
Jan 10, 2007

What else do I need to say?!?!? I can't believe that it has finally happened, and really without too much, if any, trouble. And, I have only been waiting 6 days to hear something about approval, though it feels like an eternity! To say that I am excited and scared to death would be an understatement. However, I think deep down, past the raw emotions that I am feeling, I am ready to have this change take over my life. My husband and kids may not be so ready to agree LOL...I think that they are already being driven crazy by my endless talking about and researching this tool. My date is January 30 @ 7:45am. My new life starts then....

Two reasons for relief THIS week!

Dec 29, 2006

Reason #1: 
Well, I finally got my date for my one-on-one with my surgeon. January 3, 2007 is the date I have been waiting to least for now. The next date is soooo much more important!!!
Reason #2: 
I passed Chemistry with an A!!! I am sooo relieved to see that grade on my transcript!!!
All in all, it has been a great week. The holidays are over for the most part and so is most of the stress that comes with them. Good news on the topics of school and surgery. Everyone is healthy (except me...but I could be doing much worse!) and happy and doing well. The Spring term is drawing near at school and I can't wait to get started on some new classes! Spring is just around the corner and I am actually looking forward to summer this year, if I can get this surgery under way. Things are good right now and hopefully only going to get better. Can you tell that I'm a "the glass is half-full" kind of girl?

Two reasons to feel relief this week

Dec 21, 2006

Relief #1:
Well, last night I took my Chemistry final and I really think  I aced it!! It did seem quite easy. I am soooo glad to have that class over with...except that now I move on to Microbiology and Human Developement next term. Oh well, two more classes toward my goal of an RN degree. 
Relief #2:
Finally, my checklist at the surgeon's office is complete and all items accounted for! I have been waiting since last Thursday for my nutrition report to be faxed over. I looked at my checklist about 20 minutes ago...and low and behold...there it was!!! "Comp" on every line!!!
Now, back to waiting for a call from the office for my one-on-one. Then, wating for approval from insurance. Then, wating for a date. Then, waiting for that date to arrive. WAITING-WAITING-WAITING!!!! All we seem to do is wait. Grrrr...such torture!!

Finally finished!!

Dec 14, 2006

Well, this afternoon I completed my list of things to do before seeing the surgeon for a one-on-one. I saw the nutritionist and had a great meeting with her, she thinks that I will do well based on the dietary changes that I have made so far. Now, I just wait to hear from the patient coordinator at the surgeon's office to get my appointment to see Dr. Waldrep. I can't wait to hear from her!!! :-}

No one-on-one for me just yet

Dec 12, 2006

Oh, I am soooo bummed!! I got an email this morning from Brandy, the patient coordinator at Dr. Waldrep's office and she wanted to know if I had be to see the nutritionist yet. If I had been, she was going to call their office to expidite my report so that she could get me in to see the surgeon tomorrow for my one-on-one visit! I had to give her the bad news that my appointment isn't until Thursday of this week! is so difficult to get a visit quickly, so to have her offer one that I couldn't take was absolute torture! I guess it just wasn't my time yet. But, after Dec. 14 I expect that I will be able to get an appointment quickly.

"Hoops to jump through" Timeline

Dec 11, 2006

September 19, 2006: Consult PCP about WLS

October 6, 2006: Received packet from surgeon's office.

October 13, 2006: All requested and necessary paperwork submitted to surgeon's office 

November 22, 2006: Group consultation and informational visit. All labs completed. 

November 29, 2006: Chest X-Rays

December 4, 2006: EKG. PCP Medical Clearance for surgery. Letter stating 6 months of medically supervised diet.

December 9, 2006: Surgeon required support group meeting.

December 14, 2006: Nutritional assessment/ registered dietitian's report.

One-on-one visit with Dr. Waltrep will be scheduled after all of the above are checked off on our tracker list. After that, everything is sent to HealthNet for approval and a date is set for surgery.
December 29, 2006: One-on-one scheduled for January 3, 2007

Like everyone else, I am of course hoping for a first round approval!

The grades are in!

They aren't the best least not both of them. I earned an A in Human Development, and a B in Microbiology (an A would have been fabulous!). Anyway, I can relax a bit until the madness begins again in late August. What will I do when I have graduated, received a degree, and can get a job like a normal person? I'll have nothing to b*tch and gripe about! At least then we can seriously look into leaving here and heading for the East Coast. I am sooooo sick of California. Sure...the weather is great most of the time-except the 114 degree days in the summer! I just need a change of pace...and there is no pace other than fast-forward in CA!

About Me
Elk Grove, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2006
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