All the old post's from 2003 - 2007

Jun 23, 2009

Jordene Sutton
Albuquerque, NM, USA
Post Op - BMI: 45.0
Surgery Type: RNY
Member ID: s1046151522
Contact: Click here to send a Personal Message
Surgeon: John Schriver, M.D.

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05/07/07 Oh what a journey! Well, it's been four years since the surgery. So much has happened. First I will say, I eventually got down to 167 lbs from originally weighing 262.5 lbs. I have gained back in the last year... I am currently at 195 lbs. I have been horrible with my eating habits. I have learned that the surgery is truly only a tool and not a magical answer. I used to wear a size 3 or 4 X... I can now wear L or XL comfortably. I did get into a size 12 jeans, but I am now wearing a tight 14 or loose 16. Still a lot better than the 24's or 26's I used to wear four years ago. I have learned that I am an emotional eater, a complusive eater. I obsess about food and that is something I have to address in another avenue!
I can eat just about anything I choose. HOWEVER!!!! I avoid birthday cake, ice cream, thick bagels & pretzels, pasta. I have become lactose intolerant and can not consume milk at all anymore. I used to be hooked on Coca Cola... can't do that anymore... too sweet. i can drink Diet cola's. The carbonation is not good for me... unfortunately I am addicted to Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi and find it hard to go without it for long. I occasionally can get off of it and just drink Crystal lite or Tea. I find that when I don't drink soda, I am less gassy, which is a good thing!
As far as the amount of food I can consume... I pretty much stick to a normal size serving of food. Like what is said on the food pyramid guide... A cup of vegetables and maybe a piece of chicken the size of a deck of cards. If I don't let my love of food and obsession of food get in the way, I can go a whole day and eat the following... a 6 oz. serving of yogurt, a cheese stick for breakfast, 2 or 3 cups of coffee with sugar substitute and regular liquid cremer, a small side salad and a piece of chicken the size of a deck of cards for lunch, an apple and a handful of pretzels for afternoon snack, then a half a cup or a whole cup of vegetables and a deck of cards sized piece of meat for dinner.
I work as a medical assistant at a medical clinic and we often get a catered lunch. It is hard to resist free food, especially when it tastes so good. It is still a daily struggle to do what is right and what is healthy for me and my body.
After four years, so much has changed, not only my body, my eating habits, but my personal life. I got divorced two years ago. My ex husband said one time that it seemed like he was sleeping with a stranger, my body had changed so much. He has already gotten re-married to another woman is exactly the size I used to be. So... guess he just likes the chubbier variety! That's okay... I am better off! I have a fiance I have been with for a while now. He encourages me to be healthier and exercise.
That brings me to the subject of exercise... I haven't been exercising, never have since the surgery really. I have a heart condition and get exhausted easily... I don't have a lot of stamina. But, since the surgery, I do have more energy that when I was heavier. I can get a lot more done around the house now. I don't sit around and watch tv all the time anymore. I enjoy getting out and walking with the kids to the park.. walking my new Basset Hound Puppy named Droopy!!
In addition to a new fiance, I have a new daughter too. My fiance's daughter. Life has changed a lot since the surgery.

02/19/04 Oh, I am bad! I haven't updated since September!! I just left a support meeting for gastric bypass patients at the Army hospital. I hadn't been to one of those since about October. It was nice to see everyone and get some more support and info. I have lost 95.5 lbs now. It still seems so unreal. I am wearing a size 12.... I have also lost about an inch in height. I was 5'5"... I am now 5' 4". I went from a 10 shoe to a 9 or 9 1/2. I am now smaller than I was in 7th grade! It is soo incredible. I am so energetic. I am always on the go. And when I am home I am busy doing this and that. My old friend, the couch, and my old best friend the TV... I hardly use them anymore! I stay busy cleaning the house, doing laundry. When I do sit down I am doing homework or studying. School is going well, I am making a cummulative 4.0 gpa. I am pretty proud of myself for that. I have been doing more with my kids. I even have jumped on the trampoline a few times with them. It is a lot of fun. I actually raced my son from a parking lot to a building. He won... but not by much!! I feel more peaceful these days. I am happy with myself. If I don't lose another pound I will be perfectly happy with this body. I still struggle with wanting to eat more than I should... but when I try, I can't anyway.. it is more of a mind thing now. I will try to post an
"after" pic soon. I think I am pretty much where I will stay. I wouldn't mind losing a nice even 100 lbs.. we will see!!
2/19/04 167 lbs!

