Food? Blech....

Apr 09, 2007

Okay, I seem to be having issues with food. I don't enjoy anything that goes into my mouth. Nothing tastes remotely appetizing. *Sigh*...I should have seen this coming, but I guess I hoped that I would at least enjoy what little bit I am eating. Well, the weight loss is worth it, and I know that this phase should pass eventually. Maybe this feeling I have is the "mourning of food" that some people talk about. Then again, maybe not because I just don't seem to care about it anymore. I think I'll go have a sf least I can taste those!
Oh, as of this morning I weigh 206. Just 7 pounds to that wonderful "onederland". So, I am down 45 pounds and am about 55 or so from goal if I aim for 150. That used to be a size 5 for me...but that was WAY pre-kids so who knows where that would put me now. We'll see where I end up.

Just a quickie....

Apr 02, 2007

I noticed that I haven't updated in a few weeks, so I figured that I better put something in here to keep it up-to-date! I do enjoy being able to look to other's profiles that are much further out than me and be able to keep up with their successes (and sometimes failures, too).
First's official...I have collar bones!
Second...I have hip bones!
Third...I have shoulder blades, ribs, knees.....okay I could go on and on about all of the "discoveries" I have been making the last couple of weeks, but they have been there all along! It's just nice to have the first layer of flab out of the way so I can see a glimmer of what I used to look like. 
As of this morning, I weigh in at 209.3...that is a 42 pound loss! I am super pleased with that. I feel good and am eating well. I get all my water in, as well as my protein and vitamins. I am being a good girl and doing what I am supposed to. Will this compliance last forever? I don't really know, but I am giving it my best shot!
Oh, and I will have to make an effort to maybe post at least once a week just to keep things current. Also, I would like to attempt to make a chart or table documenting my loss. We'll see if I can get to that sometime soon, as school is really taking over all of my table/chart making abilities , not to mention brain cells, right now! I think I need to take the summer off and return to feeling like a human again...

Home from San Francisco!!

Mar 18, 2007

I am so glad to be back home! I love going to the Bay whenever I get the chance, but I always forget how tiring it can be. We had a great time and packed a lot into a couple of days. Damon had to attend the St. Patrick's Day parade for work~he's a Carpenter's Union business agent~and so he, my eldest daughter MacKenzie, her friend Kandace, and I went for the weekend. We were all in the parade with the union float. It is amazing the number of people that attend this every year. And, I am not kidding when I say that we walked 3/4 of the way across San Francisco! I think we figured out that we covered about 15 miles Saturday, and at least another 5 on Sunday before we left to come home. So much to do, so much to see. I am surprised that I am not nearly as sore as I would have thought.  Guess I am not as out of shape as I imagined. Of course, in the Bay Area the people are amazingly health conscience and everyone walks,runs, bikes, rollerblades, or even skateboards everywhere. How could you not with such beautiful weather and scenery? How I wish that we could afford to live there!  I am so thankful that we live close~within about 1 1/2 hours drive. Anyway, I didn't get any studying done while we were away, and we spent way too much money on fabulous dinners and little trinkets to bring back for the other two kids that stayed home. It was worth it, though...the pictures and memories alone always are.
Speaking of too much money...I got the "Explanation of Benefits Payed" notice from HealthNet for my surgeon's fees and the hospital fees on Saturday while we were away. Are you ready for this? The surgeon asked for $15 thousand, got the contracted amount of $7,500. The hospital inpatient and ancillary fees were $5,116.00 and $45,866.85 respectively. With the pre-surgery tests and nutrition appointment, it totals well over $60 thousand dollars. I just about choked when I saw the amounts.....then I cried. I am so fortunate to have great that thought that I was worth shelling out over $60 thousand dollars to help. I am feeling truly blessed today.

5 1/2 week check-up

Mar 10, 2007

I went to my check-up yesterday and got an "official" weigh-in~~ 29 pounds~~so, I didn't make my -30# goal but sure came close!! At least close enough for me!!  I am thrilled with whatever comes off, whenever it comes off!! Everything else looks good-no complaints at all. 
I also got to talk with Dorean(skylarblu) yesterday...glad to hear that she is doing okay and back home from her 3 day hospital visit. I am so thrilled for her. I just know that she'll do great! 
Well, back to studying and errands for me today...I won't even get to enjoy this perfect weather that we are having in Sac. today~it's already 72 degrees at this time of year! Sunny and beautiful~unfortunately it's just gearing up for dry and scorching hot in a couple of months! That's okay, too, because I am more that ready for summer to come so that I can get outside and putz around in the yard. I should feel really great by the time the hot weather hits...

Two weeks out

Feb 14, 2007

Well, here I am, two weeks and one day out. I have already dumped twice...once was mild, but the second time was ugly!! The sounds coming from my belly were like two cats fighting in there! If it didn't hurt so bad, it might have been funny to listen to. The worst part is that I can't seem to figure out what in the heck I ate to cause it. Of course, the throwing up during the second dumping episode ended in the foamies. Good grief...I hope that never happens again. Wishful thinking, right? 
On a much more positive note, I am down 19 pounds as of this morning. Not bad I'd say for 15 days post-op! Other than the above mentioned drama and pain, I have no complaints. Although, I have begun to notice how hard it is to focus on eating. I seem to get sidetracked in the middle of eating something and I kind of forget to finish, at least before it gets cold! In my head I feel hungry, and in my gut, too ( my intestines seem to scream at me). I can tell that I need to eat, but of course I don't really have an appetite yet. I actually feel fairly good, just tired~typical. 
I do have a goal to get 30 pounds off by my next doctor visit on 3/9. If I can lose 1 pound every two days until then, I will make my goal. You never could happen. hehe. Well, we'll would be fun if it happened, but no pressure.  

