Merry Christmas!!

Dec 23, 2008

Hello everyone!! I just noticed that I haven't posted lately. I know I have been pretty busy with the holidays but I didn't realize it had been a month!  Anyway, I guess time flies when you are having fun, lol.  I met my goal for the year......200 lbs lost!!!! 
I was so excited!  I just hope it continues!!!

I haven't been able to go shopping in about 5 or 6 years, so it has just been wonderful to shop again!  I love it, but my wallet is screaming in protest!!  It is just so amazing when I stop to think about how blessed I am. I have my life back.  It is overwhelming when I stop to think that last Christmas, I had to sit in the car and watch the hustle and bustle. I felt like an outsider. I was a prisoner of my own body. Now, I can be in the middle of it all and I love every bit of it!  If I meet someone who is grouchy, I just smile and tell them to have a great day. 

I hope all of you have a safe, happy, healthy holiday season!
Until next time......
Merry Christmas!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 29, 2006
Member Since

Friends 68

Latest Blog 30
A WOW moment.....
Happy Fall Ya'll!!!!!
3 month post-op check up
1 year down the road
I've had my moments........
Just a general update......
A really nice thought for the day!!