09/09/03 Well, I am down now 72.5 lbs. I started school for medical assisting. I also started a job at Brylane, a call center for catalogs. I am feeling energetic and alive. I hardly think about food anymore. I eat to survive. My house is cleaner and I am enjoying my kids. It seems like 72 lbs have just melted right off with no effort. But it has been a little hard... getting used to portions and not eating certain things. It has been worth it. I still enjoy foods I have before... just not as much! 09/09/03 190 lbs!

08/23/03 WOOO HOOOO!!! I am under 200!! It is a milestone. I hit 199 this morning! I have lost 63.5 lbs. I can't believe it. My neighbors aren't recognizing me now. I started back to school. I am training to be a medical assistant. I am excited about that... but more than that, when I had to get the scrubs we wear.. I thought I would take a 1X or maybe an XL. Nope! I had to get a Large. Just a regular size people Large! I went to Lane Bryant and tried on clothes to figure out what size I wear.. I am in 14's now. I started off wearing 24 jeans and 26/28 tops, or 3X. It is unbelievable. I am trying to find a part time job so I can afford to buy new clothes!! My husband said the other night it was like he is sleeping with a different person. But I am still the same inside. There's just 63.5 lbs less of me these days! 8/23/03 199 lbs.

07/19/03 I am now down 53 lbs. Does not seem real sometimes. My husband has been noticing. He calls me "skinny minnie" Or he will smile at me and say... "you are melting away!" Now I can say I am glad I had it done. The first month and a half was rough. I wondered if I did the right thing. But now that I am used to the eating and everything, I am really glad I did it and I would do it again.. .even if I didn't lose another pound. It is a great feeling that my nine year old son can actually hug me around the waist and clasp his hands together! I have gotten rid of the 26/28 and 22/24 clothes... waiting to get rid of the 18/20's. I want to have a party or something when I get below 200. I haven't weighed under 200 since college. And that was only because I had a meter reading job with the electric company and walked all the time. I lost 70 lbs that year! But when I quit the job, the weight came back on the following year til I leveled out at my normal 235. Well, I am signing off today at 209!! Woo Hoo! 7/19/03 209lbs.

06/28/03 Well, clothes are hanging on me now. I am down 45 lbs. I am doing a lot better with my eating. I had a spell there for a while that I was throwing up everything. Finally discovered I couldn't handle soda. If I drank it alone hours before or after a meal... it was okay... but even tiny sips right before, during or right after eating made me throw up. So... I quit soda for good. It is just not worth the trouble! I have finally tried Crystal Lite... wonderful alternative to water. Also, the brand Wyler's makes something similiar that is cheaper and is the same stuff basically. 5 calories, no sugar or sodium. I have really gotten used to the portions now. I know my limits. Also, I think the feeling of fullness has returned. For a while, I just did 2-4 oz... now I can tell when I am full. I have to be really careful not to overeat by eating too fast. Sometimes, if I eat too fast.. I will throw up, but only a few bites worth. Sorry to be graphic! Oh... and the good news now is that I am noticing I have more energy. I am actually keeping the house a lot cleaner without a whole lot of effort it seems. I am not just laying on the couch all day any longer! Woo Hoo! 6/28/03 217.5 lbs.

