ain't even funny. I have done well with all my foods that are on my list of being able to eat. Tilpia fish was a savor alot of the time, it had taste to it and helped with some cravings. I got my 1st sick feeling yesterday, I ate cottage cheese the 1st time but it was one of those mixers with pineapple...Wrong choice, I got HOT flashes and sick feeling for about 10mins...I won"t do that again!!! I am down 32lbs now and I can even tell in my face, it is shrinking!!! I can't wait to be able to exercise!!!! I asked for the WII fit with the biggest looser game for Christmas, I think it will be a great way to exercise at home. I also return to work on Wednesday which I am not looking forward to, there is too much drama there. This surgery really made me sit back and think about my life goals and where I really wanna be and what I was just putting up with to get by...Other than that I am doing good just taking it one day at a time.

I'm alive and doing well....25llbs down

Oct 31, 2009

Well, I have been doing good, I started my soft diet on Friday and everything is going good so far with it. I have problems fitting in the 32 ozs of water daily but, i am trying my hardest. Thanks to my mother helping me I have been doing pretty well.

Tomorrow is my DAY!!!!

Oct 20, 2009

I can do this, I have had to comfert my oldest Mason & tell him it will fine, And Frank my fiance' has been stressed for over a month now. Not to mention I AM STRESSED too!!! LOL.....I just am so nervous. It really didn"t hit me til about Friday of last week when I realized this is it.....My life is going to change for the better, no more health issue's and no more worrying about if I can do thing with my kids....Hershey Park here I come next year, I will be hitting all the rollercoasters!!!!! LOL....

Well, I think I got this...I pray for no complications and a speedy recovery......I pray my guardian angels to be watching over me tomorrow
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9 more days & my life changes forever.

Oct 11, 2009

I can't beleive that in only 9 more days everything changes. I am so nervous & excited at the same time. I have already had the thoughts that "am I doing the right thing?" Thank god I have a good support crew of family that will be by my side. I am crossing my fingers that I come out like a solider and have no complications or issue's......Keeping my fingers crossed :) Happy Halloween to all :)

Had my Apt yesterday, Dr. Small was awesome

Sep 24, 2009

Wow, I love my Dr.'s...they are so nice. I got all my info ready for surgery. Got all my guidelines and I am gonna study them religiously. It is less than a month to go...I am really getting excited.

What a Stir of thoughts.

Sep 14, 2009

I go for my last apt with Dr. Small to talk about the insurance and the nutrionist info and then I am ready for the surgery on Oct 21, 2009...This is going to mark a day of change for me. A huge benchmark in my life. I just pray that it goes well and my recovery is speedy. I have decided not to have my kids come see me in the hospital just so they don't have to witness me being sick. I think this is best cause who knows how I will look or feel. I am so nervous but, excited at the same time. I never felt this way EVER, not even with pregnancy...I am crossing my fingers and taking the leap.
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Surgery Date Oct 21st....Yahoooooooo

Sep 09, 2009

The Egd was such a breeze....Now this week I got the call....I got a surgery date...Oct 21st...I am so excited.
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EGD was and out 3min procedure.

Aug 14, 2009

Now I only have to do my EKG, gall bladder US and chest xray...then one last apt to see the nurse and Dr Currie. I am super excited...Hope everything goes as well as the EGD did!!!
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