I really don’t know where to start my story but here goes……I have been very big my whole life. I don’t remember my exact weight at any time while I was growing up except when I was in 5th grade. We had one of those sessions where they check your height, weight, hearing, eyes, etc.  I can remember this so vividly because the teacher had this one guy in our class to take up the little cards that the nurse wrote all of this information on.  I tried to hide my card from him, but he made a lot of noise about it because of course, he was just waiting to see what I weighed!! I weighed 199 lbs at that point in my life.  I have steadily gained weight over the years but was still fairly healthy because I was able to remain active. Fast forward to December, 2003…..I was a director of the school aged child care program at the local elementary school where I had worked for 12 years. We got a new supervisor and she just basically decided she didn’t like me and I lost my job. ( North Carolina has no laws against this so you can lose your job “just because”)  I was having a hard time finding a new job. I really became depressed and completely hit “rock bottom.”  I lost my apartment and had to move back home. I didn’t want to move back in with my parents, so I moved to my Grandmother’s house which is actually 2 apartments together, so I had some privacy.  My family was very supportive and helped me out as much as possible. My unemployment eventually ran out, and I was desperately struggling to find a job.  It was really bad and I just packed on the pounds!!  I finally found a job in 2005 and things were looking up for me! I had a job that paid better than I had ever made in my life, and I was just getting back on my feet and living again!! Then, disaster struck again!!  I broke my foot in 2006 and my ability to move declined pretty fast after that. I was in 2 different casts, then a boot, then 2 different braces. I lost all feeling in my leg and it still hasn’t all returned. It is very difficult to get around, but I manage to get by.  I am a single Mom of a great 13 year old named Dakota. He is truly my reason for living!!  I know that my story is mild compared to what some people go through, and I am thankful for the mobility that I still have!   I want to have surgery so that I can lose weight and lead a much better life. I want to be able to go with my son to amusement parks and walk around with him and maybe even ride some rides!!  I want to be able to walk into the stadium at his football games and sit in the stands with the other parents (I have to be driven in there now and sit over towards the end zone because that’s as far as I can walk.)  I just want to be able to live life to the fullest and make him as proud of me as I am of him!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 29, 2006
Member Since

Friends 68

Latest Blog 30
A WOW moment.....
Happy Fall Ya'll!!!!!
3 month post-op check up
1 year down the road
I've had my moments........
Just a general update......
A really nice thought for the day!!