6/10/03 Thought I would check in. I am now down 37lbs. Doesn't seem possible. I am really getting used to eating super small portions. I eat two saltine crackers with chicken salad on them for one meal. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it is to me. I am finally resigned to not eating the real fatty stuff I used to. And flour tortillas do not work!! When I go to restaurants with my family.. I just ask for a plate. I take a teaspoon of this and that from everyone's plates. They don't mind.. it is usually my husband and kids. The thing I am not doing is my water, protein and exercising. I can't seem to get up and do any exercising. I am in El Paso and it is already hotter than @#$&!!! And the protein, I just don't like drinking the protein drinks because they make me feel too full... and I am only drinking 2-3 ozs at a time. I just try to eat as much protein rich foods as I can. The water... I think I am just bored with. I try tea and I should probably try some crystal lite. Well, that's it for this time! 6/10/03 225.5 lbs.

5/28/03 Well, getting close to the one month mark. I have to admit that I have been having problems lately. I keep trying different foods and of course they are the wrong foods. I have been vomiting them back up. I guess I am dumping. I get a bad pain in my chest.. like the food is stuck.. and then I just have to go to the bathroom and throw up. If I eat heathly it is not a problem. So, I just have to do that!! I think I have lost about 26 lbs now. It is slowing down. I am not drinking my water as I should and I haven't been doing the protein, so I have to get busy on that. I do notice clothes fitting looser. Oh and the good news is, my hubby is back!!! He got home the 25th. I am so happy he is safe. 5/28/03 236 lbs.

5/15/03 2 week annv. I am doing great. I have lost 20.5 lbs. I got the dreaded staples out. Now I am on a soft diet. Hard headed me, I just had to try some chicken strips...that is what I have wanted most. Some went down okay the first time. The second try I had to vomit. I ate too fast and it felt like it got stuck in my chest. I will leave those alone for a long time! At least I got it out of my system! I also tried half of a donut. I thought God wouldn't be that cruel to me to make me not have sugary stuff again. It went down alright... I ate it really slow. But I didn't feel the greatest. I probably got a sugar high. So, I will leave that alone now! I am the type of person who obsesses with things... once I have something in my mind,it is hard for me to let go of it. So... I tried stuff and now I know! I started walking yesterday I only went about 10 minutes. Just got tired and my muscles felt so stiff. But it felt good to be outside and trying to walk. I have to get moving, my mom is leaving next Tues and I will be left with my active 2 yr old and my 9 yr old. I think I am ready. Plus... my hubby is supposed to be home in the next few weeks from Kuwait/Iraq.. so I have to keep the house nice and ready for him! I will be a busy lady! I go back to the doctor tues for a follow up and to get bloodwork done. See how my iron and everything is. I guess that is it for now. 5/15/03 242lbs.

5/7/03 I am on the OTHER SIDE!!!! I am feeling great 6 days post op. I am getting used to portion control.. even though I am still only on clear liquids until my follow up appt on 5/13.. I will get staples out then. They are a bugging right now. But hey.. I am really doing okay. I am past the pain... not taking any pain meds since Monday night. I am sleeping in my own bed... on either side. That's all for now... oh... plus I have already lost 9 little pounds. I keep getting on the scales to make sure it is real!!!! Hope I don't drive myself nuts with that!! 5/7/03 253.5 lbs!!!

4/30/03 Just got back from hospital. Got all the pre-admit things taken care of. It seems surreal. I never thought this day would come. I have thought of this surgery for so long. Even longer than before Carnie Wilson had hers done. I wished for a magic pill... we all know none exsist. I keep thinking of this procedure as a tool. A true tool to help me finally win the battle of the bulge. It seems almost sadistic that I have to go through what I am about to go through to acheive a permanent weight loss. But I know it isn't sadistic. It is necessary for my survival. I do not want to go into heart failure ever again. I want to live. And I not only want to live, I want to have a good quality of life. How selfish of me! LOL! Well, selfish I will be! I am so nervous... but soooo ready. I will see all of you on the other side!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOOOOO!!!! 4/30/03 weighed a nice even 260!! Not for long! weighed 262.5 on home scales. I will go by home scales since I can weigh more often at home!

4/27/03 I GOT A SURGERY DATE!! The Dr. called this morning and asked if I would be ready for May 1st. I said yes!! So... wish me luck. Would love to hear from anyone that has had an open RNY done recently.

