Hello OH/BFA

My name is Sirett and I am a food addict.  It has taken me 20 year to admit this because the first 22 years of my life I was what society would call a normal size woman.  I averaged between 155-165 on a 5'8" frame.  I was not until I became involved with what I like to say "MY KIDS FATHER" and I ballooned up to my heaviest of 325lbs. 

After having several friends go through WSL and watch them loose I decided that I also wanted to join that loosing team.  So in January of 2007 I started my process to become a part of a very distinguished group of people and on 7/3/07 I was officially anointed.

About Me
Irvington, NJ
Nov 01, 2007
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 6
