
Aug 06, 2005

Not much going on today, I am home by myself because Mom is gone for a week. We found out my cousin Linda who lives in Ohio has cancer. They found a growth in her leg. She is only a year older than me. It's a shock.  My mom decided to go out and see them. Linda will have surgery to remove the growth within the next couple days. Not exactly sure when yet. I hope and pray everything goes alright.


This morning I went and signed 20 surgery pages of those having surgery tomorrow. I will try and sign more later this afternoon. I noticed that it seems the same 4-5 people sign the pages.. seems a bit sad since there are hundreds on the boards.


Aug 01, 2005

Today was the Pre-Operative Group. First we met with the Dietician and went over the "Blended Diet" in more detail. Showing us what we can utilize to help us with the first months diet. Different Products that we can use and what to stay away from. It was pretty exciting because there were several people in the group that were scheduled to have surgery this very week and next. We were instructed to cut down fats & Sweets as well as fast foods and junk.


The second half of the group was from the Office Manager Sally C. She discussed with us what to expect during the pre-ops, surgery day, and the next 3 days while in the hospital. In addition, what to bring and NOT to bring at the hospital. It was a nice day over all and I feel better now about what i can expect and what my grocery list should be to prepare for the surgery. I can't wait!


Jul 30, 2005

Today was my sister's wedding!!! OMG it was so beautiful.. She looked awesome! Her new husband sang to her at the wedding too. during the ceremony! There wasnt a dry eye in the place. I am so happy for her and her new husband! I have added some pics here so you all can see


Jul 28, 2005

Hello All my wonderful OH Family! I had an appointment with my surgeon today Dr. Bruce Thayer to do a weight in. I lost 6 pounds! Which is good for me! I have been walking and trying to eat less.

Today I also got in the mail from another family member here at OH some Protein samples!!! Thank you so much Linda!!!


Jul 25, 2005

Again its been awhile. But that is because my sister is getting married in 5 days on July 31st. Monday night we made all the center pieces and the wedding favors. We were up until the late hours making bows and things. UGH!! lol.. Today is my sisters birthday so we had a bit of cake for her, which was made by the same place that is making her wedding cake, so we got a taste of what it will be like.. As excited as I am about the surgery, I had to put it back a notch and concentrate on my sister. My aunt made all the flowers and shipped them from Florida where she lives. They came in the mail today. My goodness they were amazing!! Absolutely beautiful. I promise you all that I will get a good couple pics of me all dressed up (I am the maid of honor) and with my bouquet. And put them on the site. I believe they will make awesome before pictures.


Also I called the Dietician to make sure I was doing the right things. Apparently, I wasnt doing somethings like NOT eating fried foods. Welp I have been eating those.. But cutting down on other things. And trying very hard to stop with the caffeine. Which is my big obstacle. But I am determined to do the right things. I have also spoken to my future brother-in-law who is big into exercise, he gave me a few ideas for my arms and such.  Well, I think I am going to go, and I am sure I will right after the wedding. Bye for now...


Jul 18, 2005

Its been a few days since I have written. I called and left a message for my Nutritionist yesterday. I haven't heard anything back yet. I want to make sure while I still have time that I am not supposed to be on a diet. I was told just to cut down. She didnt say to diet. But I still feel like I am not doing something I should.  So I want to make sure. on July 31st. My sister is getting married. I am so stressed out trying to make sure everything is right. I am her maid of honor and I can't even find a pair of shoes to match my dress. I tried to get a pair dyed but the place I went wont do it because its short notice. Well the wedding was moved from May 21st 2006 to July of this year. Every cent I have was put into this wedding and I still have $500 left to pay for my "Program Fee" before I can have the surgery. Which is August 29, 2005.  I am panicking and wondering what the heck I am going to do if I can't come up with the rest by surgery date. My short term disability is already set and my Medical Leave is already set. I dont know, I guess we will see.


Jul 13, 2005

Ok, now I am 47 days away from my surgery and I am about to jump out of my skin! I have another "check me out" appointment on July 29th at which is also the same day of my sisters wedding rehersal dinner. So that will be a fun run from one place to the other lol. My gallbladder ultrasound and dietary information meeting is August 2nd. August 22nd is my pre-op date. So I have much to look forward to. Since my last post I have read Barbara Thompsons book, "WLS Finding the thin person hiding inside you". I have pretty much read anything I can get my hands on. I also bought a book at Barnes & Nobles "Eating Healthy after WLS" its a cookbook geared for gastric, lap or band surgery patients who are looking for good tasting NON bland foods for every stage of their dietary phases after surgery.

I have been reading every single label before I buy it.. I also believe I may have developed a fear of sugar. So I am being trying to understand which sugars are ok and which are not. Anyway, I think I have written enough for now. More later....

First Post

Jun 27, 2005

Well, my name is Kim and I am 34 years old.. I have researched WLS for about a year and finally decided this is the time for me. I have been overweight almost my entire life. Over the last 10 years I became obese and Morbidly so over the last couple years. Quite Frankly, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I can barely walk anymore. The pain in my back and knees is almost unbareable. My sister is getting married next month and is so happy. Most of my happiness has been gone for many years. I want to claim my life back and get to doing what I want to do. So on August 29th 2005 Dr. Bruce Thayer will perform the Open RNY Gastric ByPass and my life will start anew.

About Me
Uniontown , OH
Surgery Date
Jun 27, 2005
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July 4, 2005
May 6, 2012

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