Well, two months gone by... I talked to a Dr. from the surgical clinic at the Army Hosp. I am the next person on the list to be called and scheduled for surgery. Probably looking at a surgery date in the first week of June!!! That is fine.. I can wait a little longer. My hubby is hopefully coming home within the next month. He ended up in Qatar, Kuwait and Iraq... something to do with a war over there!!!!! He is fine and okay. It was stressful, so it definitely took my mind off of surgery. The waiting for a date hasn't bothered me. But now that he is on his way home soon, I can concentrate on getting myself ready for the big life change! I will update as soon as I get a surgery date. I hope to put a picture of me on here before I go in for surgery. 4/24/03 weigh 265 (war pounds!)

"On the List"(of people awaiting a surgery date) Military wife, husband in Saudi indefinitely. I have been overweight my entire life. Suffered Congestive Heart Failure two years with birth of second child. Recovered almost completely from that. Cardiologist actually wrote letter for my PCP to get me intial consultation for WLS. Going thru Military hospital for WLS. Have been told it is RNY open and gallbladder is coming out too. Right now(2/24/03) the LIST is about 45 people long... Dr. Schriver said maybe two months I will have date for surgery. I have completed all the tests and just waiting for OR time!
2/24/03 weigh 255

Jordene's Stat's
Date 5/1/03 6/1/03 7/2/03 7/31/03
WEIGHT 262.5 230 215 206.5
BMI 43.7 38.3 35.8 34.4
Neck 16 1/2 16 15 15
Breast 49 1/2 47 46 1/2 46 1/2
Under Breast 40 1/2 38 38 37 1/2
Upper Arm 19 16 14 13
Wrist 7 1/2 7 7 6 3/4
Top Roll 49 44 42 42
Waist 46 43 41 1/2 39 1/2
Bottom Roll 53 51 1/2 49 1/2 47
Hips 55 1/2 52 49 46
Upper Thigh 31 1/2 25 24 1/2 23 1/2
Calf 18 1/2 17 1/2 17 16 1/2
Ankle 10 9 1/2 9 1/2 9 1/2
Foot 10 9 3/4 9 1/2 9 1/4

Lbs lost this month 32.5 15 8.5
Lbs lost altogether 32.5 47.5 56.0
Inches lost altogether 30 1/4 14 1/4 10
Inches lost altogether 30 1/4 44 1/2 55 1/2


Night before surgery 4/30/03. It was hard to look at these photos.

Hospital Reviews
  • (Fort Bliss, TX) - William Beaumont Army Medical Center
    Surgeon Info:
    Surgeon: John Schriver, M.D.
    Very thorough with his explanations of risks and how the procedure is done. He was also clear on expectations of surgery results for me. He seems to be a dedicated Dr. trying to help as many as he can. He is limited by the amount of surgeries he can perform weekly. He is active duty Army and using Army Medical facility. He has a monthly support group meeting at the hospital that he encourages everyone to attend. There is also low impact aerobics for WLS patients weekly at the hospital. So far so good. I intially saw him Dec. 15th completed all the required testing and saw another surgeon he works with on Feb. 6th... was placed on the "List" awaiting a surgery date. Only complaint I have is the length of time it is until I can actually have surgery.
    Insurer Info:
    Tricare Prime (military)
    Going through Army Hospital. As long as there are referrals from primary care physician and everything is approved by surgeon, all costs are 100% covered. I do not know what the timeline would be for a referral to a "civilian" doctor and hospital would be. There was basically no involement of the insurance company for approval of procedure. The doctors at the Army hospital decided the procedure would be done after their various tests and that was all the approval necessary. I have been an Air Force brat and now an Army wife of 11 yrs... I have always received precisely the care I needed with minimal obstruction from the insurance... be it CHAMPUS or Tricare Prime. The only gripe I have is that the U.S.government changed the coverage for retired military beneficiaries that they have to now pay a yearly premium to retain the coverage and at whatever age...62 or 65 they have to be covered by medicare. When my father orginally retired... the medical coverage was premiums paid and they could use the medical facilities on any military installation for free. I would still recommend the military system to anyone. Outstanding doctors and an okay insurance.



About Me
Albuquerque, NM
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2003
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