possible guest speakers

Mar 09, 2012

Been chatting with  nutrition experts and fitness experts.... lining them up as future speakers.  So excited about our first meeting next week.


Oct 06, 2011

Went to see Dr Coon... have lost 2.5 pounds.  Not estatic with this but not too sad either.  My insurance won't pay for any surgery to help... have to be back at the beginning weight problems to do so.

I am working on getting in more protein a day... using shakes and real food.  Having a bar when I am hungry between meals. Also really concentrating on getting low fat/low sugar foods... and of course low carb.

I go back next month for a follow up to see how the dietary change is working.

Still have to get to the gym.

still going slow

Oct 03, 2011

Here it is almost a month... still can't get 2 shakes in a day... I am just so hungry with that... working on doing at least 1.  I am working on eating more protein rich food and less carbs of any type.  I know I have lost a 2-3 pounds... not what Dr Coons wants.... however I went shopping so now have some shakes so that will help with getting the shakes in..

I have also been eating the Pure Protein bars, at times, when I haven't had a shake, or am so hungry to keep me from eating the wrong things.

Still haven't gone to the gym or done any exercise.  Don't like myself for that. Actually feel like I am letting myself down which means I need to make it a HIGH PRIORITY.


slow going

Sep 26, 2011

Things have been going slow.... since we started our move in June I haven't been to the gym.  Have quickly slipped back into the "do nothing" life style.  Gained several pounds back because of it.  Went to see Dr Coon earlier this month and he put me on 2 shakes a day.... some days I do, some days I don't.  I have lost some, how much I don't know.  Just know that my clothes are fitting better.  Still no exercise tho.  Really miss it, but need extra funds to pay for it.  And right now everything is going into the house.  Keep promising myself that this month I will sign back up or I will start walking, or do SOMETHING.  Unfortunately, I keep putting it on the back burner... kind of like when the kids were small, they got before we did.

I have to get back to at least walking.  Especially, now that I am getting more protein in and I am really working on the water too.  All three together help us move towards success.

I am watching the fat and sugar counts in foods.... once in a great while I have something that isn't within the guidelines, but am getting better and better at not sneaking.... not that it is really sneaking since I still know what I have done to myself. lol

Onward to a better me!

More on the Pouch Test

Mar 23, 2011

Yesterday was day 3... no gym - it was a day of rest for the body - ate really good till I went to the mixer... had 2 glasses of wine, then went to dinner with friends.  Had fish and beans - which was good, but also had about 5 tortilla chips and 1 flour tortilla.  Today, I am going back to day 4 menu.  Have Zumba tonight, so I won't do weights until tomorrow.

5 Day Pouch Test & Gym

Mar 21, 2011

Well, today I did it.  I started the 5 Day Pouch Test.. yesterday I started adding weight training to my activities.  Changed the activities from treadmill with 500+ calories burned to 30 minutes with 300+ calories burned and weight training. Yesterday was upper body, today was leggs... both days I did crunches.

I have had 3 shakes today so far, 2 Pure Proteins, and 1 Unjury with a few frozen strawberries & a quarter of a banana, plus 8 oz of almond milk. And I had the Split Pea Soup, mmmmmmm good.

Lots of energy... sometimes a slight headache.  That I think comes from "carb with-drawl"... kind of like cutting back on nictorine or booze.

All 'n' all I am pleased with today.

Today is day 2... feeling much better... the split pea soup is awesome!  I still have a couple of cups left and will have that today, plus I have some frozen Ham & Cheese Soup... hard to believe it is sooo good for me.

Gym today was good... did 34 minutes on the tread mill (335 cal) and then upper body.  Love the gyms crunch machine.  I can really feel it working.  Dropped 3 pounds since yesterday morning.  I am weighting at the gym in my shoes, etc.  Figure if I use that one consistently then it will be a truer tracking of the weight.  I won't weight tomorrow as I won't be at the gym... tomorrow is Le Tip, training, and mixer.  not sure when I could fit it in... maybe when I get home from training.... we'll see if I can at least get some treadmill in.


eating and gym

Mar 19, 2011

Wow... I seemed to have gained some weight but lost inches... not too sure I like this.  Am starting the 5 day pouch test today as I feel I just eat too much.  I can eat 2+ pieces of pizza.  When I eat smaller amounts I am still so hungry.  If I the 5 day pouch test doesn't help (and maybe even if it does) I am going to request some kind of check on the size of my tummy.  I seem to eat so much more at a sitting then any of my rny friends do.  

Last week was a disaster for going to the gym... headed back today, starting the week out right... with the gym and the 5 day pouch test.  Tomorrow I am also having a colon cleanse (super enama -sp)... friend of mine has a spa that does this, said they used to do this before they invented laxatives!!  Anyway, my "by products" (gas & bowel movements) have been so bad lately I am hoping this cleanse will help get rid of any of the stuff sticking around in there too long.  I will post how I feel afterwards.



Feb 25, 2011

Been going to the gym fairly regularly now for 2 months... Feel much better.  Predominately doing the Treadmill and Zumba (so far only Thursdays).  Not going on Wednesdays and most Saturdays.  But going 5 days a week. Like I said earlier, feeling better and staying off the scale... don't want the scale to influence me.

I am still struggling with water and protein... eating 3 meals a day.  I know what I should do, just having a hard time with the self discipline part.
  I feel like I am on a teeter-totter with those areas of my life.  Only thing I know to do is keep plugging along.

Have found great recipes through starfire and the neighborhood from Kaye Bailey (5 day pouch test).  Even Robert likes them.


Almost a year!

Jan 24, 2011

It is so hard for me to believe that it will be a year since my surgery in just 25 days.  I think I will have a party for my new birthday.  My weight loss has slowed considerably... I am now going to the gym at least 5 days a week and at mimimum doing 45 minutes on the treadmill.  I feel stuck at the 174 stage and want to get down to my goal. 

I am struggling with carbs... working on that as I type.  Got Kaye Bailey's cook books to help with fixing the right things... and keeping my eye on other websites that offer recipes.  I am working on practicing the 2x1 system... 2 bites of protein, then 1 bite of complex carbs (veggie or starch).  No breads/starches with breakfast, just protein. Sometimes sandwich for lunch using the sandwich thins or bagel thins or 1 slice of wholewheat/wholegrain bread, dinner - chicken, fish, or pork with veggie and small starch.  My biggest area is snacking.  It is soooo hard at night.  I am working on high protein snacks... I do munch on small size (about half a cup) of mixed nuts sometimes.... I crave the crunch, salty, then sweet.  I am learning to get over myself on this and it is incredibly hard.

What's that old song... We shall, We shall, Over come!  That is me... I will change.

11 Months

Jan 10, 2011

Wow, it has been almost 11 months since my surgery.  So far I am down a total of 86 pounds... Sometimes I feel thinner and others I just cannot see the weight loss.  And I am still struggling with elimating my big clothes.  Still have a closet full of 'em. A friend told me it was because I had lost so much weight before with the lap band, had to have it removed and gained it back... that I might be afraid something like that will happen again.  Maybe she is right.

Joined a gym over the weekend and went to my first yoga class since 1985!!! Wow, is the only word to use.  I could get close to all the positions and I did the whole hour!  Very pleased with myself on that note.  Going to go get on their tread mill today.

I know I am still eating too many carbs... working, working working on this one.

And I am working on a new pix of myself!  Gotta get that updated.

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About Me
Hemet, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 22, 2004
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