Update since surgery...I know-kinda late

Feb 05, 2007

I arrived at the hospital on Tuesday 1/30 at 5am for surgery and was in recovery by 9am. My surgeon told my husband that he found a hernia the size of a softball (so that's what that pain and burning was) and a fair amount of scar tissue from 2 previous c-sections. He still had no problems finishing the operation lap-yippy!!! Anyway, I stayed in the hospital until Thursday 2/1. Before I left, I got a visit from my surgeon's PA, Mike, so that he could give me the once over and answer any questions that I had. I told him that I had this horrible stabbing pain in my shoulder that had just started, and he said it was the drain irritating my diaphram and it would be worse when I breathed deep. Well, for the next 4 days I barely slept because the pain got so much worse upon laying down that I had to try sleeping sitting straight up!! Do you know how hard that actually is??? So, today is Monday 2/5 and I had my appointment to get my drain pulled. Oh my was heaven after the cramping stopped...the shoulder pain was finally gone-except for the millions of rock-hard knots that have formed in the muscles in my shoulder and neck! At least I don't feel like I'm being stabbed in the top of the shoulder with a metal skewer any more!! They also advanced my diet so that I can now eat pureed or super soft foods "that you could eat if you didn't have any teeth." The surgeon's words, not mine.LOL Then, to top it all off, I have lost 12 pounds since Tuesday!!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!!! How is that even possible??? In any case, I'll take it and more!! The final note is that I even made it back to my micro class tonight, even though I was dog tired. I stuck in there and finished my slides from last Wednesday that I missed, so I am completely caught up with school. I think that things can only get better from here on out; the hard part for me is over! Well, enough for now...I'm sleepy and sore and in need of liquid pain meds and some shut-eye....

Pre-op class

Jan 26, 2007

Well, I attended my pre-op class yesterday. It really seems to have made this all so much more real for me. I think that the nervousness is beginning to set in, as well. Anyway, we got a little canvas bag full of stuff: a 32 ounce mug to fill twice a day, an exercise band, a pedometer that does all kinds of things-it even talks to you and plays music to keep you on pace, our spirometer, and cutest part-a silly putty egg. The instuctor said that we were probably wondering what in the heck that had to do with the surgery...she told us that it was in there to remind us how small our stomach would now be! And then she said "well, soon you can use it for your lunch box or to hold your new bikini!" I though it was quite clever. We also got a folder full of post-op information and a pillow (with of all things-a diagram of the roux-en-y printed on it in case we forget what we had done ~lol) for bracing the belly when coughing and a pen to have everyone on the bariatric floor sign it. I came out of that two hour class with enough crap that you would have thought I had just checked out! I am glad to have the last task completed...I am even pre-registered as of this morning. Tuesday will be here before I know it!

Why is this bugging me????

Jan 22, 2007

The last week I have had two different people come to me with " oh, you don't need this surgery. You aren't even that heavy!" and " what are you thinking...have you had any testing done?" and the winning quote..." have you tried dieting?" What?? Why is it that people feel that they somehow have more insight into or information about my life than I do? Do people really think that I am so ignorant of what I am choosing to do that I would go under the knife to change my entire way of living and yet never have looked into what it really meant? Crap!! If I hear this kind of judgement one more time before surgery I think that I just might explode! I am having such a difficult time getting some of the things that people have said to me out of my mind. I can't seem to figure out why comments made to me by people that I am not even close to would drive me crazy like this. It is as though people are trying to talk me out of having surgery, and I am not sure why because not one of them has even said the standard line " you could die from this surgery!". What is their motive? Do they want me to be miserable for the rest of my life? Are they jealous, as a friend who has had WLS said they are? Am I supposed to be second-guessing myself or questioning whether this is the right choice for me now? NO! I think that I will hold steadfast in my decision because I think that it is the correct choice for me, and if I have regrets later, at least they will be mine to own!! I refuse to be swayed by the opinions of others who don't know what it is to live in this body and feel what I feel everyday. So, why is this still bugging me??

Not much to say today...

Jan 17, 2007

...except that I started back to school yesterday, and that I am beginning to get nervous about the surgery. YIKES!!

High BP~ggrrrr!!

Jan 13, 2007

Well, I went to see my PCP yesterday to have my BP checked. It was really high @ 147/114 the day that I had my visit with the surgeon. He really wanted me to see my PCP to have him check it and decided if he thought it should be treated until my surgery on 1/30. So, of course it was marginally high again yesterday @140/94. That was enough for Dr. Hisatomi to decide to put me on meds for it. But, he did reassure me that he was reasonably sure that by the next time I saw him, in a month, I would be off of them again. 
It seems so silly that I am on meds now, after I have already been approved and am 2 weeks from surgery! What would have happened, I wonder, if I had needed a co-morb to be approved? I guess that just being fat was enough for HealthNet! LOL In any case, I guess better safe than sorry. I have been able to keep the BP in check up until now. Maybe it's a sign that it really is time for me to do this.

About Me
Elk Grove, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2006
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